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Rivas & Stephen   flag 

[2014] FCCA 2144
Federal Circuit Court of Australia
22nd September, 2014

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011 (Cth)
Evidence Act 1995 (Cth) s140
Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) s4, s4AB, s60B, s60CA, s60CC, s61B, s61DA, s64B, s65C, s65DAA, s65DAC, s65DAE, s68LA, s121

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Bartel & Schmucker (No 3) [2012] FamCA 1094 Family Court of Australia Australia 20 Dec 2012 AustLII flag 32
MRR v GR [2010] HCA 4; (2010) 240 CLR 461; [2010] FLC 93-424; (2010) 263 ALR 368; (2010) 42 Fam LR 531; (2010) 84 ALJR 220 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 2010 AustLII flag 1940
Russell & Russell [2009] FamCA 28 Family Court of Australia Australia 22 Jan 2009 AustLII flag 102
Godfrey v Saunders [2008] FLR 287 Australia circa 2008 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 32
(abuse allegations: unacceptable risk) [2005] FamCA 892; [2005] FLC 93-235; (2005) 34 Fam LR 129 Family Court of Australia Australia 21 Sep 2005 AustLII flag 297
Fox v Percy [2003] HCA 22; (2003) 214 CLR 118; (2003) 197 ALR 201; (2003) 77 ALJR 989; (2003) 38 MVR 1; (2003) 24 Leg Rep 2; (2003) 197 AR 201 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 2003 AustLII flag 5145
B and B: Family Law Reform Act 1995 (1997) 140 FLR 11; [1997] FLC 92-755; (1997) 21 Fam LR 676 Australia circa 1997 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 696
N and S and the Separate Representative [1995] FamCA 139; [1996] FLC 92-655; (1995) 19 Fam LR 837 Family Court of Australia Australia 20 Dec 1995 AustLII flag 570
JG & BG [1994] FamCA 160; [1994] FLC 92-515; 122 FLR 209; (1994) 18 Fam LR 255 Family Court of Australia Australia 30 Sep 1994 AustLII flag 126
M v M [1988] HCA 68; (1988) 166 CLR 69; (1988) 82 ALR 577; [1988] FLC 91-979; 12 Fam LR 606; (1988) 63 ALJR 108 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1988 AustLII flag 2033

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