Roche (also known as Dumbrell) v Governor of Cloverhill Prison
[2014] IESC 53
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
31 Jul 2014
Ryan v Governor of Midlands Prison
[2014] IEHC 338
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
2 Jul 2014
Cirpaci v Governor of Mountjoy Prison
[2014] IEHC 76
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
25 Feb 2014
FX v Clinical Director of the Central Mental Hospital
[2014] IESC 01
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
circa 2014
Callan v Ireland
[2013] IESC 35
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
18 Jul 2013
Byrne v Governor of Castlerea Prison
[2007] 3 IR 451
circa 2007
Kinahan v Minister for Justice
[2001] IESC 16; [2001] 4 IR 454
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
21 Feb 2001
O Keeffe v An Bord Plean la
[1993] 1 IR 39; [1992] ILRM 237
Republic of Ireland
circa 1992
Murray v Ireland
[1991] ILRM 465
Republic of Ireland
circa 1991
State (Keegan) v Stardust Compensation Tribunal
[1987] ILRM 202; [1986] IR 642
Republic of Ireland
circa 1986
State (McDonagh) v Frawley
[1978] IR 131
circa 1978
State (Royle) v Kelly
[1974] IR 259
circa 1974