Federal Circuit Court of Australia |
Last Updated: 12 December 2014
Hearing dates:
21 & 22 October 2013
(1) That all existing orders be discharged.
Parental Responsibility
(2) The mother and the father will have equal shared parental responsibility in consultation with each other for making decisions about major long term issues regarding X born (omitted) 2003 (“the child”).
(3) For the purposes of these Orders, equal shared parental responsibility to be exercised in relation to major long term issues includes but is not limited to:
- (a) the child’s education (both current and future);
- (b) the child’s religious and cultural upbringing;
- (c) the child’s health;
- (d) the child’s name.
(4) With respect to the decisions referred to above, save and except for decisions concerning extra-curricular activities and medical emergencies, the mother and father are to consult with each other about the decisions to be made as follows:
- (a) they shall inform the other parent about the decision to be made via email not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date the decision must be made;
- (b) they shall consult with each other via email about the decision to be made;
- (c) they shall make a genuine effort to come to a joint decision;
- (d) if they are unable to come to a joint decision within twenty one (21) days then they shall attend at the Family Relationship Centre for mediation;
- (e) If no agreement is reached at mediation then the father will make the decision and forthwith inform the mother in writing of his decision.
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Orders above:
- (a) the father shall be responsible for the decisions concerning the child’s daily care, welfare and development, including extra-curricular activities, whilst the child is living with or spending time with the father; and
- (b) the mother shall be responsible for the decisions concerning the child’s daily care, welfare and development, including extra-curricular activities, whilst the child is living with or spending time with the mother.
(6) That neither parent will change the child’s residence from the (omitted) area without an order of this court or the written consent of the other party.
Living Arrangements for the Child
(7) For the remainder of the 2013 school year, and in accordance with the current arrangements for the child, the child will live with the mother and shall spend the first half of the 2013 Christmas school holidays with the mother and the remainder with the father, with Skype to continue on two occasion each week.
(8) The child will live with the father save as is otherwise provided for in these orders.
(9) The child will spend time with the mother from 2014 as follows:
- (a) For the entirety of the Easter, June/July, September/October school holidays each year being the school holidays for the school which the child is attending at that time. The time to commence the day after the last day of school each term and to finish on the Saturday prior to the recommencement of the following school term.
- (b) During the Christmas school holidays each year the child will:-
- (i) Live with the father for the first half in each even numbered year and with the mother for the remainder of those holidays;
- (ii) Live with the mother for the first half in each odd numbered year and with the father for the remainder of each of those holidays; and
- (iii) When the child spends time with the mother in the second half of those holidays, the child is to be returned to the father on the Friday immediately before the start of the new school year, with the calculation of half the school holidays to be adjusted accordingly.
- (c) On the provision of two (2) weeks written notice to the father, the mother has the option of spending up to two (2) weekends of additional time each school term with the child provided that the time spent takes place in the (omitted) area and the mother takes the child to his usual extra-curricular activities, with the weekend to be extended to include any public holiday or pupil free day on the Friday or Monday.
(10) For the purposes of the child spending time with the mother during school holiday periods the following provisions apply:-
- (a) The mother will make the bookings for the child to travel in accordance with these Orders no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the school holiday period;
- (b) The mother will book and pay for the child’s airfares and provide a copy of the itinerary to the father two (2) weeks in advance of each school holiday period;
- (c) The mother will be solely responsible for the cost of airfares;
- (d) The father will be solely responsible for meeting any travel costs for the child to travel between the (omitted) to Brisbane airport;
- (e) The father will do all acts and things to ensure the child is delivered to the airport in sufficient time to catch the flight to spend time with the mother; and
- (f) The mother will ensure the child is delivered to the airport in sufficient time to catch the return flight to the father.
(11) Changeovers that take place in the (omitted) area will occur through the school or such other location as is agreed between the parties prior to the mother arriving in the (omitted) area.
(12) The parent with whom the child is not living may communicate with the child by Skype or telephone each Wednesday and Sunday with the non-resident parent to initiate the communication between 7.00pm and 7.30-pm with alternative arrangements to be made via email and agreed upon.
(13) The parties are to facilitate all requests of the child to Skype/ telephone the other party as and when the child requests.
(14) On Father’s Day, (omitted), Ms J’s birthday or Ms N’s birthday, if the child is not already living with the father, the mother shall facilitate the child to phone/ Skype with the Father between 7.00pm ad 7.30pm.
(15) On Mother’s Day and the mother’s birthday, if the child is not already living with the mother, the father shall facilitate the child to phone/ Skype with the mother between 7.00pm ad 7.30pm.
(16) The parent who has the child in their care on Christmas Day will ensure that the child speaks to the other parent by initiating a Skype or telephone call to the other parent between 9.00am and 10.00am on Christmas Day or as otherwise prior agreed in writing including email and text.
(17) On the child’s birthdays the parent with whom the child is not with on the day shall be at liberty to contact the child by telephone between 7.00 and 7.30pm and the other parent shall ensure the child is available to take the call.
Parents Involvement with the Child’s School
(18) Both the mother and the father are authorised and permitted to attend at the child’s school or school classroom or similar institution within the guidelines for parental attendance at such institution, regardless of which parent has the child in their care on those days, subject to the discretion of the school and the teacher.
(19) Both the mother and the father are permitted to attend a parent/teacher meeting, school concerts, shows, sports days, all ceremonies and other school events and functions, regardless of which parent has the child in their care on those days, subject to the discretion of the school and the teacher.
(20) Both the mother and the father will authorise the child’s school to provide to both parents copies of school reports, newsletters and similar documents, and all information about the child and his academic and behavioural progress (including attendances upon the school guidance officer) and that this Order shall constitute the parent’s authority for same.
Parents’ Involvement with Child’s Health
(21) Both the mother and the father will authorise the child’s doctors, treating health professionals and specialists to provide to both parents, copies of all reports, documents and information in relation to the child and this Order shall constitute each parent’s authority for same (at that parent’s cost).
(22) Each party shall advise the other of any medical emergency regarding the child forthwith.
(23) Each party shall advise the other of any significant medical, dental or other appointments made for the child and the outcome of same.
(24) When the child is in the (omitted) area each parent will continue to take him to (omitted) Medical Centre unless it is not possible or practicable to do so.
(25) The father will notify the mother of the name and contact details of the child’s treating doctor and/or other health professionals in his local area, immediately upon the child attending upon same.
(26) The parties are restrained from denigrating or criticising the other party or their partner with or in the presence or hearing of the child or allowing any other person to do so. The parties are to forthwith remove the child from the presence of any person doing so.
(27) The parties are restrained from using the child as a conduit to make any requests of the other party.
(28) Neither party will leave the child at home without an appropriate supervisor.
General Orders
(29) The parties will communicate by email regarding the child and any arrangement for direct communication in relation to the child. Any direct verbal communications in relation to the child are to occur only by way of prior agreement and not in the presence or hearing of the child.
(30) The father will forward to the mother a fortnightly email as to the child’s education, extracurricular activities and his welfare, including photos, copies of awards and advising her of events of significance, including information about the child’s day to day activities to assist with communication by Skype.
(31) The father will do all acts and things necessary to enrol the child in at least one extracurricular activity and will use his best endeavours to ensure the child’s on-going involvement in that activity.
(32) When either parent travels interstate or by air with the child, the parent travelling will provide to the other parent two weeks prior to the travel the following information and documentation:
- (a) Date of departure;
- (b) Date of return;
- (c) Copies of itinerary;
- (d) Contact address and telephone number for the period of absence.
(33) The child’s passport will remain with the father as the primary carer and will be presented to the mother upon written request and accompanied by travel itinerary.
(34) Each parent will keep the other advised of the home address, email address, landline and mobile telephone numbers and shall advise each other forthwith upon any change.
(35) The father will do all such acts and things to continue the child’s psychological therapy with a suitably qualified psychologist as agreed between the parties in the (omitted) area.
(36) The father will do all acts and things necessary to comply with the recommendations made by Dr C in his report produced following an assessment of the child on 1 October 2013.
(37) That the ICL in the company of Ms W will explain the orders to the child as soon as practicable.
(38) That the ICL be discharged following on from his meeting with the child.
(39) The father will maintain private health insurance coverage for the child including extras coverage for dental and psychology.
(40) The mother will ensure that the child attend upon Ms W as recommended by Ms W during November and December 2013.
(41) The father will do all acts and things to obtain VVCS coverage or Medicare Mental Health Plan Coverage for any specialist services provided to the child.
(42) That Ms J and Mr D be permitted to read the reports of Mr P.
(43) That from the date of this Order, the mother pay to the father one half of any amount paid by the father in respect of any:-
- (a) Payment to Ms W not paid by the Commonwealth or his private health provider;
- (b) Payment for psychology services for the child not paid by the Commonwealth or his private health provider, with the child’s need for on going therapy to be reviewed in 12 months from the date of this order and thereafter future costs to be met by agreement between the parties; and
- (c) Payment to (omitted), Dr C or any software or educational program recommended by Dr C, (with the total costs to be capped at $1000.00) and thereafter the costs are to be met by agreement between the parties.
- (d) Medical or dental expenses for the child not paid by the Commonwealth or his private health provider, until such time as there is a Child Support Assessment in place.
(44) All outstanding Applications be removed from the pending cases list.
IT IS NOTED that publication of this judgment under the pseudonym Portman & Jacob is approved pursuant to s.121(9)(g) of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth).
I certify that the
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are a true copy of the reasons for judgment of Judge
Date: 18 November
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URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2013/ 2435 .html