[2016] Si 656/2016
[2016] SI 656/2016
United Kingdom
circa 2016
Stokes v Christian Brothers High School Clonmel
[2015] IESC 13; [2015] 2 IR 509
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
24 Feb 2015
G v the Department of Social Protection
[2015] 4 IR 167
circa 2015
Simion v Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
[2005] IEHC 298
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
circa 2005
Mangan v Independent Newspapers (Ireland) Ltd
[2003] IESC 5; [2003] 2 ILRM 33; [2003] 1 IR 442
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
31 Jan 2003
Mohamed v Hammersmith and Fulham London Borough Council
[2001] UKHL 57; [2002] 1 AC 547; [2002] 1 All ER 176; [2001] 3 WLR 1339
House of Lords
United Kingdom
1 Nov 2001
Deely v Information Commissioner
[2001] IEHC 91; [2001] 3 IR 439
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
11 May 2001
Re Illegal Immigrants (Trafficking) Bill 1999
[2000] IESC 19; [2000] 2 IR 360
Supreme Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
28 Aug 2000
Osheku v Ireland
[1986] IR 733/746
circa 1986
[1986] Ecr 1607
[1986] ECR 1607
circa 1986