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[2019] WACIC 24
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GOODWIN [2019] WACIC 24 (1 November 2019)
Last Updated: 11 November 2019
FILE NO/S : CIC 3159 of 2018
CIC 3160 of 2018
Alleged offence - Did not do any act or thing he
or she ought reasonably to have done to assist in the identification,
or prosecution of the person who committed the offence -
Application of Criminal Injuries Compensation 2003 to "Commonwealth
places" - Application of Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003 to
Christmas Island - Court of a State
Christmas Island Act 1958, s 7, s 8, s
Christmas Island Applied Laws Ordinance 1992
Civil aviation
Regulations 1988 (Cth)
Commonwealth Places (Administration of Laws)
Act 19780 (WA), s 10
Commonwealth Places (Application of Laws) Act
1970 (Cth) s 3, s 4, s 6
Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) s
Criminal Code s 2, s 4
Criminal Injuries Compensation
Act 1985
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003 s 3, s 8, s 12, s
14, s 17, s 18, s 19, s 29, s 30, s 31, s 38, s 53, s 66, s 67, s 70,
Schedule 1, clause 5
Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1991
Freedom of Information Act 1982
Judiciary Act 1903
(Cth), s 39
Migration Act 1958 (Cth)
Misuse of Drugs Act
1981, s 6
Territories Law Reform Act 1992 (Cth)
Constitution (Cth) s 52, s 77, s 122
Compensation granted
Compensation refused
Not applicable
Case(s) referred to in decision(s):
A v D (1994) 11 WAR 481
ABY, ABZ v Patient Review Panel (Health & Privacy) [2011] VCAT 905
AJC v Lewis (2003) 35 SR (WA) 94
Australian Postal Commission v Dao (No 2) (1986) 6 NSWLR 497
B v W (1989) 6 SR (WA) 79
Bass v Permanent Trustee Co Ltd [1999] HCA 9
Baxter v Commissioners of Taxation (NSW) [1907] HCA 76; (1907) 4
CLR 1087
Bennett v Commonwealth of Australia [2007] HCA 18
Casinos Australia International (Christmas Island) Pty Ltd & Ors v
Christmas Island Resort Pty Ltd & Anor [1958] WASC 387
Chamberlain v Doyle [2000] WADC 309
CME [2018] WADC 69
Cullinane v Tomlinson (1997) 18 SR (WA) 63
DPM [2006] WACIC 24
Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Munro [1926] HCA 58
Forge v Australian Security and Investments Commission [2006] HCA 44
GPW [2005] WADC 48
Hinchcliffe [2010] WADC 78
Houlahan v Pitchen [2009] WASCA 104
Huddart, Parker & Co Pty Ltd v Moorehead [1909) HCA 36[1909] HCA 36; , (1909) 8 CLR
JMT [2005] WACIC 33
Kiely v R [1974] WAR 180
KMA v DFS [2010] WADC 6
Kwong v Abdulwahab [2016] NSWCA 107
Li v Commonwealth of Australia [2002] FCA 1251
Lustig v Qantas Airways Ltd (Civil Claims) [2013] VCAT 1012
M v J and J v J (Unreported WASC, Library No 920598,
19 November 1992)
Malec v JC Hutton Pty Ltd [1990] HCA 20; (1990) 169 CLR 638
Martin v Martin [2015] WADC 138
Medlin v State Government Insurance Commission [1995] HCA 5; (1995) 182 CLR
Mok v Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) [2016] HCA 13; (2016) 330 ALR
New South Wales Bar Association v Muirhead (1988) 14 NSWLR 173
Orellana-Fuentes v Standard Knitting Mill Pty Ltd [2003] NSWCA 146
P v P [1994] HCA 120
Permanent Trustee Australia Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue [2004] HCA
53; (2004) 220 CLR 388
Pinkstone v The Queen [2004] HCA 23
Planet Fisheries Pty Ltd v La Rosa [1968] HCA 62; (1968) 119 CLR 118
Queensland Heritage Council v. Co of Trustees of Roman Catholic Archdiocese
Brisbane [2000] QCA 378
Queensland Investment Corporation and Minister for Transport and Regional
Services and Anor [2004] AATA 1025
R v Holmes [1988] 93 FLR 405
R v Phillips (1970) HCA 50; (1970) 125 CLR 93
R v Pinkstone [2001] WASC 172; (2001) 24 WAR 406
R v Porter [2001] NSWCCA 441; (2001) 53 NSWLR 354
R v Porter [2004] NSWCCA 353; (2004) 61 NSWLR 384
R v Trade Practices Tribunal; Ex parte Tasmanian Breweries Pty Ltd [1970] HCA
8; (1970) 123 CLR 361
R v Willoughby [1975] WAR 19
Ransfield v The Assessor of Criminal Injuries Compensation [2000] WADC
Re ATS [2019] WADC 76
Re Piggott [2017] WADC 150
Re Residential Tenancies Tribunal (NSW); Ex parte Defence Housing Authority
(1997) 190 CLR 410
Re Utting [2011] WADC 10
RJE v Bandy (Unreported WASC, Library No 1365; 31
May 1974) 3
Robertson v Baker [2014] WADC 14
S v Neumann (1995) 14 WAR 452
Santos v Director of Public Prosecutions (WA) [2016] WASCA 230
Seltsam Pty Ltd v Ghaleb [2005] NSWCA 208
Shell Company of Australia Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1930) 44
CLR 530
Smith v Alone [2016] NSWDC 265
State of New South Wales v Maxwell [2007] NSWCA 53
Subramaniam v Mental Health Review Tribunal [2012] NSWSC 918
Svikart v Stewart [1994] HCA 62; (1994) 181 CLR 548
Tana v Baxter [1986] HCA 69; (1986) 160 CLR 572
TAW v NJS [2011] WADC 187
The Queen v Phillips (1970) 125 CLR93
Trosic [2012] WACIC 11
Trust Company of Australia Ltd (t/as Stockland Property Management) v Skiwing
Pty Ltd (t/as Café Tiffany's) ('Stockland')
[2006] NSWCA 185
Underwood v Underwood [2018] WADC 13
Waterside Workers Federation of Australia v JW Alexander Limited [1918] HCA
56; (1918) 25 CLR 434
Winiarczyk v Tsirigotis [2011] WASCA 97
WKO [2004] WACIC 68
Worthing v Rowell & Muston Pty Ltd [1970] HCA 19
Worthing v Rowell and Muston Pty Ltd (1970) 123 CLR 89
for Decision:
- By
applications dated 5 November 2018 the applicant made a claim for
compensation for injuries he suffered as a consequence of alleged
offences which
occurred on 12 November 2015 at Yongah Hill Immigration Detention
Centre (the first incident) and on 13 October 2016
(the second
incident) at the North West Point Immigration Detention Centre ("Christmas
Island Immigration Detention Centre").
- On
9 April 2019 Assessor Guthrie wrote to the applicant's solicitors
raising two issues of concern with the applications. The first
is in relation
to the incident on 12 November 2015 and relates to the applicant's
failure to report the matter to police. Assessor
Guthrie had reached a
preliminary view the claim should be refused pursuant to section 38 of the
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003 (the Act) because the applicant
refused to assist police in the identification, apprehension or prosecution of
the alleged offenders.
The second issue was the broader matter of jurisdiction.
Assessor Guthrie commented:
. . . both alleged offences took place on Commonwealth land and my
preliminary view is if charges were to be laid then these charges
would have
been Commonwealth matters. The offences also involved persons detained under
Commonwealth law. My preliminary view is
that I do not have jurisdiction to
make an award of compensation'. The applicant's solicitors provided submissions
with respect
to these matters on 1 May 2019, 31 May 2019 and
28 July 2019. I reviewed this matter after the applicant's
submissions of 28 July
2019 were received and on
10 September 2019 advised that applicant's solicitors I had also
formed a preliminary view the application
with respect to Yongah Hill Detention
Centre should be refused as a result of the jurisdictional issue. Further
submissions from
the applicant's solicitors were received on
8 October 2019, with a request I provide written reasons for my
decision in the event
I found the applicant was not entitled to compensation,
together with an assessment of quantum of his claim. I now provide those
Offence at Yongah Hill Detention Centre
- This
application was made pursuant to section 17 of the Act which authorises an
assessor to award an applicant compensation if satisfied the claimed injury
and/or loss occurred as
the consequence of the commission of an alleged offence.
Alleged offence is defined in section 3 as a crime, misdemeanour or simple
offence of which no person has been convicted.
- Yongah
Hill Detention Centre is located in Northam, Western Australia, approximately
95 km from Perth. It is a facility established
under the Migration Act
1958 (Cth) for the detention of 'unlawful non-citizens' including persons
who have overstayed a visa, or entered Australia without authority.
- The
circumstances of the first incident were set out in the Applicant's Statement to
the Australian Federal Police dated 10 December
2015 and are as
- About
11.00pm on 12 November 2015, I was visiting my friend in another compound
[redacted]. I began to feel sick and went back to
my room, 6G in Swan
- As
I was walking back to my room, I noticed a group of males standing on the
landing in front of my room. Two of the males I recognised
as [redacted] and
[redacted]. I recognised a third male who I know as [redacted]. I do not
remember his last name.
. . .
- I
walked straight into my room, went to the toilet and threw up. After I threw up
I sat on the bottom bunk which is [redacted]'s
bed, and began texting my
- I
was looking down at my phone when I heard the door open; I didn't look up to see
who it was. Immediately after the door opened I
was struck to my face. I felt
it in my nose, teeth, and jaw. The hit pushed me right back, and as I was going
back I saw a boot
about my head height.
- I
landed on my back on the bed, [redacted] punched me two to three times. I
grabbed his jumper with both hands, around his chest
area. I asked him "What
are you doing?" and tried to push [redacted] off me. He punched me again and
[redacted] kicked me in the
head at the same time.
- I
then let go of [redacted] and put both my arms around my head to protect it.
Both [redacted] and [redacted] began punching and kicking
me numerous times in
the head.
- I
ran towards the door, as I got to the handle, I was put in a headlock and
dragged backwards into the room. I do not know who put
me in the headlock. As
I was going backwards I slipped out of the headlock and fell to the floor,
landing on my chest.
- I
reached out and grabbed the square railing on the bottom bunk to pull myself up.
While this was happening I was being kicked in
the back of my head. Someone
then stomped on the back of my head which caused me to hit my head on the
My right eyebrow hit the railing, and caused excruciating pain causing me to
scream. I could feel blood come out of my eyebrow
and run into my right
- I
was still holding onto the railing to support myself, I turned my head to the
right. At that time I was kicked in the face around
my right eye. They
repeatedly kicked and stomped on my head.
- They
put me in another headlock from behind and began punching me and asking me where
my computer was. Saying words similar to "Where’s
your computer?"
- [Redacted]
then reached under the quilt and took my laptop, he then left immediately.
[Redacted] followed and left my room as well”
- From
the Federal Police records it is apparent there was a delay in investigating the
matter. Despite initially indicating he wished
to make a complaint, within
14 hours of the first incident the applicant advised he had changed his
mind about laying an assault
complaint. No investigation was carried out until
after 22 November 2015 when the applicant advised he had changed his mind
wished to lay a complaint.
- The
applicant's solicitors provided a copy of correspondence from A/Superintendent
Graeme Marshall, Australian Federal Police to Mr
Geoff Lewis, Security
Liaison Officer at Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre dated
18 January 2016 which states:
I refer to the above mentioned matter which was first received by the AFP Perth
Office on 13 November 2015. The matter did not proceed
at that time as the
complainant declined to make formal complaint.
Subsequent correspondence was received from you on 24 November advising
that the complainant, Thomas GOODWIN (1-4ZYIL30), had reconsidered
and requested
that the matter be investigated.
As a result of the complainant making a formal complaint, enquiries were
conducted. It was determined that one of the alleged offender,
(1-32WHPOX) had been removed from the Commonwealth of Australia on
26 November 2015.
On 10 December 2015, the complainant, GOODWIN, was interviewed by AFP and
provided a statement. On the same date the second alleged
offender ARENA
(1-5H78AUM) refused to participate in an interview with AFP.
The matter was referred to the Perth Regional Operations Capacity and Capability
Committee (ROCCC) on 07 January 2016 for consideration.
determined that this matter will not be investigated further as there is no
evidence to corroborate the complainant's
statement. There is no CCTV footage
to identify either ARENA or FERRIS, and no witnesses to the assault (either
SERCO officers or
- In
support of the applications the applicant's solicitors provided a bundle of
documents he had obtained under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 from
the Australian Federal Police and from the Department of Immigration and Border
Protection (the FOI documents). The FOI documents
included photographs of the
applicant's injuries which showed significant swelling and bruising to the
applicant's right eye and
- The
applicant's solicitors also provided medical evidence with respect to his
injuries, submitting a report from Dr K Cassam dated
21 May 2018, a referral from Dr Houlton of Birmingham Hospital to
Mr Declan Costello dated 4 May 2018, a referral from Birmingham
Hospital (author unknown) addressed to Dr Sahota also dated
4 May 2018, a report from Dr Hirsh of Royal Perth Hospital dated
21 September
2016, a report from Dr Weekes of Royal Perth
Hospital dated 21 September 2016; a medical record described in the
application as 'from
unknown'; a letter from Dr Paul Hill of Northam
Hospital dated 13 November 2015; a Questionnaire from
Mr Alan Grant of International
Health and Medical Services (IHMS)
dated 16 November 2015; medical records from Royal Perth Hospital;
medical records from Woorooloo
Prison farm; documentation including medical
records from Acacia Prison; medical imaging reports from Fiona Stanley Hospital;
Department Notes from Northam Hospital, Eye Test Results from
Specsavers dated 1 November 2016 and clinical records from
- Various
Western Australian police records, receipts with respect to out of pocket
expenses, handwritten notes form the applicant and
a Victim Impact Statement
were also provided. The application did not specify which documents related to
each incident. For the
purpose of these reasons I have referred to them with
respect to the incident to which they are most relevant.
- The
report from Dr Cassam dated 21 May 2018 addressed the injuries
sustained in both incidents without differentiating between the
two incidents.
This is unsurprising given the report was produced after the applicant returned
to the United Kingdom following his
deportation from Australia. Dr Cassam
noted the applicant complained of damage to his teeth, being unsteady on his
feet and having
double vision in his right lateral gaze. Dr Cassam also
noted the applicant had depressive symptoms which were triggered by the
and the injuries as well as from having been in detention for some time, with
difficulty adjusting to life after detention.
Dr Cassam diagnosed the
applicant with depression and prescribed sertraline (an antidepressant). In
addition, Dr Cassam referred
the applicant to a maxillo-facial surgeon.
Dr Cassam attributed the dizziness and double vision to the assaults and
considered the
disability to be moderate in nature. With respect to work
capacity, Dr Cassam opined the applicant was unfit to work as a result
his maxillo-facial injuries and due to his depression. No prognosis was
provided. Dr Cassam noted the applicant has no history
of alcohol or drug
abuse. This observation is inconsistent with the records supplied by the
applicant's solicitors who provided
a copy of the applicant's Police Certificate
for Immigration Purposes, which included a history of possession of cocaine in
and a copy of his criminal record in Australia which included five
offences of possession of a prohibited drug or drug paraphernalia
and 26
offences for offer to sell/supply a prohibited drug (methamphetamine). There
were also records from IHMS which note the applicant
as having advised of daily
methamphetamine use.
- Dr Houlton
noted in a referral dated 4 May 2018 the applicant had an injury to
his right orbit with subsequent dizziness, which only
occurred since the head
injury in November 2015. In a letter to Dr Sahota dated
4 May 2018, which omitted details of the sender,
it is noted the
applicant's cranial nerves V and VII appeared intact but that binocular diplopia
is occurring on extreme right lateral
gaze. The letter also noted enophthalmos
(posterior displacement of the eyeball) of the right eye is apparent by
2 mm.
- A
report from Dr Weekes of Royal Perth Hospital dated
21 September 2016 noted the applicant was transferred to Royal Perth
for facial injuries consisting of an orbital blow-out fracture on the
right side and an undisplaced fracture of his zygoma. The
applicant was noted
to have an enophthalmos on the right side, a large medial wall and floor defect
in the right eye with diplopia
on right lateral gaze, and some dental damage.
Dr Weekes recorded on 25 August 2016 the applicant was provided
with the option of
reconstructive surgery but declined at that time.
Confusingly, the report of Dr Hirsch of Royal Perth Hospital also dated
21 September
2016 is identical to the report of Dr Weekes, save
it comments the injury occurred at Christmas Island Immigration Detention
not at Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre.
- A
report from Dr Paul Hill dated 13 November 2015 noted on his
presentation to the emergency department of Northam Hospital on
November 2015 the applicant was diagnosed with an fracture of the
infra orbital floor and medial wall of the right orbit; and a fracture
of nasal
bones with some septal deviation. A copy of the Northam Hospital records was
included with the application.
- The
applicant's solicitors provided a copy of his records from Royal Perth Hospital.
A preliminary handwritten report from Royal Perth
Hospital which is unsigned and
undated, but which has been written on an IHMS referral form dated
16 November 2015 summarises the
applicant's attendance at the
maxillo-facial clinic as 'examined facial fractures - sustained right medial
wall of orbit fracture
and un-displaced right zygoma fracture; minimally
displaced nasal bone, occlusion sound, multiple broken teeth, right (illegible)
nerve injury, nil diplopia'. The applicant attended the Maxillo-facial
Outpatient clinic at Royal Perth Hospital on 16 November
30 November 2015, 1 August 2016 and
25 August 2016. Of note in the records was a reference on
30 November 2015 to the applicant
having suffered right eye lateral
uniocular diplopia and sensory deprivation in the distribution of the
infraorbital nerve. He attended
the Ophthalmology Outpatient Clinic at Royal
Perth Hospital on 11 April 2016, 9 May 2016 and
30 May 2016 The applicant's complaints
over this time related to
Diplopia on right lateral gaze. I understand this to mean the applicant
experienced double vision in his
right eye when looking to the right. There
were no complaints in the clinical records that the applicant was experiencing
- On
8 June 2016 the applicant provided a statement with respect to his
economic loss. This noted he was unable to work whilst in Australia
due to his
visa conditions, and therefore had not worked since 2010. He was unable to
provide any record of past earnings prior
to 2010. His previous work history
included working as a metal finisher.
- The
Woorooloo Prison Farm records contain a record on 6 July 2017 that the
applicant experiences double vision only when looking to
the side and that his
sight is 'OK' when he looks straight ahead.
Findings with respect to the incident at Yongah Hill Detention Centre
- With
respect to the first incident at Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre, I
make the following findings:
(a) The circumstances of the incident
comprise an alleged offence under section 17 of the CICA;
(b) In the first incident the applicant sustained injuries from an assault,
which comprised:
(i) A fracture of the infra-orbital floor and medial wall of the right
(ii) A fracture of nasal bones with some septal deviation;
(iii) Dental damage; and
(iv) Associated swelling and bruising.
(c) The applicant experienced dizziness immediately after the first incident
but this resolved and no ongoing complaints of dizziness
were made with respect
to this incident.
(d) As a result of the applicant's injuries arising from the first incident,
he has ongoing residual disabilities which include:
(i) Right eye lateral uni-ocular diplopia;
(ii) Sensory deprivation in the distribution of the infraorbital nerve;
(iii) Enophthalmus of the right eye; and
(iv) Depression.
(e) The applicant's vision is within normal limits when he is looking
straight ahead, and he only has a visual defect when looking
to the side.
(f) The applicant's depression is multifactorial and includes a history of
depression, the impact of the first incident, the second
incident on Christmas
Island, the impact of having been in detention and the difficulties in adjusting
to life outside of detention
which include financial pressures arising from
being unable to work.
(g) The applicant's injuries and residual disabilities arising from the first
incident have impacted his earning capacity. I accept
the applicant's residual
disabilities, specifically the diplopia and the depression, will have an impact
on his ability to carry
out his employment as a metal finisher. The extent of
this loss is difficult to quantify given the failure of the applicant to produce
any evidence of past earnings or potential future earnings.
Findings with respect to section 38 of the Act
- Section 38
of the Act provides, an assessor must not make a compensation award in
favour of an applicant if the assessor is of the opinion that
the applicant 'did
not do any act or thing which he or she ought reasonably to have done to assist
in the identification, apprehension
or prosecution of the person who committed
the offence'.
- The
intention of section 38 is to ensure authorities are not prevented from
investigating the factual circumstances of an alleged offence: Hinchcliffe
[2010] WADC 78 [58]; Ransfield
v The Assessor of Criminal Injuries Compensation [2000] WADC
245 [23] - [31]; CME [2018] WADC 69 at [52]. In
considering section 38 of the Act, two enquiries must be made. First, to
make a factual determination whether there was a failure by the applicant to
in the identification, apprehension or prosecution of the offender?
Secondly, if there was a failure, was that failure reasonable
in the
circumstances, taking into account the particular circumstances of the applicant
to determine what was reasonable for him
or her to do?: AJC v
Lewis (2003) 35 SR (WA) 94 [33] (Martino J).
- The
applicant initially refused to make a complaint with respect to the first
incident which caused a delay in the investigation of
this incident. I have
considered the applicant's submissions dated 31 May 2019 with respect
to this issue and accept that within
a relatively short time of the first
incident he expressed his willingness to co-operate with the authorities for the
of the offenders. The delay was only nine days, being from
13 November 2015 to 22 November 2015.
- I
have reviewed other decisions with similar delays. In Re ATS
[2019] WADC 76, Davis DCJ held a four month delay in
reporting an incident to Police, where there was evidence of previous attempts
to report to Police
commencing one week after the incident, did not preclude an
award of compensation. In Re Piggott [2017] WADC 150,
Bowden DCJ held Mr Piggot was not precluded from making a claim
despite having been initially uncooperative with Police who attended
promptly at
the scene. He did not lodge a formal complaint until 10 weeks later. It
was noted he had been in hospital and working
remotely between the incident and
the report, and it was accepted whilst Mr Piggott delayed the police
investigation the delay did
not prejudice the identification, apprehension or
prosecution of the offender. In Martin v Martin
[2015] WADC 138, the applicant was assaulted by her de facto partner
and did not cooperate with police on the night of the assault. This was held
be 'not particularly surprising or unreasonable'. Derrick DCJ allowed the
claim, noting the applicant did report the matter to
police and provide a
detailed statement within 4 days of the offence. In DPM [2006]
WACIC 24, a delay in reporting a sexual assault in a prison was held by Assessor
Dempsey to be reasonable due to fears of reprisals, noting
there was only a
two month delay in reporting which did not prejudice investigations.
- Whilst
ultimately no prosecution of the alleged offenders occurred, this was
predominantly due to the lack of corroborating evidence
from faulty CCTV
cameras, and not due to the applicant's failure to co-operate with
investigators. Accordingly, there has not been
non-compliance with
section 38 of the Act.
Assessment of the applicant's claim with respect to the incident at Yongah Hill
Immigration Detention Centre
- On
10 September 2019 I advised the applicant's solicitors I had reached a
preliminary determination to refuse the claim with respect
to the first
incident. By way of correspondence dated 8 October 2019, the
applicant's solicitors requested I provide reasons for
my decision if I refused
the applicant's claim and that I also undertake an assessment of the quantum of
the claim. However, for
reasons set below I do not have jurisdiction to assess
this matter and accordingly will not do so. I make the following comments
respect to the first incident, as they impact the assessment of the second
Non-economic loss
- The
injuries I have found the applicant to suffer are set out at paragraph 18
herein. The applicant has been left with a permanent
visual defect, namely
right eye lateral uni-ocular diplopia and an enophthalmus of the right eye. In
addition, the applicant suffered
a sensory deprivation in the area of
distribution of the infraorbital nerve. In very broad terms, this nerve
distribution extends
from the lower eye-lid to the upper lip. I have received
no evidence with respect to the recovery of this nerve or any ongoing issues
applicant is suffering with respect to this nerve. The applicant bears the
burden of proof (GPW [2005] WADC 48 at 12) and has not satisfied
me on the balance of probabilities the sensory deprivation in the area of the
infraorbital nerve distribution
is of ongoing concern.
- The
extent of the contribution of the incident at Yongah Hill Immigration Detention
Centre upon the applicant's depression is unclear,
noting Dr Cassam
commented in the report dated 31 May 2018 the depression is as a
result of both assaults, the time spent in detention,
the difficulty adjusting
to life outside of detention and the applicant's current financial situation.
I also note that Dr Cassam
reported that counselling was offered but was
declined by the applicant.
- Pursuant
to section 17 of the Act I can only compensate an applicant for injury
which has been suffered as a consequence of the commission of an alleged
offence. Compensation must be confined to consequences caused by the offence:
Chamberlain v Doyle [2000] WADC 309. In Seltsam Pty Ltd v
Ghaleb [2005] NSWCA 208 at [106] to [108], Ipp JA (with
whom Mason P agreed) held that:
Without intending to give an exhaustive list of possibilities, it may be that,
had the defendant's negligent act not occurred, a
pre-existing condition might
have given rise to the possibility that the plaintiff's enjoyment of life and
ability to work would
have been reduced and to a susceptibility to further
injury; in addition, other causes entirely unrelated to the defendant’s
negligent act might have contributed to the plaintiff’s ultimate
Appropriate allowances must be made
for these contingencies. A proper assessment of damages requires the making of a
judgment as to
the economic and other consequences which might have been caused
by a worsening of a pre-existing condition, had the plaintiff not
been injured
by the defendant's negligence. A pre-existing condition proved to have possible
ongoing harmful consequences (capable
of reasonable definition) to the
plaintiff, even without any negligent conduct on the part of the defendant,
cannot be disregarded
in arriving at proper compensation.
As was pointed out in Newell v Lucas, the court must determine whether a
comparison may be made between the plaintiff's condition prior to the injuries
sustained by the
defendant's negligence (including the plaintiff's economic and
other prospects in that condition) and the plaintiff's condition and
after the injuries. Nothing in Watts v Rake and Purkess v
Crittenden precludes the judge from carrying out this exercise.' (citations
- A
plaintiff can recover damages only for that part of his or her condition
resulting from a defendant's negligence, and a court must
take into account 'the
chance that (unrelated) factors ... might have brought about the onset of a ...
similar condition': Malec v JC Hutton Pty Ltd [1990] HCA 20; (1990) 169 CLR 638, 642. With respect to the
applicant's situation, the consequences which were caused by the time spent in
detention, the difficulty
adjusting to life outside of detention and the
applicant's financial situation are not compensable under the
Loss of earning capacity
- Dr
Cassam commented in the report dated 21 May 2018 that the applicant is
currently unfit for work due to the effects of his maxillofacial
injuries and
also due to his depression. The ongoing impacts of the maxillofacial injuries
are listed in that report as being double
vision and dizziness. I am unable to
accept on the balance of probabilities the ongoing dizziness was caused by the
first incident.
The double vision is on right lateral gaze, and hence occurs
when the applicant is looking to the right in the horizontal plane.
I accept
that this could have an impact upon some unspecified types of employment. No
evidence has been provided that the right
uniocular diplopia would specifically
impact the applicant's ability to work in his previous employment of a metal
finisher, or any
other occupation for which the applicant is suited. Included in
the application, in response to Question 33 of the application form,
was a
submission the applicant was unable to work and the income he is prevented from
earning or will be prevented from earning in
the future is $31,200. No evidence
in support of this loss was provided. In the assessment of economic loss a
plaintiff carries
the onus of proving the loss of earning capacity and the
extent to which that loss produces or might produce financial loss: Medlin
v State Government Insurance Commission [1995] HCA 5; (1995) 182 CLR 1. The applicant has not worked
since 2010, and has provided no evidence of any earnings prior to that
- In
addition, the applicant's criminal record would impact his employability:
State of New South Wales v Maxwell [2007] NSWCA 53 at [113] to
[118]; Smith v Alone [2016] NSWDC 265 at [90] and [200] to
[201]. In State of New South Wales v Maxwell [2007] NSWCA 53 the
plaintiff, a prisoner, was injured while working in prison. A significant
increase for vicissitudes from 15% to 50% was warranted
because of the many
relevant factors, namely his poor work record, criminal background, drug-taking,
anger management and a pre-existing
back condition. The Court of Appeal
explained its reasons as follows:
[113] However, the appellant is on firmer ground in its submission that her
Honour erred in making no allowance for the difficulties
that the respondent
would have encountered, even if uninjured. He would have needed more than
favourable references from within the
prison system to get anywhere near
maximising the earning capacity inherent in his formal crane-driving
qualifications. Even as an
unskilled labourer he would have had difficulties in
securing and retaining employment in light of his criminal record and his
[114] One hopes that this comparatively young man will readjust his lifestyle
and climb out of his long pattern of drug dependency
and associated criminality.
There have, however, been incidents since his release from prison indicating
that controlling anger and
avoiding the use of illegal drugs remains a
significant problem. And it is to be expected that some prospective employers
will shy
away from engaging him, at least in the short term until he
(hopefully), builds up a record of responsible employment.
[115] These difficulties ought to have impacted on the awards for past and
future economic loss.
[116] Neither party seeks a new trial unless it is unavoidable. The Court must
do its best to determine what awards are justified.
[117] More than the pre-existing back problem should have been allowed for by
way of "vicissitudes", assuming the conventional model
of calculating economic
loss by reference to the balance of an anticipated working life as a
certificated crane operator. We think
that 50% reduction in the award would more
accurately reflect the probable loss stemming from all of the circumstances.
[118] A 50% reduction in the award for past economic loss is also justified on
similar reasoning.
- A
further impact on the applicant's employability would be his history of drug
taking. The applicant advised medical staff at IHMS
of daily methamphetamine
use. In Kwong v Abdulwahab [2016] NSWCA 107, the
trial judge increased vicissitudes to 25% for this reason and, while the Court
of Appeal made a minor adjustment of $10,000 to
the damages awarded, this
reasoning was not the subject of challenge.
- Given
the above, I am not persuaded that any reduction in the applicant's earning
capacity due the injuries suffered in the first
incident would result in a loss
of earnings.
Treatment expenses, travel expenses and loss of personal items
- No
claim has been made by the applicant for travel expenses or loss of personal
- The
applicant has claimed treatment expenses as
Treatment provider
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - dental surgery
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - dental surgery
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - dental surgery
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - ophthalmology
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - dental surgery
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - dental surgery
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - ophthalmology
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - ophthalmology
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - ophthalmology
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - Dental Surgery
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - Dental Surgery
Royal Perth Hospital Outpatients - Dental Surgery
Royal Perth Hospital - x-ray
- In
addition, the applicant incurred medical report fees of $220.00 to obtain the
report from Royal Perth Hospital and £104 to
obtain the report from
Dr Cassam. At the current exchange
rate,[1] the cost of
that report is approximately $194.00. The report was obtained to support both
applications and I apportion 50% of the
cost to each application, being
Offence at Christmas Island Immigration Detention Centre
- The
second application was also made pursuant to section 17 of the CICA and
relates to a second incident on 13 October 2016 at Christmas Island
Immigration Detention Centre.
- A
Post Incident review completed by Serco on 13 October 2016 describes
the incident as:
On the 13th October 2016 at approximately 13:04hrs
Detainee Thomas Goodwin (1-4ZY1L30) was allegedly assaulted by two other
detainees in C Block
of Green Two Compound. CCTV footage of this incident is
inconclusive; footage shows Mr Goodwin walking towards the Southern end
of C
Block, then out of camera angle.
At approximately 13:06 hrs Mr Goodwin then re-appears stumbling and heading in
the direction of the officer's station in a bloodied
. . .
At approximately 13:30hrs, M Goodwin was interviewed by Security & Risk
Manager Adrian Bain regarding the events leading to the
physical altercation.
Mr Thomas stated unknown detainee/s ambushed him when entering room C6, punching
him in the right side of
the jaw, causing Mr Goodwin to fall to the floor,
Mr Goodwin also recalls being stomped on the head several times. Mr Goodwin
that he did not want to identify the perpetrators. Fearing this will
cause more issues for him within the compound. Mr Goodwin stated
that he had a
similar incident happen to him at Yongah Hill, and believed this incident is
targeted based on criminal history that
is drug related.
- The
circumstances of the incident were set out in the Applicant's Statement to the
Australian Federal Police dated 17 October 2016
and are as follows:
- On
Thursday the 13th day of October 2016, about 1:00pm I
had finished lunch and returned to my room which is at Green Two, "C" Block . .
- I
left my room shortly after returning and walked towards the end of the dining
area of the block to make a coffee. I had got half
way to the coffee area when
someone hit me on the right side of my face which caused me to slip over onto
the floor. I was face
down trying to get up when my black tracksuit top was
pulled over my head. I couldn't see but it felt like I was being kicked and
punched from both sides of my head. I felt around on the floor and grabbed one
of the fixed metal chairs that are in the dining
area and tried to pull myself
up. While I was doing this someone punched or kicked the back of my head
causing my face to smash
against the metal chair. This caused a cut to the
bridge of my nose and another one to the area between my eyebrows.
- I
fell back to the floor and was still being punched and kicked. I was trying to
stand up, pull off my tracksuit top so I could see
and cover my head all at the
same time. I could feel blood getting into my eyes and I was starting to feel
- After
some time I managed to get to my feet and pull the tracksuit top form [sic] over
my head. I can't remember much at this stage
because I think that I must have
been close to going unconscious. I then staggered out of the block and walked
to the officer's
fish bowl and was met by some Serco officers.
- The
officers took me up to the medical rooms where the doctor stitched up my cuts.
I had 6 or 7 stitches. I also have two cracked
teeth, one at the front right
and the other at the rear left.
. . .
As a result of the assault I have two cracked teeth, swelling to my cheeks and
eyes, an infected left eye, two cuts to my face,
and the left side of my jaw is
clicking and it hurts when I eat. I also have a sore neck. I am currently
taking pain killers prescribed
by the doctor.
- A
Case Note dated 18 October 2016 contained in the AFP file contains an
analysis of the CCTV and details a discussion with the
The footage shoes the exact scenario that Thomas told us immediately afterwards
(and also confirmed when speaking with other Detainees).
That Thomas was
looking for [redacted] (in the footage you can see him enter C Block and then go
to C6 [redacted's] room - open
the door and look inside, and then turn as if
someone called him and walk towards C2 vicinity). We were told that Thomas was
for [redacted] and someone called out "In here". And that's when he
went to C2 and got smacked on the side and fell to the floor
where he was
kicked/stomped on.
When Thomas was in Medical [redacted] asked him, "Was it [redacted]?. Thomas
"Yeah". [Redacted] asked him. "Was [redacted] involved?".
He said "Check the
cameras, there was a few of them, I think". [Redacted] passed that straight to
ERT [Redacted]]. Later I spoke
to Thomas on the phone when he was at Medical.
He told me there were a few of them, but only named [redacted] and said he did
know who else was there. I asked him if someone had held him. He said that
he had fallen to the floor and he had been kicked.
The Case Note
then provides a redacted list of Detainees of interest with respect to the
cameras did not capture the second incident, there were no witnesses and as the
applicant was unable to clearly identify his
assailants the Federal Police
finalised the investigation without laying any charges.
- The
documents provided in support of the second incident have been listed
previously. The FOI documents included photographs of applicant's
which showed a laceration to the applicant's forehead and nose, which had both
been sutured, and bruising to the applicant's
left eye.
- A
copy of the applicant's medical records from IHMS was included with the
application in relation to the second incident. These records
indicate on
13 October 2016 the applicant attended the medical centre after the
second incident. He was initially complaining of
nausea and dizziness but
denied any head injury, loss of consciousness or tenderness to his cervical
spine. This record comprises
the only recording of dizziness in the IHMS
record. A 2 centimetre laceration to his forehead and a 1 centimetre
laceration to his
nose were noted, and both were sutured. He had bruising to
the right temple, swelling of the left side of his jaw, a broken left
3rd molar and broken right upper lateral incisor. On
14 October 2016 it was noted the applicant presented to the medical
centre seeking
pain relief and he had superficial injuries/bruising to his face.
The applicant complained of ongoing discomfort to his jaw and a
headache. On 17 October 2016 it was noted the swelling had improved
and the applicant's wounds were healing well. The
applicant reported he was
able to eat and had nil concerns with respect to his jaw. The sutures were
removed from his forehead and
nose. A consultation note on
21 October 2016 refers to the applicant having sustained facial
lacerations and bruising in the assault.
In addition it was noted the applicant
had sustained a neck injury as his neck was stepped on during the assault whilst
being hyperextended.
The applicant complained of ongoing jaw and neck pain.
The lacerations were noted to have healed and the bruising to be resolving.
27 October 2016 there is a reference to the applicant requiring eye
drops due to flashing lights in his left eye since the second
Unrelated to the applicant's injuries in the incidents are records of lower back
pain (2 June 2016); dermatitis (2 July
2016); shoulder pain
(30 November 2015); toothache/dental caries (26 August 2016
and 6 October 2016); chronic ankle pain (6 October
and daily methamphetamine abuse (6 October 2016).
- On
26 October 2016 the applicant was reviewed by Dr Justina Teo,
dentist, who wrote a report of the same date. The applicant's presenting
complaint was that teeth 12 and 38 were chipped after a fight. He did not
report any pain but requested the veneer on tooth 12 be
fixed. Tooth 38 was
noted to be carious and non-functional and removal of it was recommended if it
became problematic.
- On
27 October 2016 the applicant was referred to SpecSavers with
respect to episodes of "flashing lights" in the left eye which were occurring up
to 4 times per day.
- The
applicant provided a copy of his medical record from Woorooloo Prison Farm.
This records on 9 November 2016 that the applicant
had suffered an
assault in October 2016 which caused chipped teeth, as well as a neck
strain and flashing lights in his left eye.
On 14 November 2016 the
applicant underwent a new admission review. He complained the assault from the
second incident caused facial
injuries, chipped teeth, neck strain and flashing
lights in in his left eye. The applicant was questioned about his medical
and he advised he had no history of any neurological issues but had a
history of depression.
- On
27 November 2016 the applicant attended the medical centre at
Woorooloo Prison complaining of a dizzy episode. He reported it
as having
started at 14.30 hours during a visit with his family, and despite resting he
had ongoing symptoms. On 8 December 2016
when being reviewed by the
medical officer the applicant complained of flashing in his left eye with pain,
diplopia in his right
eye, a right ankle injury, psoriasis of his elbows and a
right foot plantar wart. No complaint of dizziness was made. On
28 December
2016 the applicant saw a clinical nurse and complained of
a headache with dizziness. He was noted to have nil vomiting and nil visual
disturbance and assessed as having a Glasgow Coma score of 15/15. On
29 December 2016 the applicant saw a clinical nurse and reported
dizziness which he attributed to previous head injuries including a shattered
left [sic] eye socket and headaches. I note this attribution
is inconsistent
with the information provided on admission or at the first recorded episode of
dizziness on 27 November 2016. The
applicant requested a script for Stemetil.
On 7 January 2017 the applicant advised the clinical nurse he had suffered 'two
head injury assaults', and attributed his ongoing symptoms to those
assaults. An e-consult was performed by Dr Richard Wee who noted
applicant's visual acuity tested as 6/6 left eye, 6/6 right eye, 6/6 both eyes
and no peripheral vision loss in the left eye.
On 9 January 2017,
16 January 2017, 24 January 2017,
15 February 2017, 3 March 2017, 5 April 2017,
1 May 2017, 9 May 2017, 24 May
2017 the applicant
attended the medical centre and complained he had been suffering from dizziness.
By 12 April 2017 the records
refer to 'dizziness getting worse post assault
Oct 2016'. However the initial attribution for these symptoms came from the
and I cannot see from the medical records any tests, investigations or
examinations were conducted to confirm the applicant's symptoms
arose from the
assaults. The applicant was to be referred for a MRI and a neurology consult
but this did not occur prior to his
discharge from prison. On 26 April 2017 the
records note 'pt. states he is getting dizziness and awaiting a brain scan for ?
on the brain'. This is another self-report by the applicant however the
notes record he had previously been 'reassured about having
fluid on the brain'
on 29 November 2016.
- A
'non-compliance with treatment' record on 6 July 2017 includes a
comment from the applicant that he had no ongoing issues with his
left eye, and
only required treatment with respect to his right eye. In this regard, the last
recorded complaint of left eye flashes
was on 15 February 2017. The
applicant advised on 1 May 2017 this issue had resolved. In addition
the notes include references
to the applicant suffering from chronic right ankle
pain from an incident (unrelated to this claim) which occurred 26 August 2015,
and which caused ongoing pain and restriction of movement in that
Findings with respect to the incident at Christmas Island Immigration Detention
- With
respect to the second incident I make the following
(a) The circumstances of the incident comprise an alleged
offence under section 17 of the CICA;
(b) In the incident on 13 October 2016 the applicant sustained injuries from
an assault, which comprised:
(i) a 2 cm laceration to his forehead;
(ii) a 1cm laceration to his nose;
(iii) bruising to the right temple;
(iv) swelling of the left side of his jaw;
(v) a broken left 3rd molar and broken right upper
lateral incisor; and
(vi) cervical tenderness.
(c) As a result of the applicant's injuries, he has ongoing residual
disabilities which include:
(i) Depression;
(ii) Damage to the left 3rd molar and broken right
upper lateral incisor.
(d) The applicant's depression is multifactorial and includes a history of
depression, the impact of this incident, the first incident
at Yongah Hill
Immigration Detention Centre, the impact of having been in detention, the
difficulties in adjusting to life outside
of detention and financial pressures
noted above.
(f) The applicant recovered well from his injuries arising from the second
incident. He complained of "left eye flashes" on 15 February
2017, but denied
any ongoing left eye issues by July 2017.
(g) The applicant suffers from dizziness. Taking into account the delay
between the incident and the applicant's reports of ongoing
dizziness, combined
with the initial explanation of the dizziness at Woorooloo Prison Farm I am not
satisfied on the balance of probabilities
the ongoing dizziness is as a result
of the second incident.
(h) The applicant's earning capacity is impacted by his depression, the cause
of which is multifactorial. However, the primary impact
on the applicant's
employability is the diplopia (which relates to the first incident at Yongah
Hill Immigration Detention Centre)
and the dizziness (which I am not persuaded
relates to the second incident).
Assessment of the applicant's claim with respect to the incident at Christmas
Island Immigration Detention Centre
- Section 30
of the Act sets out the general powers of an assessor. It provides 'on
application in respect of injury suffered by a
victim as a consequence of the
commission of an offence, an assessor may award such compensation that the
assessor is satisfied is
just for the injury and for any loss also suffered'.
Under Section 3 of the Act, 'satisfied' means 'satisfied on the
balance of probabilities'.
- As
the offence occurred after 23 September 2003, the maximum amount of
compensation payable is $75,000: section 31(1) of the Act.
The maximum in the Act under section 31(1) is a jurisdictional limit
and is not reserved for the worst cases: S v
Neumann (1995) 14 WAR 452, 463 (Murray J); TAW v
NJS [2011] WADC 187 [21] (Bowden DCJ); Underwood v
Underwood [2018] WADC 13 [19] (Gething DCJ) [30].
- In
assessing the amount of compensation the court should have regard solely to the
injury suffered by the applicant in consequence
of the commission of the
offence. The amount of compensation is not to be fixed as punishment of the
offender or as an expression
of sympathy for the victim: B v
W (1989) 6 SR (WA) 79, 89.
- The
correct approach to adopt in assessing the amount of compensation under the Act
is to apply the ordinary tortious principles for
assessment of damages, subject
to the limitations imposed by the definitions of 'injury' and 'loss' in the Act,
and to the jurisdictional
limit of the Act:
M v J and J v
J (Unreported WASC, Library No 920598, 19 November
1992) (Scott J); RJE v Bandy (Unreported
WASC, Library No 1365; 31 May 1974) 3 (Burt
J); Re Utting [2011] WADC 10 [6]
(Braddock DCJ); Robertson v Baker [2014] WADC
14. [12] (Stone DCJ); Underwood
Assessment of non-economic loss
- Pursuant
to section 12 of the Act a victim who suffers injury as a consequence of
the commission of a proved offence may apply for compensation for the
injury and
any loss suffered. Injury' is defined in section 3 of the Act as 'bodily
harm, mental and nervous shock, or pregnancy.'
- The
amount of damages for non-economic loss must be fair and reasonable compensation
for the injuries received by the plaintiff and
the disabilities caused, having
regard to current general ideas of fairness and moderation: Planet
Fisheries Pty Ltd v La Rosa [1968] HCA 62; (1968) 119 CLR 118, 125 (Barwick CJ,
Kitto & Menzies JJ); Houlahan v Pitchen [2009] WASCA
104 [107] (Newnes JA with whom Pullin & Miller JJA
agreed); Winiarczyk v Tsirigotis [2011] WASCA
97 [71] (Judgment of the Court); Underwood [117]. The
amount must be proportionate to the particular situation of the
- The
injuries I have found the applicant to suffer are set out at paragraph 48
- I
am of the view an appropriate award for non-economic loss is
Assessment of loss of earning capacity
- The
applicant is entitled to compensation for 'loss of earnings as a direct
consequence of the injuries' he suffered: section 6(2) of the Act. Loss of
earnings includes loss of earning capacity: A v D (1994) 11
WAR 481, 489; KMA v DFS [2010] WADC 6 [27].
- As
at the date of the second incident at Christmas Island, the
(a) Had not worked since 2010;
(b) Had sustained injuries in the first incident as a consequence of the
assault whilst at Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre;
(c) Had an impaired earning capacity by reason of the injuries sustained at
Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre, namely a visual
impairment, and due to
(d) Had a history of daily methamphetamine use; and
(e) Had a criminal record.
- Dr Cassam
commented in the report dated 21 May 2018 the applicant is currently unfit
for work due to the effects of his maxillofacial
injuries and also due to his
depression. I have found the applicant has recovered from the relatively minor
maxillofacial injuries
sustained in second incident at Christmas Island. The
extent of the contribution of the incident at Christmas Island upon the
depression is unclear, noting Dr Cassam has commented the
depression is as a result of the first incident, the time spent in detention
(which is not compensable), the difficulty adjusting to life outside of
detention (which is not compensable) and his current financial
situation (which
is not compensable). Accordingly, I find the contribution of the injuries
sustained in the second incident at Christmas
Island to the applicant's impaired
earning capacity to be negligible.
- I
am not persuaded to make any award for loss of earning
Treatment expenses, travel expenses and loss of personal items
- No
claim has been made by the applicant for treatment expenses, travel expenses or
loss of personal items.
- I
allow the other half of Dr Cassam's report fee in the amount of
Summary of the assessment
- I
have assessed the applicant's claim as
Non pecuniary loss
Medical reports
$ 97.00
- The
concepts of federal jurisdiction and state jurisdiction are fundamental to the
operation of the Australian judicial system. In
Baxter v Commissioners of
Taxation (NSW) [1907] HCA 76; (1907) 4 CLR 1087, 1142, Isaac J explained the
fundamental distinction between these concepts as follows:
'Jurisdiction' is a generic term and signifies in this connection authority to
adjudicate. State jurisdiction is the authority which
State Courts possess to
adjudicate under the State Constitution and laws; federal jurisdiction is
the authority to adjudicate derived from the
Commonwealth Constitution and laws.
- Section 52
of the Constitution (Cth) vests the exclusive legislative power in
relation to Commonwealth land acquired from the States in the Commonwealth
52(i) of the Constitution
provides 'the Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution,
have exclusive power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of
the Commonwealth with respect to the seat of government
of the Commonwealth, and
all places acquired by the Commonwealth for public purposes'. A 'Commonwealth
place' is a place acquired
by the Commonwealth for public purposes, other than
the seat of government.
- The
Commonwealth Places (Application of Laws) Act 1970 (Cth) (the COPAL
Act) was enacted pursuant to the legislative power conferred by section 52(i)
following the High Court decisions
in Worthing v Rowell & Muston Pty
Ltd [1970] HCA 19; (1970) 123 CLR 89) and R v Phillips
(1970) HCA 50; (1970) 125 CLR 93. The effect of those
decisions was State law ceased to apply upon the acquisition by the Commonwealth
of land for public purposes.
Accordingly, a person could not be charged with
having committed an offence against State law on or in a Commonwealth place.
COPAL Act was enacted for the purpose of making surrounding State laws, both
statute and common law, applicable in relation to Commonwealth
- A
Commonwealth place is defined under section 3 of the COPAL Act:
Commonwealth place means a place (not being the seat of government) with respect
to which the Parliament, by virtue of section 52 of the Constitution, has,
subject to the Constitution, exclusive power to make laws for the peace, order,
and good government of the Commonwealth.
- Both
of the incidents occurred at Commonwealth detention centres. A detention centre
is established by the Commonwealth under section 273 of the Migration Act
1958 (Cth). A detention centre is a "Commonwealth Place" within the
definition of the COPAL Act. (See Subramaniam v Mental Health Review
Tribunal [2012] NSWSC 918 (17 August 2012) at [20] and Li v
Commonwealth of Australia [2002] FCA 1251 (10 October 2002) at [12]).
- The
fact that a detention centre is a Commonwealth Place does not mean it is excised
from the State of Western Australia: Worthing v Rowell and Muston Pty
Ltd (1970) 123 CLR 89; The Queen v Phillips (1970) 125
CLR93; R v Phillips [1970] HCA 50; (1970) 125 CLR 93 at 100-101 (Barwick CJ), 105
(McTiernan J), 110-111 (Menzies J, Owen J agreeing), 112 (Windeyer J) and
131-132 (Gibbs J); Permanent Trustee Australia Ltd v Commissioner of State
Revenue [2004] HCA 53; (2004) 220 CLR 388 at [35]
(Gleeson CJ, Gummow, Hayne, Callinan and Heydon JJ); R v Porter
[2004] NSWCCA 353; (2004) 61 NSWLR 384 at [14]
(Spigelman CJ, the rest of the Court agreeing). This is essential to the
applicant's application as it is not open for an Assessor
to compensate the
applicant for the impact of any incident which occurred outside Western
Australia: Trosic [2012] WACIC 11.
What law applies to a Commonwealth place?
- Section 4
of the COPAL Act sets out the laws that apply to 'Commonwealth places' as
(1) The provisions of the laws of a State as in force
at a time (whether before or after the commencement of this Act) apply, or shall
be deemed to have applied, in accordance with their tenor, at that time in and
in relation to each place in that State that is or
was a Commonwealth
place at that time.
. . .
(12) Where:
(a) there is not
in force an arrangement with the Governor of a State under subsection (2)
of section 6 of
this Act;
(b) a law of that State provides that an act may or shall be done by
an authority of
the State; and
(c) a part of the
applied provisions corresponds to that law;
that authority
is empowered to do that act under that part of the
applied provisions.
(13) Without limiting the effect of any of the preceding provisions of this
section, it is declared that the powers of a person under
applied provisions may
be exercised in a Commonwealth
place in a State in respect of an act done in that State
notwithstanding that the act was not done in or in relation to that place
applied provisions as having effect in or in relation to that place
have effect in relation to anything done by a person in the exercise of a power
referred to in this subsection.
(14) Without limiting the effect of any other law of the Commonwealth, it is
declared that the powers of a person under the law of
a State may be exercised
in that State in respect of an act done in that State notwithstanding that the
act was done in or in relation
to a Commonwealth
place and the provisions of the laws of the State have effect in
relation to anything done by a person in the exercise of a power referred
to in
this subsection.
- The
effect of the application of section 4(1)
is 'to enact a Commonwealth law in the same terms as each State law which falls
its terms': R v Porter [2001] NSWCCA 441; (2001) 53 NSWLR 354 (at [41]) per Spigelman CJ
(Studdert J and Ireland AJ agreeing).
- State
provisions apply to a Commonwealth place 'in accordance with their tenor', and
apply within the limits of the State laws, whether
as to locality or otherwise.
The laws applied are those in force at any relevant time, so when State laws are
amended or repealed,
the applied provisions will change accordingly.
- Pursuant
to the COPAL Act, the Act applies to a Commonwealth place in Western Australia,
and hence to a detention centre. To be eligible
for compensation, an applicant
must have suffered injury as a consequence of a proved offence or an alleged
offence: sections 12
to 17 of the Act. As a result I must also consider the
nature of the offence that was committed or was alleged to have been
Is an offence under the Criminal Code (WA) which is committed in a 'Commonwealth
place' a State or Federal Offence?
- If
the Criminal Code (WA) applies to a Commonwealth Place in Western
Australia under the COPAL Act, is an offence committed in that Commonwealth
a State or a federal offence?
- The
applicants in R v Pinkstone [2001] WASC 172; (2001) 24 WAR 406)
were charged with having committed offences against section 6(1) of the
Misuse of Drugs Act (WA) (MD Act) at Perth Airport. Perth Airport is
a Commonwealth Place. One applicant (Mr Pinkstone) applied to quash the
on the ground the court had no jurisdiction to try the offence as it
was a Commonwealth offence that had occurred in New South Wales.
The other
applicant demurred to the indictment on the ground the offence charged was a
State offence in respect of a Commonwealth
place and was a nullity for that
reason (the demurrer relied on the form of the indictment which alleged the
commission of a State
offence on a Commonwealth place rather than the commission
of a Commonwealth offence by the contravention of an applied State law).
- Roberts-Smith
J explained the operation of the Commonwealth Places Act as
Contrary to the submission made by Pinkstone ... the Commonwealth has not, by
operation of the Commonwealth Places Act returned power
to the States. The
Commonwealth retains exclusive legislative power in respect of Commonwealth
places; by virtue of s
51(i) of the Constitution
it could not be otherwise. Whilst State laws are applied to such places by
virtue of s 4 of the Commonwealth Places Act, they apply
as Commonwealth law.
It follows that the present offences are Commonwealth offences and the
trial of them is an exercise by this court of federal jurisdiction [23]. (my
- Mr
Pinkstone appealed his conviction to the High Court. McHugh and Gummow JJ
commented on the operation of the COPAL Act (Pinkstone v The Queen
[ 2004] HCA 23 at [33] ). After noting Perth Airport was a Commonwealth place,
their Honours stated '[a]ccordingly, the [MD Act] (read with the Criminal
...) is picked up by s 4(1) and given effect to within the boundaries of Perth
Airport. In this way, the [MD Act], as applied
by the Commonwealth Places Act,
operates as a surrogate federal law' (at [34]).
- Similarly,
in Mok v Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) [2016] HCA 13;
(2016) 330 ALR 201, French CJ and Bell J accepted that section
310D of the Crimes
Act 1900 (NSW) (which made it an offence to escape or attempt to
escape from lawful custody) could not apply of its own force to an attempted
escape at Tullamarine Airport as the airport was a Commonwealth place (at [19]).
Kiefel and Keane JJ also observed a 'State law made
applicable by a federal law
operates as federal law' (at [52]).
- In
Santos v Director of Public Prosecutions (WA) [2016] WASCA
230, Corboy J explained the purpose of the COPAL Act as
The purpose of the Act is to apply State law to a Commonwealth place. The effect
of the Act is to apply State law to a Commonwealth
place as surrogate federal
law. Where a person is charged with having committed an offence against a State
law in a Commonwealth
(a) the court dealing with the charge is exercising federal jurisdiction;
(b) the offence will be a federal offence in terms that correspond with the
terms of the State law;
(c) State criminal process laws will also apply to the investigation,
prosecution and trial of the accused person by a combination
of s 4 (1) or
s 6(1) of the Commonwealth Places Act, any arrangement that has been made under
s 6(1) of the Act and s
79(1) of the Judiciary
Act (and see below regarding the effect of s 12(1) of the Commonwealth
Places Act and s 11 of the State DPP Act).
A fundamental difficulty in the appellant's submissions was the failure to
appreciate the nature of federal diversity jurisdiction.
There are not two
entirely independent sources of law as the appellant suggests – a binary
system of either State law or Commonwealth
law. Rather, the Commonwealth
Parliament has legislative power to enact legislation that, in this instance,
applies State law to
a Commonwealth place. The offences with which the appellant
was charged and convicted were offences against s 6(1) of the MD Act
applied as surrogate federal law by the Commonwealth Places Act. Contrary to the
appellant's submissions, the charges were validly
made under a law that was
'known' to Commonwealth law [68] - [69].
- It
is clear from the authorities any offence at a Commonwealth place is a federal
- Consideration
is also given as to whether the Act applies to a Commonwealth place as state or
federal law. The COPAL Act has been
held to apply equally to legislation
relating to criminal offences as to civil matters. See for example: R v
Willoughby [1975] WAR 19; R v Holmes
[1988] 93 FLR 405; Lustig v Qantas Airways
Ltd (Civil Claims) [2013] VCAT 1012; Queensland Investment
Corporation and Minister for Transport and Regional Services and Anor
[2004] AATA 1025; Queensland Heritage Council v. Co of Trustees of Roman
Catholic Archdiocese Brisbane [2000] QCA 378.
- The
effect of section 4 of the Commonwealth Places Act is that any civil state law
is applied as if it were a surrogate federal law:
R v Porter
[2001] NSWCA 441, Spigleman CJ at [41]. Hence the Act will apply to the Yongah
Hill Detention Centre as if was a surrogate federal law.
- Two
issues then arise. Firstly, whether the Act awards compensation for federal
offences, and secondly, whether an Assessor of Criminal
Injuries Compensation
has jurisdiction with respect to federal law.
Does the Act award compensation for federal offences?
- Cullinane
v Tomlinson (1997) 18 SR (WA) 63 involved a claim under the Criminal
Injuries Compensation Act 1985 in which a flight attendant sought
compensation for injuries sustained on a flight between Darwin and Perth. The
offender in that
matter was charged pursuant to the Civil Aviation Regulation
1988 (Cth). Wisbey J considered the findings in Kiely v R
[1974] WAR 180, in which the court held the word
'offence' as defined in s 2 of the Criminal Code and as used in
general in the Code, meant an offence under the law of the State of Western
Australia, and accordingly held a breach
of a Commonwealth Act or regulation was
not an offence within the meaning of that term as used in the Code. As a result
he held:
It is abundantly clear that in passing the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act
and in providing civil remedies for persons suffering from criminal
behaviour, it was the intention of the Parliament that the criminal
was that prescribed by the legislation of the State parliament. It was for that
reason that it chose to use the same definition
of offence as appears in the
Code, the concept clearly being that persons suffering injury by conduct
designated an offence by the
law of the State are entitled to
He went on to say:
If the conduct complained of had constituted an offence under State law, it is
my view that the appellant would have had an entitlement
to damages if she
suffered injury or loss there from, as that injury or loss would have been the
consequence of the commission of
an alleged offence in respect of which no
person had been charged.
I take the use of the word 'damages' as
used by Wisbey J to encompass compensation awarded under the Act.
- To
succeed with an application for compensation the applicant must establish on the
balance of probabilities the conduct of another
person amounted to a crime,
misdemeanour or simple offence as envisaged in the Criminal Code:
WKO [2004] WACIC 68.
- In
JMT [2005] WACIC 33, Assessor Millar considered the issue of
compensation appropriate for an applicant who had been the victim of offences in
Australia and in the Northern Territory. He commented:
In Cullinane v Tomlinson, (1997) 18 SR (WA) 63, it was
held that references to crimes, misdemeanours and simple offences in
the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1985 ("the 1985 Act")
equated with the meanings of those offences in section 3 of
the Criminal Code. Accordingly, it was held that the references
to "crimes", "misdemeanours" and "simple offences" in the 1985 Act applied only
to State offences and, therefore, in the context of that Act, were references to
crimes, misdemeanours and simple offences
committed in Western
Australia. Similar references are made in the definitions of "proved
offence" and "alleged offence" in the 2003
Act and, therefore, it is apparent
that any reference to a "proved offence" or an "alleged offence" in that Act
must be confined
to offences committed in Western Australia. From
that it follows that the 2003 Act does not authorise the payment of compensation
for an offence committed in Darwin. (at [16])
- The
applicant's solicitors, in submissions dated 28 July 2019, have submitted
JMT is authority for the proposition that a 'proved offence' or an
'alleged offence' must be confined to offences committed in Western
and as Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre is in Western Australia, Western
Australian Law, and hence the Act, applies.
However, in my view, Assessor Millar
has conflated two principles, the first that compensation can only be awarded
for State offences,
and the second that compensation can only be awarded for
offences that occur within Western Australia. Whilst both principles are
correct, a distinction should be drawn. Cullinane is authority
for the principal the Act only creates an entitlement for a person suffering
injury as a consequence of conduct that
was designated an offence by the laws of
the State. The issue of whether the offence for which compensation is being
sought occurred
in Western Australia is a preliminary jurisdictional matter
(Trosic [2012] WACIC 11) and separate to the issue determined in
- Accordingly,
the Act does not create an entitlement to compensation for a person suffering
injury as a consequence of conduct that
constitutes a Commonwealth offence and
that did (or would have) resulted in a conviction pursuant to Commonwealth
Do Assessors have federal Jurisdiction?
- As
the Act applies to a Commonwealth Place as a surrogate federal law, I must also
consider whether an Assessor of Criminal Injuries
Compensation is able to
determine the matter.
- The
power to invest State Courts with federal jurisdiction is provided by section 77
of the Constitution.
Jurisdiction in respect of any matter that involves federal law can only be
vested in a "Court" in the strict sense: Waterside Workers Federation of
Australia v JW Alexander Limited [1918] HCA 56; (1918) 25 CLR 434.
- Section 7
and section 8 of the COPAL Act vest State courts with Federal jurisdiction
in respect of matters arising under the provisions of
the laws of the State to
be applied to a Commonwealth place pursuant to section 4(1) of the Act. In
particular, section 7(1) provides:
The several courts of a State are, within the limits of their several
jurisdictions, whether those limits are as to subject matter
or otherwise, but
disregarding any limitation that exists by reason of a place being a
Commonwealth place, invested with federal
jurisdiction in all matters arising
under the applied provisions as having, or as having had, effect in or in
relation to a Commonwealth
- A
body may be characterised as a 'court' for one purpose and not another: compare
Australian Postal Commission v Dao (No 2) (1986) 6 NSWLR 497, 515 (McHugh JA) and
New South Wales Bar Association v Muirhead (1988) 14 NSWLR 173, 209 (Mahoney JA). However
the expressions 'courts of the States' or 'court of a State' are constitutional
terms, in that they refer
to institutions of a certain kind within the
contemplation of the Constitution.
As their Honours Gummow, Hayne and Crennan JJ said in Forge v Australian
Security and Investments Commission [2006] HCA 44 at
It may be accepted that the constitution and organisation of State courts is a
matter for State legislatures. In that sense, the
federal Parliament having no
power to alter either the constitution or the organisation of a State court, the
federal Parliament
must take a State court 'as it finds it'. It does not follow,
however, that the description which State legislation may give to a
body concludes the separate constitutional question of whether that body is a
'court' in which federal jurisdiction may
be invested. It is only in a 'court',
as that word is to be understood in the Constitution,
that federal jurisdiction may be invested.
- The
expression 'court of a State' refers to a body that has 'the essential character
of a court' that can receive and exercise the
judicial power of the
Commonwealth. If a body does not have this 'essential character', it cannot
receive and exercise Commonwealth
judicial power. The relevant characteristics
of a 'court of a State' are not easy to
define[4] however, the
High Court has held that independence and impartiality is the irreducible
minimum for a court of a State within section
77(iii) of the Constitution:
Forge v Australian Security and Investments Commission at
- The
NSW Court of Appeal held the Administrative Decisions Tribunal, established
under a State Act, was not a 'court of a State'. Spigelman
CJ, with whom Hodgson
and Bryson JJA agreed, commented that:
For present purposes it is sufficient to conclude that, in order for federal
jurisdiction to be permissibly conferred upon it, a
'court of a State' must
– exclusively, or at least predominantly – be constituted by judges.
(Trust Company of Australia Ltd (t/as Stockland Property Management) v
Skiwing Pty Ltd (t/as Café Tiffany's) ('Stockland') [2006] NSWCA 185)
- In
Shell Company of Australia Ltd v Federal Commissioner of Taxation
(1930) 44 CLR 530 at 543-544, Viscount Dunedin, delivering the
advice of the Privy Council on appeal from the High Court of
The authorities are clear to show that there are tribunals with many of the
trappings of a court which, nevertheless, are not courts
in the strict sense of
exercising judicial powers ... In that connection it may be useful to enumerate
some negative propositions
on this subject: (1) A tribunal is not necessarily a
court in the strict sense because it gives a final decision; (2) Nor because
hears witnesses on oath; (3) Nor because two or more contending parties appear
before it between whom it has to decide; (4) Nor
because it gives decisions
which affect the rights of subjects; (5) Nor because there is an appeal to a
court; (6) Nor because it
is a body to which a matter is referred by another
- The
issue of whether an Assessor is a court has not previously been judicially
determined. However, the following bodies have been
found not to be
(a) Administration Decisions Tribunal (NSW). In Trust
Company of Australia Ltd (t/as Stockland Property Management) v Skiwing Pty Ltd
(t/as Café Tiffany's) ('Stockland') [2006] NSWCA 185 Spigelman CJ with whom Hodgson and Bryson
JJA agreed, firstly considered two competing lists of indicia as to whether the
ADT was
a court, before holding that it was not a "court of a State" pursuant to
the Constitution;
(b) NSW Residential Tenancies Tribunal. In Re Residential Tenancies
Tribunal (NSW); Ex parte Defence Housing Authority (1997) 190 CLR 410
the High Court (comprising Brennan CJ, McHugh J, Gummow J and Kirby J who
provided separate judgments and Dawson,
Toohey and Gaudron JJ in a joint
judgment) held that the Tribunal was not a State court exercising federal
jurisdiction with which
it has been invested pursuant to section
77(iii) of the Constitution
and s
39(2) of the Judiciary
Act 1903 (Cth). Rather, it was an administrative body with
no power to finally declare the rights of the parties for the purpose of the
Instead, it was asked to make orders, breaches of which gave rise
to offences against the Act, which were prosecuted in the Local
Court, or, with
the consent of the Minister, in the Supreme Court of New South Wales in its
summary jurisdiction;
(c) Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. In ABY, ABZ v Patient
Review Panel (Health & Privacy) [2011] VCAT 905 Ross J considered two competing lists of
indicia and noted the appointment of non-judicial members, the lack of an oath
of office
and the requirement that it 'stand in the shoes' of the administrative
decision maker meant that in some circumstances it may be
required to implement
Government policy. As a result Ross J was not persuaded that the Tribunal is a
'court of a State', as it lacked
the requisite level of institutional
(d) Workers' Compensation Commission of New South Wales. In
Orellana-Fuentes v Standard Knitting Mills Pty Ltd [2003] NSWCA 146; (2003) 57 NSWLR 282 Ipp J
noted the requirement that the President be a judge of a court of record and the
Deputy President be a judicial officer or lawyer
of at least five years
standing, that there were means to compel the provision of evidence including
evidence on oath and attendances
at hearings, and the conveying of the same
protection and immunity upon parties appearing as upon a solicitor appearing for
a party
in the District Court were consistent with it being a Court. However he
held the appointment of arbitrators by the President, there
being no requirement
for the Registrar and Arbitrators to be legally qualified, there being no
security of tenure, or no judicial
oath of office, that rules of evidence did
not apply, that functions could be exercised without the holding of a hearing
and the
procedures relating to medical disputes were indicative that it was not
a court. He concluded that '[w]hile the Commission has some
of the powers and
trappings of a court, the cumulative effect of the matters that indicate that it
is not a court is extremely powerful'
(at [51]);
(e) Civil and Administrative Tribunal of NSW. In Attorney General for
New South Wales v Gatsby [2018] NSWCA 254 Bathurst CJ found the
Tribunal was not a court for reasons which included it was not designated a
'court of record', it was not
comprised predominantly of 'judges', there was no
security of tenure for members of the 'tribunal', the term of appointment did
exceed five years, members could be appointed on the basis they were
'capable of representing a group of persons in respect of which
any one or more
classes of matter in respect of which the tribunal had jurisdiction, and that a
member can be removed by the Governor
for 'incapacity, incompetence or
(f) Workers' Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal. In The State of
Tasmania (Department of Health & Human Services) v M.; M. v The State of
Tasmania (Department of Health & Human
Services) (Ref Nos 920/2017 &
1045/2017) [2018] TASWRCT 24 Chief Commissioner Webster noted
whilst 'the Tribunal appears in a number of instances to be a court and has some
of the powers of
a court it is my view there are significantly more indicia
which point to the Tribunal not being a court. In my opinion this compels
conclusion the Tribunal is not a court'.
- In
determining whether an Assessor can be characterised as a "court of a State" it
is necessary to look at the powers of an Assessor.
There are a number of
indicia that suggest an Assessor acts a "court of a State", for
(a) an Assessor exercises powers which have the
characteristics of judicial power;
(b) an Assessor can compel a person to attend to give evidence or produce
documents and to give evidence on oath (as per sections 19(1)(c) to (e); 19(2);
25; 63 of the Act);
(c) an Assessor has the same protection and immunity as a judge of the
Supreme Court (see section 66 of the Act);
(e) an Assessor's compensation reimbursement order is enforceable once lodged
with a court of competent jurisdiction (see section 53 of the Act);
(f) an Assessor is required to take an oath of office (see Schedule 1, clause
4 of the Act).
(g) an Assessor is required to be an Australian lawyer of at least 8 years
legal experience (see Schedule 1, clause 1 of the Act).
- However
even though an Assessor is able to exercise judicial power in his/her original
jurisdiction this is not determinative. I
note that Ipp JA said in
Orellana-Fuentes v Standard Knitting Mill Pty Ltd [2003] NSWCA 146
at [39]:
There are many institutions that exercise judicial powers but are well
recognised not to be courts.
- There
are a number of factors that suggest an Assessor is not sitting as a
(a) an Assessor/the Office of Criminal Injuries Compensation
is not referred to as a court. This was held to be a relevant factor
Tana v Baxter [1986] HCA 69; (1986) 160 CLR 572, 581-2 (Brennan J);
Federal Commissioner of Taxation v Munro [1926] HCA 58; (1926) 38 CLR 153, 175 (Issacs J); Trust
Company of Australia Ltd (t/as Stockland Property Management) v Skiwing Pty Ltd
(t/as Café Tiffany's) ('Stockland') [2006] NSWCA 185 [87] (Spigelman CJ);
(b) an Assessor cannot make costs orders (section 67 of the Act);
(c) an Assessor cannot grant injunctive or declaratory relief;
(d) an Assessor cannot be appointed for a term longer than five years
(See Schedule 1, clause 3(1) of the Act);
(e) the judicial officers are "assessors" not "judges" (although are referred
to as "Your Honour" whilst sitting in court);
(f) an Assessor is not bound by the rules of evidence (section 18(2) of the
Act) and may have regard to any factors or circumstances that the Assessor
thinks are relevant (section 29 of the Act). This was held to be a factor in
P v P [1994] HCA 120 per McHugh J;
(g) any debts to the State that arise under the Act must be recovered in a
court of competent jurisdiction (section 69 of the Act) ;
(h) an offence under the Act, such as giving false information under
section 70, must be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court;
(i) the Governor may terminate an assessor's appointment if satisfied the
assessor is incapable of properly performing the duties
of an assessor, has
shown himself or herself to be incompetent to properly perform, or has been
guilty of misconduct (Schedule 1,
clause 5 of the Act).
- In
my opinion the powers of, and restrictions upon, an Assessor as identified above
lead to the conclusion that an Assessor is not
a Court and is not able to
exercise federal jurisdiction.
Impact of the WA COPAL Act
- By
way of correspondence dated 8 October 2019 the applicant's solicitors submitted
an Assessor has power to exercise or perform the
powers or functions he or she
is empowered to exercise under the COPAL Act, pursuant to the provisions of the
Commonwealth Places (Administration of Laws) Act 1970 WA (the WA COPAL
Act). The WA COPAL Act is complementary legislation which relates to the
administration of the law of the Commonwealth
and of the State of Western
Australia in Commonwealth places.
- The
applicant's solicitors referred to the following sections of the WA COPAL Act
3. Interpretation
In this Act unless the contrary intention appears –
Authority, in relation to the State, means –
(a) The Governor, a Minister or a member of the Executive Council of the
(b) A court of the State;
(c) A person who holds office as a member of a court of the State;
(d) A body created by or under the law of the State;
(e) An officer or employee of the State or of a body referred to in paragraph
5. Authorities may act under Commonwealth Law
Notwithstanding the provisions of any law of the State, an Authority may–
(a) Exercise or perform the powers or functions that it or he is
empowered to exercise or perform under the Commonwealth Act; and
(b) Act in any office or capacity in accordance with the provisions of an
arrangement in force under section 4, in addition to carrying
out its or his
duties as an Authority under the law of the State.
7. Validation of certain acts
Where an Authority or a person has done an act in the purported exercise or
performance of a power, duty or function under the applied
provisions and that
act could have been done by that Authority or person in the exercise or
performance of a power, duty or function
under the laws of the State, that act
shall be deemed to have been done by that Authority or person in the exercise or
of the power, duty or function under the laws of the
- In
essence, the submission from the applicant's solicitors is the above provisions
mean Western Australian law, including the Act,
were in effect and operate at
Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre pursuant to the provisions of the COPAL
Act, applied in Western
Australia under the WA COPAL Act, and as a result an
Assessor may exercise or perform the powers or functions he or she is ordinarily
empowered to exercise.
- In
considering the applicant's submissions, section 4 of the WA COPAL Act is also
relevant. This section states:
4. Arrangements with the Commonwealth
(1) Where, under a law of the State, provision is made for or in relation to the
exercise or performance of a power, duty or function
by an Authority of the
State, not being a court, and under the applied provisions, provision is made
for or in relation to the exercise
or performance of a like power, duty or
function, the Governor may make an arrangement with the Governor-General of the
for the exercise or performance of that power, duty or function
under the applied provisions by an Authority of the State, not being
a court, in
and in relation to Commonwealth places as provided in the
- In
addition, I note section 6(2) of the COPAL Act which
6(2) The Governor-General may make an arrangement with the Governor of a State
for or in relation to the exercise or performance
of a power, duty or function
(not being a power, duty or function involving the exercise of judicial power)
by an authority of the
State under the applied provisions having effect in or in
relation to a Commonwealth place in that State and, where such an arrangement
in force, the power, duty or function may or shall, as the case may be, be
exercised or performed accordingly."
- Also,
section 4(14) and section 10 of the COPAL Act respectively provide as
4(14) Without limiting the effect of any other law of the Commonwealth, it is
declared that the powers of a person under the law
of a State may be exercised
in that State in respect of an act done in that State notwithstanding that the
act was done in or in
relation to a Commonwealth place and the provisions of the
laws of the State have effect in relation to anything done by a person
in the
exercise of a power referred to in this
- Where
an authority of a State [defined, in section 3] to include 'an officer or
employee of the State'] or a person has purported
to do an act under a law of a
State in or in relation to a Commonwealth place and:
(a) that law
was inapplicable by reason of the operation of section 52 of the Constitution in
relation to that Commonwealth place; and
(b) a part of the applied provisions corresponded to that law;
that act shall be deemed to have been done under that part of the applied
- An
Arrangement pursuant to section 6(2) of the COPAL Act and section 4 of the WA
COPAL Act between the Commonwealth and the State
of Western Australia was
gazetted on 30 September 1971. The Arrangement
'... where, under a law of the State to which a part of the applied provisions
corresponds, an authority (as defined in the Act and
in the State Act) of the
State (not being a court) may or shall, as the case may be, exercise or perform
any power, duty or function
(not being a power, duty or function involving
the exercise of judicial power), the corresponding power, duty or function
under that part of the applied provisions may or shall, as the case may be, be
or performed by that authority.' (Emphasis added)
- For
an Assessor to be able to exercise its function in a Commonwealth place, there
needs to be an arrangement between the Governor
and the Governor-General which
authorises an Assessor to do so. The arrangement in place, as gazetted, does
not apply to the exercise
of judicial power.
- In
Huddart, Parker & Co Pty Ltd v Moorehead [1909) HCA 36[1909] HCA 36; , (1909)
8 CLR 330 at 357) Griffiths CJ, with whom Barton J agreed, held
judicial power to mean the power to:
'decide controversies between its subjects, or between itself and its subjects,
whether the rights relate to life, liberty or property.
The exercise of this
power does not begin until some tribunal which has power to give a binding and
authoritative decision (whether
subject to appeal or not) is called upon to take
- This
definition was further expanded by Kitto J in R v Trade Practices
Tribunal; Ex parte Tasmanian Breweries Pty Ltd [1970] HCA 8; (1970) 123
CLR 361 at 374, cited with approval in Bass v Permanent Trustee Co Ltd
[1999] HCA 9 at [45]) as the engagement in 'an inquiry
concerning the law as it is and the facts as they are, followed by an
application of the law as determined
to the facts as determined'. In my view
when determining applications under the Act, an Assessor is exercising judicial
power. As
the arrangement in place between the State and Commonwealth does not
apply to the exercise of judicial power, no agreement has been
made, or indeed
can be made, between the State and the Commonwealth to implement the provisions
of the Act into a Commonwealth Place.
Findings with respect to the application of the COPAL Act to the first incident
at Yongah Hill Detention Centre
- I
find that:
(a) Yongah Hill Detention Centre is "Commonwealth Place"
under the COPAL Act.
(b) The Criminal Code applies to Yongah Hill Detention Centre pursuant
to the COPAL Act as a surrogate federal law;
(c) An offence under the Criminal Code at Yongah Hill Detention Centre
is a Commonwealth offence;
(d) Under the Act it is not possible to award compensation for injuries as a
consequence of conduct which constitute a Commonwealth
(e) The Act applies to Yongah Hill Detention Centre pursuant to the COPAL
(g) The Act applies as if it were a surrogate federal law;
(h) Only a court of a State can be invested with federal jurisdiction under
the COPAL Act;
(i) An Assessor is not a competent court to exercise federal jurisdiction;
(j) An Assessor is exercising judicial power when determining an application.
The gazetted agreement between the State and Commonwealth
pursuant to the COPAL
Act and the WA COPAL Act does not apply to an authority which is exercising any
power duty or function which
involves the exercise of judicial power, and
therefore does not overcome the difficulties mentioned above,
(k) Accordingly, I refuse the applicant's application with respect to the
injuries sustained at Yongah Hill Immigration Detention
Centre and decline to
make an assessment of the applicant's injuries.
What law applies to Christmas Island Immigration Detention Centre?
- Christmas
Island Immigration Detention Centre is located on the Territory of Christmas
Island, an Australian external territory located
around 350 km south of
Java and Sumatra and 1,550 km north-west of the closest point on the
Australian mainland.
- Christmas
Island is a territory placed under the authority of and accepted by the
Commonwealth, within section 122 of the Constitution. Section 122
provides the Commonwealth parliament may make laws for the government of such a
territory (See also Bennett v Commonwealth of Australia [2007] HCA
18 at [29]).
Does the COPAL Act apply to Christmas Island?
- Section 3
of the COPAL Act states a Commonwealth place means: 'a place (not being the seat
of government) with respect to which the
Parliament, by virtue of
section 52 of the Constitution, has, subject to the Constitution, exclusive
power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the
Commonwealth'. The COPAL Act applies to Christmas
Island as it is an external
territory of Australia.
- The
Australian Government has the power to make laws for the government of any
territory, including Christmas Island, under section 122
of the Australian Constitution. By virtue of that, subject to the
remainder of the Constitution, section 52
would apply. Subsection 52(i) of the Constitution refers to 'all places
acquired by the Commonwealth for public purposes'.
- Subsection 4(1)
of the COPAL Act states:
'The provisions of the laws of a State as in force at a time (whether before or
after the commencement of this Act) apply, or shall
be deemed to have applied,
in accordance with their tenor, at that time in and in relation to each place in
that State that is or
was a Commonwealth place at that time'.
The construction of this provision indicates the purpose of
section 4 is to apply state laws to Commonwealth places within states,
to Commonwealth places within territories. Therefore, the laws in place in the
territory of Christmas Island do not automatically
apply to Commonwealth Places
within the territory pursuant to the COPAL Act.
- In
Svikart v Stewart [1994] HCA 62; (1994) 181 CLR 548, the
High Court considered whether an R.A.A.F. base in Darwin was a Commonwealth
place within the meaning of section 52(i) of the Constitution. This
was the first time the High Court had considered the application of
section 52(i) to places acquired in a Territory. The High Court held the
exclusive power given to the Parliament by section 52(i) of the
Constitution to make laws with respect to 'all places acquired by the
Commonwealth for public purposes' is confined to places 'acquired within
State'. Section 52(i) therefore does not prevent the Parliament from
'conferring power upon a Territory legislature to legislate with respect to
places in a Territory.' (at p562). Accordingly, the laws that
apply to a Commonwealth Place in a territory are those that apply
to the
territory, or alternatively those that the territory government has been
authorised under section 52(i) to legislate for that Commonwealth Place.
The Christmas Island Act
- Pursuant
to section 122 of the Constitution the Commonwealth Parliament
enacted the Christmas Island Act 1958 (the CI Act) which specifies the
laws applicable on Christmas Island. There is no separate legislature upon
Christmas Island to which
authority can be delegated under section 52(i) of the
Constitution to make specific laws to apply to Commonwealth places within
the territory. The laws that apply to Christmas Island Immigration
Centre are therefore the same as the laws that apply to Christmas Island.
- Division
1 of Part 3 of the CI Act provides for the application of Commonwealth and
Western Australian laws to the territory. A Commonwealth
Act extends to the
Christmas Island 'of its own force except so far as the [CI] Act or another
Act expressly provides otherwise': section 8E(1) of the CI Act. The laws of
Western Australia are also in force in the territory to the extent they are not
with Commonwealth legislation or the Constitution: section 8A(1)
and (4) of the CI Act.
- Under
sections 7(d)
and 8A(1)
of the CI Act the laws of Western Australia apply to the Island. This includes
principles of common law and equity (both procedural
and substantive) and the
statutes and subsidiary legislation of the Western Australian Parliament:
Casinos Australia International (Christmas Island) Pty Ltd & Ors v
Christmas Island Resort Pty Ltd & Anor [1958] WASC 387. The Territories
Law Reform Act
1992 (Cth) conferred jurisdiction in and in relation to the Territory
on the courts and judicial officers of Western Australia. In short,
the Island
is administered by the Commonwealth Government as part of the Australian
territories but Western Australian law applies
to it. All powers conferred by
Western Australian laws in force in Christmas Island under section 8A are
vested in the Minister administering
the CI Act under section 8G. The
Minister may make arrangements with the Western Australian Government for the
effective application
and administration of the laws in force in the territory:
section 8H.
- Section
8A of the CI Act states:
(1) Subject to this section, section 8G and Part IVA, the provisions
of the law of Western Australia (whether made before or after
this section's
commencement) as in force in Western Australia from time to time are in force in
the Territory.
(2) To the extent that a law is in force in the Territory under
subsection (1), it may be incorporated, amended or repealed by an
or a law made under an Ordinance.
(3) An Ordinance may suspend the operation in the Territory of a law in force
in the Territory under subsection (1) for such period
as is specified in
the Ordinance.
(4) To the extent that a law is in force in the Territory under
subsection (1), it has no effect so far as it is inconsistent with
Constitution or an Act or Ordinance.
(5) For the purpose of subsection (4), a law is consistent with the
Constitution or an Act or Ordinance if the law is capable of operating
concurrently with it.
(6) In this section:
provision of the law of Western
(a) includes a principle or rule of common law or equity that is part of the
law of Western Australia; and
(b) does not include an Act or a provision of an Act.
- Section
8B of the Christmas Island Act 1958 (Cth)
(1) The Minister must cause a list of Acts of the Western Australian Parliament
(WA Acts) to be prepared and tabled in each House of the
Parliament for the following periods:
(a) the period
of 3 months beginning on 1 July 1992; and
(b) each subsequent period of 6 months.
(2) The list must specify the names of all WA Acts that are wholly or partly in
force in the Territory under section 8A on the day specified in the list,
and have not been specified in a previous list under this section. The specified
day must be not
more than 14 days before the day on which the list is to be
(3) The list must include WA Acts whose operation has been suspended in
accordance with subsection 8A(3).
(4) The list must be tabled in each House of the Parliament before the end of
the period to which the list relates. However, if the
House concerned does not
sit during any day in the last month of the period, the list may be tabled in
that House within the next
15 sitting days of that
- Pursuant
to section 8A of the CI Act, the Act became law in Christmas Island
on the day the Act received assent, namely on 15 December 2003. On
31 March 2004 a list which
included the Act was tabled in both Western
Australian Houses of the Parliament in accordance with section 8B of the CI
Act. Accordingly the Act is law in Christmas Island.
- With
respect to the Criminal Code (WA), a number of ordinances have been
published under the Christmas Island Applied Laws Ordinance 1992 adopting
amendments of the Criminal Code and hence it is clear the Criminal
Code applies to Christmas Island. An offence committed upon Christmas Island
is therefore an offence pursuant to the Criminal Code (WA).
- Section 14B
of the CI Act confers jurisdiction on Western Australian Courts and Court
14B. Conferral of jurisdiction on Western Australian
courts and court officers
(1) Subject to this Part
and any law in force in the Territory, the courts and court officers of Western
Australia have jurisdiction
(including appellate jurisdiction) in and in
relation to the Territory as if the Territory were part of Western
(2) Subject to section 14E, a court or court officer of Western
Australia may, in exercising jurisdiction under this section, sit
in the
Territory or Western Australia.
(3) Subject to any law in force in the Territory, the practice and procedure
applicable to a court or court officer exercising jurisdiction
under this
section are to be the practice and procedure as in force from time to time in
relation to that court or court officer
in Western Australia.
- Under
section 4(1) of the CI Act a 'court officer' includes 'any other office in
respect of a court of Western Australia, being an
office specified in the
regulations'. The Christmas Island (Courts) Regulations 2018
6 Courts and tribunals of Western
For the purposes of paragraph (i) of the definition of Court of
Western Australia in subsection 4(1) of the Act, the following
courts and tribunals are specified:
. . .
(d) the Chief Assessor of Criminal Injuries Compensation, or an Assessor
of Criminal Injuries Compensation, appointed under Schedule
1 to the
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003
Accordingly, I have jurisdiction to determine an
application with respect to Christmas Island.
Findings with respect to the law that applies to Christmas Island Immigration
Detention Centre
- I
find that:
- (a) The COPAL
Act applies to Christmas Island;
- (b) Irrespective
of whether or not the Christmas Island Immigration Detention Centre is a
Commonwealth Place, section 4 of the COPAL
Act has no effect as there are
no state laws in place on Christmas Island that can be applied;
- (c) The Act and
the Criminal Code apply to Christmas Island pursuant to the Christmas
Island Act 1958;
- (d) The Act and
the Criminal Code apply to Christmas Island Immigration Detention Centre
pursuant to the CI Act (there being no difference in the laws applying within
and without the Detention Centre);
- (e) Accordingly,
the Act applies with respect to the injuries sustained at Christmas Island
Immigration Detention Centre;
- (f) Pursuant to
section 4(1) of the CI Act and the Christmas Island (Courts) Regulations
2018 an Assessor is a 'court of Western Australia' and has jurisdiction to
determine applications arising from incidents on Christmas Island;
- (g) The
applicant is entitled to compensation with respect to the incident at Christmas
Island Immigration Detention Centre.
- I
refuse the applicant's application with respect to the first incident at Yongah
Hill Immigration Detention Centre.
- I
award the applicant the amount of $7,597 with respect to the second incident at
Christmas Island Immigration Detention Centre.
I certify that the
preceding paragraph(s) comprise the reasons for decision of the Criminal
Injuries Compensation Assessor of Western
[1] Approximately
AUD$1.87 = £1 as at 15 October
[2] See
Australia, House of Representatives, Second Reading Speech of Commonwealth
Places (Application of Laws) Bill 1970, Mr Thomas Hughes, QC, AG, 27
October 1970.
[3] See
also R v Porter [2001] NSWCA 441 Spigelman CJ at
Enid Campbell, 'What are Courts of Law?' [1998] UTasLawRw 2; (1998) 17(1) University of Tasmania Law Review
19-47; Graeme Hill, 'State administrative tribunals and the constitutional
definition of "court"' (2006) 13 Australian Journal of Administrative Law
10 at 87.
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. 91, 30 September 1971, Australian
Government Publishing Service, at 6161.
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