NAVIGATION (TONNAGE MEASUREMENT) REGULATIONS (AMENDMENT) 1990 NO. 317 NAVIGATION (TONNAGE MEASUREMENT) REGULATIONS (AMENDMENT) 1990 NO. 317 - TABLE OF PROVISIONS 1. Commencement 2. Amendment 1990 No. 317 NAVIGATION (TONNAGE MEASUREMENT) REGULATIONS (AMENDMENT) - REG 1 1. Commencement 1.1 These Regulations commence on 15 October 1990. 1990 No. 317 NAVIGATION (TONNAGE MEASUREMENT) REGULATIONS (AMENDMENT) - REG 2 2. Amendment 2.1 The Navigation (Tonnage Measurement) Regulations are amended as set out in the following table: Provision amended Omit Substitute Schedule 6 - subitem 2 (1) 1,430 1,716 1,760 2,112 2,860 3,432 4,290 5,148 7,150 8,580 10,010 (wherever 12,012 occurring) $1,760 $2,112 19,470 23,364 $1,450 $1,848 25,410 30,492 $330 $396 35,750 42,900 subitem 2 (2) 1,650 1,980 subitem 2 (6) 220 264 440 (wherever 528 occurring) $55 $66 subitem 2 (7) $2,420 $2,904 subitem 2 (11) 220 264 440 (wherever 528 occurring) $55 $66 subitem 2 (12) $2,420 $2,904 subitem 2 (15) $63 $52 subitem 2 (16) $43 $52 $210 $252 subitem 3 (6) 220 264 440 (wherever 528 occurring) $55 $66 subitem 3 (7) $2,420 $2,904 subitem 3 (9) $184 $221 subitem 3 (10) $43 $52 $210 $252 paragraph 4 (1)(a) $38 $46 paragraph 4 (1)(b) $38 $46 $114 $137 subitem 4 (2) $118 $142 subitem 4 (4) $110 $132 subitem 4 (6) $110 $132 - NOTES 1990 No. 317*1* NAVIGATION (TONNAGE MEASUREMENT) REGULATIONS*2* (AMENDMENT) *1*Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 12 October 1990. *2*Statutory Rules 1976 No. 250 as amended by 1977 No. 274; 1978 No. 35; 1979 No. 200; 1981 No. 293; 1982 Nos. 27, 46 and 198; 1983 No. 180; 1984 No. 358; 1985 No. 248; 1986 No. 274; 1987 No. 233; 1988 No. 238; 1989 No. 383.