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(No 1)   flag 

[2016] IECA 310; [2016] 3 IR 268
Irish Competition Authority
Republic of Ireland
27th October, 2016

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
McGee v Governor of Portlaoise Prison [2023] IESC 14; [2023] 1 ILRM 305 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 25 May 2023 BAILII flag
GE v Commissioner of An Garda S och na [2022] IESC 51 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 2 Dec 2022 BAILII flag
(No 2) [2016] IECA 372; [2016] 3 IR 292 Irish Competition Authority Republic of Ireland 7 Dec 2016 BAILII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Civil Liability Act 1961 s34
1961 Act s2, s34
Courts of Justice Act 1924

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
CA264 Buckley v Mullignan [2016] IECA 264 Irish Competition Authority Republic of Ireland 4 Oct 2016 BAILII flag
Sullivan v Boylan (No 2) [2013] IEHC 104; [2013] 1 IR 510 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 12 Mar 2013 BAILII flag
Creighton v Ireland [2010] IESC 50 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 27 Oct 2010 BAILII flag
Herrity v Associated Newspapers Ltd [2008] IEHC 249; [2009] 1 IR 326 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 18 Jul 2008 BAILII flag
O ’ Connor v Bus Atha Cliath [2003] IESC 66; [2003] 4 IR 459 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 18 Dec 2003 BAILII flag
Douglas v Hello [2003] EWHC 786; [2003] 3 All ER 996 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2003 BAILII flag
Standard Chartered Bank v Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (Nos 2 and 4) [2002] UKHL 43; [2003] 1 AC 959; [2003] 1 All ER 173; [2003] 1 Lloyds Rep 227; [2003] 1 BCLC 244; [2002] 3 WLR 1547; [2003] 1All ER 173 House of Lords United Kingdom 6 Nov 2002 BAILII flag
Conway v Irish National Teachers Organisation [1991] 2 IR 305 circa 1991
Kennedy v Ireland [1987] IR 587; [1988] ILRM 472 circa 1987
Wasson v Chief Constable, Royal Ulster Constabulary [1987] NI 420 United Kingdom - Northern Ireland circa 1987 LexisNexis flag
Murray v Ireland [1985] IR 532 circa 1985
McGee v Attorney General [1974] IR 287 circa 1974
2 Ir 315 2 IR 315 circa 2003

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