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Diputacion Foral de Alava and Gobierno Vasco v Commission (State aid)   flag 

[2009] EUECJ T-228/01
Court of Justice of the European Communities
9th September, 2009

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Asklepios Kliniken v Commission [2007] ECR II-2379 Europe circa 2007 flag 7
Salvat père & fils and Others v Commission [2007] ECR II-4063 Europe circa 2007 flag 14
Commission v Spain [2006] EUECJ C-485/03; [2006] ECR I-11887 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 14 Dec 2006 BAILII flag 12
Belgium and Forum 187 v Commission [2006] EUECJ C-182/03; [2006] ECR I-5479 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 22 Jun 2006 BAILII flag 65
Koninklijke Coöperatie Cosun [2006] ECR I-10211 Europe circa 2006 flag 22
Asociación de Estaciones de Servicio de Madrid and Federación Catalana de Estaciones de Servicio v Commission [2006] ECR II-4739 Europe circa 2006 flag 9
Ter Lembeek v Commission [2006] ECR II-4483 Europe circa 2006 flag 16
Air One v Commission [2006] ECR II-1343 Europe circa 2006 flag 24
Unicredito Italiano [2005] EUECJ C-148/04; [2005] ECR I-11137 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 15 Dec 2005 BAILII flag 29
Italy v Commission [2005] EUECJ C-66/02; [2005] ECR I-10901 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 15 Dec 2005 BAILII flag 33
Dansk RÃ rindustri and Others v Commission [2005] EUECJ C-189/02; [2005] ECR I-5425 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 28 Jun 2005 BAILII flag 213
v Commission [2005] ECR II-787 Europe circa 2005 flag 17
Verein fà r Konsumenteninformation v Commission [2005] ECR II-1121 Europe circa 2005 flag 20
Atzeni [2005] EUECJ C-346/03; [2006] ECR I-1875 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe circa 2005 BAILII flag 29
Regione autonoma della Sardegna v Commission [2005] ECR II-2123 Europe circa 2005 flag 27
Honeywell v Commission [2005] ECR II-5527 Europe circa 2005 flag 25
Daewoo Electronics Manufacturing Espana v Commission (State aid) [2004] EUECJ C-183/02; [2005] 1 CMLR 31; [2004] ECR I-10609 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 11 Nov 2004 BAILII flag 20
Ramondà n and Others v Commission [2004] EUECJ C-186/02; [2005] 1 CMLR 32; [2004] ECR I-10653 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 11 Nov 2004 BAILII flag 19
Italy v Commission [2004] EUECJ C-372/97; [2004] ECR I-3679 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 29 Apr 2004 BAILII flag 32
Spain v Commission [2004] ECR I-06717 Europe circa 2004 flag 6
Italy v Commission [2004] ECR I-4087 Europe circa 2004 flag 48
Technische Glaswerke Ilmenau v Commission [2004] EUECJ T19801; [2004] 3 CMLR 7; [2004] ECR II-2717 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe circa 2004 BAILII flag 21
Microsoft v Commission [2004] ECR II-2977 Europe circa 2004 flag 14
Regione Siciliana v Commission [2003] ECR II-5015 Europe circa 2003 flag 17
Italy v Commission [2002] EUECJ C-310/99; [2002] ECR I-2289 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 7 Mar 2002 BAILII flag 53
Diputación Foral de Álava and Others v Commission [2002] ECR II-1275 Europe circa 2002 flag 26
Diputación Foral de Álava and Others v Commission [2002] ECR II-1385 Europe circa 2002 flag 27
Diputación Foral de Álava and Others v Commission [2002] ECR II-4259 Europe circa 2002 flag 19
Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa and Others v Commission [2002] ECR II-4217 Europe circa 2002 flag 18
Falck and Acciaierie di Bolzano v Commission [2002] ECR I-7869 Europe circa 2002 flag 88
Government of Gibraltar v Commission [2002] ECR II-2309 Europe circa 2002 flag 49
Keller and Keller Meccanica v Commission [2002] ECR II-261 Europe circa 2002 flag 18
Netherlands v Council [2001] EUECJ C-301/97; [2001] ECR I-8853 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 22 Nov 2001 BAILII flag 29
Moccia Irme v Commission [2001] EUECJ C-280/99; [2001] ECR I-4717 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 21 Jun 2001 BAILII flag 43
Regione autónoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia v Commission [2001] EUECJ T-288/97; [2001] ECR II-1169 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 4 Apr 2001 BAILII flag 19
Netherlands v Council [2001] ECR I-8763 Europe circa 2001 flag 28
Italy and Sardegna Lines v Commission [2000] EUECJ C-15/98; [2000] ECR I-8855 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 19 Oct 2000 BAILII flag 48
Alzetta v Commission [2000] ECR II-2319 Europe circa 2000 flag 25
CETM v Commission [2000] ECR II-3207 Europe circa 2000 flag 48
Belgium v Commission [1999] EUECJ C-75/97; [1999] ECR I-3671 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 17 Jun 1999 BAILII flag 84
Italy v Commission [1999] EUECJ C-6/97; [1999] ECR I-2981 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 19 May 1999 BAILII flag 45
Asia Motor France v Commission [1999] ECR II-1703 Europe circa 1999 flag 26
Commission v Sytraval and Brink's France [1998] EUECJ C-367/95P; [1998] ECR I-1719 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 2 Apr 1998 BAILII flag 317
Pharos v Commission [1998] EUECJ T-105/96; [1998] ECR I-5441 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 17 Feb 1998 BAILII flag 16
European Night Services v Commission [1998] ECR II-3141; [1998] 5 CMLR 718; [1998] CEC 955 Europe circa 1998 flag 79
Vlaams Gewest v Commission [1998] ECR II-717 Europe circa 1998 flag 99
BFM and EFIM v Commission [1998] ECR II-3437 Europe circa 1998 flag 63
National Power plc [1997] EUECJ C-151/97; [1997] ECR I-3491 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 17 Jun 1997 BAILII flag 17
Spain v Commission [1997] EUECJ C-169/95; [1997] ECR I-135 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 14 Jan 1997 BAILII flag 72
FFSA v Commission [1997] ECR II-229 Europe circa 1997 flag 33
TWD v Commission [1997] ECR I-2549 Europe circa 1997 flag 57
France v Commission [1996] EUECJ C-241/94; [1996] ECR I-4551 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 26 Sep 1996 BAILII flag 61
Sfei [1996] EUECJ C-39/94; [1996] ECR I-3547 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 11 Jul 1996 BAILII flag 97
Belgium v Commission [1996] EUECJ C-56/93; [1996] ECR I-723 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 29 Feb 1996 BAILII flag 101
Commission v Italy [1995] EUECJ C-350/93; [1995] ECR I-699 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 4 Apr 1995 BAILII flag 19
Banco Exterior de Espaà a [1994] EUECJ C-387/92; [1994] ECR I-877 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 15 Mar 1994 BAILII flag 94
Commission v Greece [1993] EUECJ C-183/91; [1993] ECR I-3131 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 10 Jun 1993 BAILII flag 41
CIRFS v Commission [1993] ECR I-1125 Europe circa 1993 flag 131
Technische Università t Mà nchen [1991] EUECJ C-69/90; [1991] ECR I-5469 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 13 Dec 1991 BAILII flag 132
Commission v Germany [1990] EUECJ C-5/89; [1990] ECR I-3437 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 20 Sep 1990 BAILII flag 76
Belgium v Commission [1990] EUECJ C-142/87; (1991) 3 CMLR 213; [1990] ECR I-959 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 21 Mar 1990 BAILII flag 142
Schrà der [1989] ECR 2237 Europe circa 1989 flag 89
Germany v Commission [1987] ECR 4013 Europe circa 1987 flag 40
RSV v Commission [1987] ECR 4617 Europe circa 1987 flag 41
DEFI v Commission [1986] ECR 2469 Europe circa 1986 flag 21
Denkavit Nederland [1984] ECR 2171 Europe circa 1984 flag 48
Verros v Parliament [1983] ECR 1755 Europe circa 1983 flag 22
Plaumann v Commission [1963] ECR 95 Europe circa 1963 flag 211
Confédération nationale des producteurs de fruits et légumes and Others v Council [1962] ECR 471 Europe circa 1962 flag 37

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