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1611379 (Refugee)   flag 

[2019] AATA 6004
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
3rd July, 2019

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s431
Regulations (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
MZYXS v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2013] FCA 614 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Jun 2013 AustLII flag 97
MIAC v SZQRB [2013] FCAFC 33; (2013) 210 FCR 505; (2013) 296 ALR 525; (2013) 132 ALD 269 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Mar 2013 AustLII flag 2295
Mzyxs v MIAC [2013] FMCA 13 Federal Magistrates Court of Australia Australia 31 Jan 2013 AustLII flag 30
Sepet v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2003] UKHL 15; [2003] 3 All ER 304; [2003] 1 WLR 856; [2004] 1 All ER (Comm) 385; [2003] 2 Lloyds Rep 767; [2003] All ER (D) 306; [2003] Imm AR 428; [2003] INLR 322; 14 BHRC 238 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 2003 BAILII flag 109
Alamdar v MIMA [2001] FCA 1244 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Jul 2001 AustLII flag 27
Lama v MIMA [1999] FCA 1620 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 19 Nov 1999 AustLII flag 41
Lama v MIMA [1999] FCA 918; (1999) 57 ALD 613 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Jul 1999 AustLII flag 36
Applicant A v MIEA (1997) 190 CLR 225 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1997 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 13828
Yang v Carroll (1994) 852 FSupp 460 United States circa 1994 Westlaw flag 84

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