Kennedy v DPP
[2012] IESC 34
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
7 Jun 2012
Revenue Commissioners v O ’ Flynn Construction
[2011] IESC 47
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
14 Dec 2011
A v Governor of Arbour Hill Prison
[2006] IESC 45; [2006] 2 ILRM 481; [2006] 4 IR 88
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
circa 2006
De Danske Bilimportà rer
[2003] ECR I-6065; [2003] 2 CMLR 41
circa 2003
Blanchfield v Hartnett
[2002] IESC 41; [2002] 2 ILRM 435; [2002] 3 IR 207
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
16 May 2002
Glencar Exploration plc v Mayo County Council (No 2)
[2001] IESC 64; [2002] 1 IR 84; [2002] 1 ILRM 481
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
19 Jul 2001
Motor Distributors Ltd v Revenue Commissioners
[2001] IEHC 19
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
2 Feb 2001
Lowth v Minister for Social Welfare
[1998] IESC 1; [1999] 1 ILRM 5; [1998] 4 IR 321
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
14 Jul 1998
Byrne v Conroy
[1997] IEHC 10; [1997] 2 ILRM 99; [1998] 3 IR 1
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
22 Jan 1997
O ’ Donnell v Dun Laoghaire Corporation
[1991] ILRM 301
Republic of Ireland
circa 1991
Browne v A-G
[1991] 2 IR 58
circa 1991
Greene v Minister for Agriculture
[1990] 2 IR 17
circa 1990
McGrath v McDermott
[1988] IR 258
circa 1988
Pine Valley Developments v Minister for the Environment
[1987] IR 23; [1987] ILRM 747
Republic of Ireland
circa 1987
Madigan v Attorney General
[1986] ILRM 136
Republic of Ireland
circa 1986
State (Keegan) v Stardust Compensation Tribunal
[1987] ILRM 202; [1986] IR 642
Republic of Ireland
circa 1986
Brennan v Attorney General
[1984] ILRM 355
Republic of Ireland
circa 1984
Norris v Attorney General
[1983] IESC 3; [1984] IR 36
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
22 Apr 1983
Murphy v Attorney General
[1982] IR 241
circa 1982
State (Lynch) v Cooney
[1982] IR 337
circa 1982
Cahill v Sutton
[1980] IR 269
circa 1980
Quinn's Supermarket v Attorney General
[1972] IR 1
circa 1972
State (Nicolaou) v An Bord Ucht á la
[1966] IR 567
circa 1966
Ryan v Attorney General
[1965] IESC 1; [1965] IR 294
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
3 Jul 1965
Revenue Commissioners v Doorley
[1933] IR 750
circa 1933