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Park-Kang and Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Freedom of information)   flag 

[2015] AATA 703
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
11th September, 2015

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Archives Act 1983 (Cth) s2A, s3, s12, s31, s40
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) s3, s3A, s11, s12, s15, s54W, s57A

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Lobo and Dept of Immigration and Citizenship, Re [2010] AATA 583; (2010) 116 ALD 639; 52 AAR 304 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 6 Aug 2010 AustLII flag 23
Shi v Migration Agents Registration Authority [2008] HCA 31; (2008) 235 CLR 286; 248 ALR 390; 103 ALD 467; 48 AAR 345; 82 ALJR 1147 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Jul 2008 AustLII flag 1458

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