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Goldsborough v Bentley   flag 

[2014] QSC 141
Supreme Court of Queensland
Australia - Queensland
26th June, 2014

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (Qld) s14A
Coroners Act 2003 (Qld)
Judicial Review Act 1991 (Qld)
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld)
Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (Qld)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Doomadgee v Clements [2005] QSC 357; [2006] 2 Qd R 352 Supreme Court of Queensland Australia - Queensland circa 2005 AustLII flag 36
Maxwell v R (1996) 184 CLR 501 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1996 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 577
Jago v District Court (NSW) [1989] HCA 46; (1989) 168 CLR 23; 87 ALR 577; 41 A Crim R 307; (1989) 63 ALJR 640; (1989) 168 CLE 23 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Oct 1989 AustLII flag 1636
Barton v R [1980] HCA 48; (1980) 147 CLR 75; 32 ALR 449; (1981) 55 ALJR 31 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 5 Dec 1980 AustLII flag 705
R v Humphrys [1976] UKHL J0519; [1977] AC 1; [1976] 2 All ER 497; [1976] 2 WLR 857; (1976) 63 Cr App R 95 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1976 BAILII flag 339

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