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Case Name | Citation(s) | Court | Jurisdiction | Date † | Full Text | Citation Index | |
[2011] New Zealand Law Review 295 |
New Zealand Law Review | New Zealand | circa 2011 | HeinOnline / Informit / LexisNexis |
Nokotyana v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality |
Canada - British Columbia | circa 2010 |
Residents of Joe Slovo Community, Western Cape v Thubelisha Homes |
[2009] ZACC 16; |
Constitutional Court of South Africa | South Africa | 10 Jun 2009 | SAFLII |
Njongi v MEC, Department of Welfare, Eastern Cape |
[2008] ZACC 4; |
Constitutional Court of South Africa | South Africa | 28 Mar 2008 | SAFLII |
"The Minimum Core of Economic and Social Rights: A Concept in Search of Content" | (2008) 33 Yale Journal of International Law 113 | Yale Journal of International Law | United States | circa 2008 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
Olivia Road, Berea Township v City of Johannesburg |
South Africa | circa 2008 | LexisNexis |
"Constitutionalism In India And South Africa: A Comparative Study From A Human Rights Perspective" | (2007) 16 Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law 49 | Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law | United States | circa 2007 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
United States v Forest E III |
355 F3d 942; |
United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit | United States | 27 Jan 2004 | WorldLII |
Minister of Health v Treatment Action Campaign |
[2002] ZACC 15; |
Constitutional Court of South Africa | South Africa | 5 Jul 2002 | SAFLII |
"Universalizing Human Rights: The Role of Small States in the Construction of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" |
Human Rights Quarterly | United States | circa 2001 | HeinOnline |
"A Constitutional Confluence: American "State Action" Law And The Application Of South Africa'S Socioeconomic Rights Guarantees To Private Actors" | (2001) 45 New York Law School Law Review 21 | New York Law School Law Review | United States - New York | circa 2001 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
Government of the Republic of South Africa v Grootboom |
[2000] ZACC 19; |
Constitutional Court of South Africa | South Africa | 4 Oct 2000 | SAFLII |
Soobramoney v Minister of Health (Kwazulu-Natal) |
[1997] ZACC 17; |
Constitutional Court of South Africa | South Africa | 27 Nov 1997 | SAFLII |
Ex parte Chairperson of the Constitutional Assembly: In re Certification of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 |
[1996] ZACC 26; |
Constitutional Court of South Africa | South Africa | 6 Sep 1996 | SAFLII |
"Social economic rights and Human Rights Commissions" | (1995) 17 Human Rights Quarterly 155 | Human Rights Quarterly | United States | circa 1995 | HeinOnline |
"Beyond a charter of luxuries: Economic rights in the Constitution" | (1992) 8 South African Journal on Human Rights 464 | South African Journal on Human Rights | South Africa | circa 1992 | HeinOnline |
"Rights, Autonomy and Process: Public Interest Litigation in India" | (1989) 9 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 356 | Oxford Journal of Legal Studies | United Kingdom | circa 1989 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
Bandhua Mukti Morcha v Union of India |
[1983] INSC 206; |
Supreme Court of India | India | 16 Dec 1983 | LIIofIndia |
"The Full-Belly Thesis: Should Economic Rights Take Priority Over Civil and Political Rights? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa" |
Human Rights Quarterly | United States | circa 1983 | HeinOnline |
SP Gupta v President of India |
circa 1982 |
Francis Coralie Mullin v the Administrator, Union Territory of Delhi |
[1981] INSC 12; |
Supreme Court of India | India | 13 Jan 1981 | LIIofIndia |
Maneka Gandhi v Union of India |
circa 1978 |
Kesavananda Bharati v Kerala |
Supreme Court of India | India | circa 1973 |
134 Idaho 135 |
United States - Idaho | circa 1981 |
83 Idaho 84 |
United States - Idaho | circa 1981 |
81 Idaho 82 |
United States - Idaho | circa 1981 |
64 Idaho 65 |
United States - Idaho | circa 1981 |
62 Idaho 63 |
United States - Idaho | circa 1981 |
62 American Journal of Comparative Law 1043 | 62 American Journal of Comparative Law 1043 | American Journal of Comparative Law | United States | circa 1981 | HeinOnline / LexisNexis |
Rosenblatt v Getty Oil Co |
United States - Idaho | circa 1981 |
56 Idaho 57 |
United States - Idaho | circa 1981 |
Hamiora Mangakahia (Earl and Kent) Pap;~roha Ie |
United States - Idaho | circa 1981 |
44 Idaho 45 |
United States - Idaho | circa 1981 |
Sandra Fredman, Providing Equality: Substantive Equality and the Positive Duty to Provide | 21 South African Journal on Human Rights 163 | South African Journal on Human Rights | South Africa | circa 1981 | HeinOnline |
Constitution and the Application of the Bill of Rights to Private Disputes | 15 South African Journal on Human Rights 25 | South African Journal on Human Rights | South Africa | circa 1981 | HeinOnline |
8 South African Journal on Human Rights 451 | 8 South African Journal on Human Rights 451 | South African Journal on Human Rights | South Africa | circa 1981 | HeinOnline |
Richard L Siegel, Socioeconomic Human Rights: Past and Future |
Human Rights Quarterly | United States | circa 1981 | HeinOnline |