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[2020] HKDC 87
Hong Kong District Court
Hong Kong
23rd April, 2020

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Hksar v Lee Yau Wing [2012] HKCA 552; [2013] 1 HKC 572 Hong Kong Court of Appeal Hong Kong 13 Dec 2012 HKLII flag 52
Secretary for Justice v Wong Wai Hung [2011] 2 HKC 224 Hong Kong circa 2011 flag 23
Secretary for Justice v Lau Sin Ting [2010] 5 HKLRD 318; [2011] 1 HKC 234 Hong Kong circa 2010 flag 41
Secretary for Justice v Lam Siu Tong [2009] HKCA 328; [2009] 5 HKLRD 601 Hong Kong Court of Appeal Hong Kong 21 Sep 2009 HKLII flag 121
Secretary for Justice v Poon Wing Kay [2007] 1 HKLRD 660; [2007] 1 HKC 289 Hong Kong circa 2007 flag 13
R v Cooksley [2003] RTR 32 United Kingdom circa 2003 flag 1
R v Boswell; R v Daley; R v Elliott; R v Rafferty [1984] 3 All ER 353; [1984] 1 WLR 1047; (1984) 79 Cr App R 277 United Kingdom circa 1984 LexisNexis flag 69

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