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15 Sec 11   flag  6

15 SEC 11
Securities and Exchange Commission Decisions and Reports
United States

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Nicholls on behalf of the Bundjalung People of Byron Bay and Attorney General of New South Wales [2019] FCA 527 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Apr 2019 AustLII flag 3
Yaegl People #1 v Attorney-General of New South Wales [2015] FCA 647 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 Jun 2015 AustLII flag 17
SPS Antonio a Tibay and Violeta R Tibay and Ofelia M Roraldo, Victorina M Roraldo, Virgilio M Roraldo, Myrna M Roraldo and Rosabella M Roraldo v Court of Appeals and Fortune Life and General Insurance Co , Inc [1996] PHSC 301 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 24 May 1996 AsianLII flag
State Farm Mutual Insurance Co v Schwartz 933 F2d 848 United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit United States 13 May 1991 WorldLII flag
Carlos Velasco, in His Capacity As Receiver of the Business Under the Name and Style, "Central Engineering," v Hon Amado G Inciong, National Labor Relations Commission and George Mendoza [1988] PHSC 604 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 4 Aug 1988 AsianLII flag
Ryder v Foley [1906] HCA 61; (1906) 4 CLR 422; [1907] ALR 441 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 6 Oct 1906 AustLII flag 53

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