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H442 McKevitt v The Governor of Portlaoise Prison   flag 

[2014] IEHC 442
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
1st September, 2014

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
AC on behalf of his mother OC v The Health Service Executive [2018] IEHC 819 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 7 Sep 2018 BAILII flag
PO v GE (a minor) [2016] IEHC 557 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 10 Aug 2016 BAILII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Criminal Justice Act 1951 s23, s59
Offences Against the State Act 1939 s21

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Roche (also known as Dumbrell) v Governor of Cloverhill Prison [2014] IESC 53 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 31 Jul 2014 BAILII flag
Ryan v Governor of Midlands Prison [2014] IEHC 338 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 2 Jul 2014 BAILII flag
Cirpaci v Governor of Mountjoy Prison [2014] IEHC 76 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 25 Feb 2014 BAILII flag
FX v Clinical Director of the Central Mental Hospital [2014] IESC 01 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland circa 2014 BAILII flag
Callan v Ireland [2013] IESC 35 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 18 Jul 2013 BAILII flag
Byrne v Governor of Castlerea Prison [2007] 3 IR 451 circa 2007
Kinahan v Minister for Justice [2001] IESC 16; [2001] 4 IR 454 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 21 Feb 2001 BAILII flag
O Keeffe v An Bord Plean la [1993] 1 IR 39; [1992] ILRM 237 Republic of Ireland circa 1992 flag
Murray v Ireland [1991] ILRM 465 Republic of Ireland circa 1991 flag
State (Keegan) v Stardust Compensation Tribunal [1987] ILRM 202; [1986] IR 642 Republic of Ireland circa 1986 flag
State (McDonagh) v Frawley [1978] IR 131 circa 1978
State (Royle) v Kelly [1974] IR 259 circa 1974

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