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246 Idaho 247   flag  6

246 Idaho 247
Idaho Reports
United States - Idaho

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) †  Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Conscientious Offenders: Russia's Ban on "Extremist" Religious Literature, and the European Court of Human Rights" (2016) 56 Virginia Journal of International Law 147 Ortner, Daniel United States circa 2016 WorldLII flag
"The Caribbean Court of Justice: A Horizontally and Vertically Comparative Study of the Caribbean's First Independent and Interdependent Court" (2014) 47 Cornell International Law Journal 735 Maharajh, Andrew N United States circa 2014 WorldLII flag
Intellectual Property Law and the Sumptuary Code (2010) 123 Harvard Law Review 809 Beebe, Barton United States 1 Jan 2010 WorldLII flag
"Enforcing the US Trafficking Victims Protection Act in Emerging Markets: The Challenge of Affecting Change in India and China" (2010) 43 Cornell International Law Journal 173 Hendrix, Mary Catherine United States circa 2010 WorldLII flag
"National Constitutions in an International World" (2008) 2 Indian Journal of Constitutional Law 104 Blackshield, Tony India circa 2008 LIIofIndia flag 1
Fall from Grace: Arming America and the Bellesiles Scandal (2002) 111 Yale Law Journal 2195 Lindgren, James United States 1 Jan 2002 WorldLII flag

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