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North Dorset NHS Primary Care Trust v Coombs   flag 

[2013] EWCA Civ 471
England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division
United Kingdom - England and Wales
30th April, 2013

Legislation Cited

s3, s11, s17, s20, s23, s35, s37, s39, s40, s41, s47, s57, s72
Legislation Name Provision
Mental Health Act 1983 (NSW)
Prisons Act 1952 (NSW)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Rabone v Pennine Care NHS Trust [2012] UKSC 2; [2012] 2 AC 72; [2012] 2 All ER 381; [2012] 2 WLR 381; [2012] All ER (D) 59 United Kingdom Supreme Court United Kingdom 8 Feb 2012 BAILII flag 120
McKillen v Misland (Cyrpus) Investments Ltd [2012] EWHC 521 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2012 BAILII flag 2
Orchard v Lee [2009] EWCA Civ 295; [2009] PIQR P16; [2009] ELR 178 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 3 Apr 2009 BAILII flag 5
Peters v East Midlands Strategic Health Authority; East Midlands Strategic Health Authority v Nottingham City Council [2009] EWCA Civ 145; [2010] QB 48; [2009] 3 WLR 737; [2009] All ER (D) 24 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 3 Mar 2009 BAILII flag 28
Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust [2008] UKHL 74; [2009] 1 AC 681; [2009] 1 All ER 1053; (2008) 105 BMLR 180; [2009] 2 WLR 115; [2008] All ER (D) 104 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 2008 BAILII flag 67
Deutsche Morgan Grenfell Group plc v Inland Revenue Commissioners [2006] EWCA Civ 118; [2007] 1 AC 558; [2007] 1 All ER 449; [2006] 1 WLR 1865; [2006] All ER (D) 298; [2006] STI 2386; [2006] BTC 781 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 22 Feb 2006 BAILII flag 94
R (A) v Partnerships in Care Ltd [2002] EWHC 529 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2002 BAILII flag 2
R(F) v Oxfordshire Mental Health NHS Trust [2001] EWHC Admin 535 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales 2 Jul 2001 BAILII flag 4
R v Broadmoor Hospital Authority, Ex p S [1998] COD 199 United Kingdom circa 1998 flag 4
In re S-C (Mental Patient: Habeas Corpus) [1996] QB 599 United Kingdom circa 1996 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 35
ex p Hague [1992] 1 AC 58 United Kingdom circa 1992 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 235

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