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Sidra Abbas v The State & another   flag 

[2020] PKSC 232
21st October, 2020

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Puran v Rambilas (2001) 6 SCC 338; AIR 2001 SC 2023 Supreme Court of India India circa 2023 flag
[2020] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1115 [2020] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1115 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2020 flag
Vs The State [2020] Supreme Court Monthly Review 340 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2020 flag
[2016] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1619 [2016] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1619 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2016 flag
[2010] Supreme Court Monthly Review 580 [2010] Supreme Court Monthly Review 580 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2010 flag
Noor Habib v Saleem Raza [2009] Supreme Court Monthly Review 786 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2009 flag
[2009] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1202 [2009] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1202 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2009 flag

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