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[2008] AATA 603
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Farnaby and Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission [2008] AATA 603 (11 July 2008)
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Farnaby and Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission [2008] AATA 603 (11 July 2008)
Last Updated: 15 July 2008

Administrative Appeals Tribunal
) No T2003/85
The Hon R J Groom (Deputy President) Dr J
Campbell (Part-Time Member)
Date 11 July 2008
Place Hobart
The Tribunal affirms the decision under
[Sgd The Hon RJ Groom]
Deputy President
COMPENSATION - Safety Rehabilitation and
Compensation Act 1988 - RAN recruit claiming PTSD and personality disorder -
"bastardisation" at RAN Training Establishment - sexual abuse by sponsor -
whether applicant complied with notice and claim provisions of 1930 Act -
whether "reasonable cause" - whether "injury" and/or "disease"
- whether
applicant suffering any type of mental injury or disease - decision
Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988, s124
Commonwealth Employees Compensation Act 1930, ss. 4(1), 9(1), 10(1),
16(1)(i), (ii), 16(4)(a)(ii), (b)(ii)
Commonwealth Acts Interpretation Act 1901, s15AA
Bowring and Comcare Australia No T95/117 dated 9 August 1996
Spear and Comcare No Q96/354 dated 8 July 1988
Prospect Blue Sky Inc v Australian Broadcasting Authority [1998] HCA 28; (1998) 194 CLR
Insurance Commission of Western Australian v Container Handlers Pty Ltd
[2004] HCA 24; (2004) 206 ALR 335
Palgo Holdings Pty Ltd v Gowans [2005] HCA 28.
Banks v Comcare [1996] FCA 1490
Tralongo and MRCC [2004] AATA 124
Re Hairis and Comcare (1991) 23 ALD 379
Weston v Great Bolder Gold Mine Ltd [1964] HCA 59; (1964) 112 CLR 30
Frazer and Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission [2004] AATA
Commonwealth v Bourne [1960] HCA 26; (1960) 104 CLR 32
Commonwealth v Rutlege [1964] HCA 63; (1964) 111 CLR 1
Connair Pty Ltd v Frederiksen [1979] HCA 25; (1979) 142 CLR 485)
Bermingham v Corrective Services Commission of New South Wales (1988) 15
Hatzimanolisis v ANI Corporation Ltd [1992] HCA 21; (1992) 173 CLR 473
Comcare v Mooi (1996) 69 FCR 439
Comcare v Luck [1999] FCA 100; (1999) 29 AAR 403)
The Hon R J Groom (Deputy President) Dr J
Campbell (Part-Time Member)
- The
applicant served in the Royal Australian Navy ("the navy") from 1 October 1968
until 1 January 1979.
- On
or about 24 January 2002 the applicant claimed compensation under the
Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988
("the Act") for an injury or disease caused by his employment in the navy.
- He
claimed that he suffered PTSD as a result of "physical and sexual abuse" which
he alleged occurred when he was at HMAS Leeuwin,
a recruit training facility in
Western Australia.
- The
applicant had joined the navy on 1 October 1968 as a 15 year old recruit. He
was posted to Leeuwin some six days later. The
applicant remained at Leeuwin
until 30 September 1969. He alleges that his maltreatment primarily occurred in
the first six months
of his period of service at Leeuwin.
- As
the alleged causes of the injury or disease were the events at Leeuwin in 1968
and 1969 the Transitional Provisions in section 124 of the Act apply. The
applicant is therefore not entitled to compensation under the Act unless
compensation was payable for the injury or disease under the Commonwealth
Employees Compensation Act 1930 ("the 1930 Act").
- The
applicant's claim for compensation was disallowed on 28 June 2002. On 26 July
2002 the applicant requested a reconsideration
of the decision. On 22 April
2003 a reviewable decision was made affirming the determination of 28 June
- On
8 May 2003 the applicant applied to this Tribunal for a review of the decision
made on 22 April 2003.
- The
hearing of this review application commenced in Hobart on 23 January 2006 when a
preliminary issue was considered and determined
by the Tribunal. It resumed on
2 April 2008 and continued on 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 14 April 2008. Mr R
Browne with Ms C Gregg
appeared for the applicant and Mr B Morgan for the
- Thirteen
witnesses gave evidence at the hearing. They were the applicant, his former
wife Ms Robyn Kim, his sister Ms Ann Strickland,
former recruits at Leeuwin - Mr
Graeme Frazer, Mr Stephen Purchase, Mr Kieth Pratt and Mr Robert Harley,
psychiatrists Dr Sale, Dr
Burges Watson and Professor Pridmore and general
practitioners Dr Welch and Dr Roffe.
- A
substantial number of documentary exhibits were tendered by the parties and
received into evidence including the T Documents lodged
pursuant to section 37
of the Administrative Appeals Act 1975.
- The
principal issues to be determined by the Tribunal are:
(a) Was
notice given and the claim made as required by section 16(1) of the 1930 Act,
and if not does the applicant satisfy the
exceptions in section 16(1)(i) and
(ii) of that Act?
(b) Does the applicant suffer from an injury and/or disease within the
meaning of those terms in the 1930 Act?
(c) If yes to (b) then is the applicant incapacitated for work as a result
of that injury and/or disease?
- The
Tribunal will now give detailed consideration to each of those issues and make
decisions on them.
- Section
16 of the 1930 Act provides as follows:
"The Commissioner shall
not admit a claim for compensation under this Act for an injury unless notice of
the accident has been served
upon him as soon as practicable after it has
happened, and before the employee has voluntarily left the employment of the
and unless the claim for compensation has been made -
(a) within six months from the occurrence of the accident; or
(b) in case of death - within six months after advice of the death has been
received by the claimant:
Provided always that -
(i) the want of or any defect or inaccuracy in the notice shall not prevent
consideration of the claim by the Commissioner if he
finds that the Commonwealth
is not prejudiced by the want, defect or inaccuracy, or that the want, defect or
inaccuracy was occasioned
by mistake, absence from Australia or other reasonable
cause; and
(ii) the failure to make a claim within the period above specified shall not
prevent consideration of the claim by the Commissioner
if he finds that the
failure was occasioned by mistake, absence from Australia or other reasonable
- It
is noted that a failure to comply with the requirements of section 16 of the
1930 Act was first raised by the delegate of the Department
of Veterans' Affairs
in her determination dated 28 June 2002.
- At
the hearing Mr Morgan for the respondent contended that section 16 had not been
complied with. He submitted that no notice had
been served on the Commissioner
as required by the 1930 Act. Mr Morgan argued that the Office of Commissioner
was abolished and
replaced by a new Commonwealth authority "with separate and
distinct functions" and that the Transitional Provisions in the Act did
permit a claim to be served on the new authority rather than on the
Commissioner. In support of this proposition he cited an
unreported decision of
this Tribunal in Bowring and Comcare Australia No T95/117 dated 9 August
- We
are not persuaded that there is merit in this submission. If accepted it would
mean that if notice was not served on, or a claim
not lodged with, the
Commissioner before 1 December 1988 when the Office of Commissioner ceased to
exist, that claim could not be
further considered.
- The
symptoms of many types of injuries including "mental injuries" may not become
apparent for many years after the work-related cause
has occurred. If this
strict interpretation were accepted many potential claimants would be denied the
opportunity to pursue a workers'
compensation claim. In our view the
Transitional Provisions make it plain that the legislature did not intend such a
result. It
would clearly defeat the essential purpose of those provisions.
That purpose is to allow claims for compensation under the 1988
Act but based on
an entitlement to compensation under, in this case, the 1930 Act.
- This
particular point was considered by Deputy President Forgie in Spear and
Comcare No Q96/354 dated 8 July 1988. The relevant Act in that case was the
1971 Act. Deputy President Forgie said at paragraph 52 of that
decision as
"The 1988
Act has no provision to the effect that a claim may be served on Comcare
rather than on the Commissioner to whom it had
to be given under the 1971 Act.
That must be implied from the general provisions giving Comcare power to do all
things necessary
or convenient to be done for, or in connection with, its
functions (section 70) and also from section 128. Section
128 provides that any liability of the Commonwealth or of a Commonwealth
authority under, among others, the 1971 Act, shall, to the extent
that it has
not been discharged before 1 December, 1988, be taken to have been incurred by,
in the circumstances of this case, Comcare".
- The
purposive approach to interpreting a statute was recognised at common law and is
now firmly established in statute. Section 15AA
of the Commonwealth Acts
Interpretation Act 1901 states as follows:
"In the interpretation
of a provision of an Act, a construction that would promote the purpose or
object underlying the Act (whether
that purpose or object is expressly stated in
the Act or not) shall be preferred to a construction that would not promote that
or object".
- The
approach is now widely recognised by Australian courts. (see Prospect Blue
Sky Inc v Australian Broadcasting Authority [1998] HCA 28; (1998) 194 CLR 355 per McHugh,
Gummow, Kirby and Hayne JJ at p381 and also Insurance Commission of Western
Australian v Container Handlers Pty Ltd [2004] HCA 24; (2004) 206 ALR 335 at 365 per Kirby
J and Palgo Holdings Pty Ltd v Gowans [2005] HCA 28.
- A
view expressed by McHugh JA in Bermingham v Corrective Services Commission of
New South Wales (1988) 15 NSWLR 292 at 302 is helpful. His Honour
"It is not only when Parliament has used words
inadvertently that a court is entitled to give legislation a strained
To give effect to the purpose of the legislation, a court may
read words into a legislative provision if by inadvertence Parliament
has failed
to deal with an eventuality required to be dealt with if the purpose of the Act
is to be achieved".
- The
Tribunal therefore finds that it is implied by the legislative scheme that
service on Comcare is sufficient to ground a claim
based on the 1930 Act.
- It
was further argued on behalf of the respondent that the respondent was
prejudiced by the delay and that the exceptions in sections
16(1)(i) and (ii)
are not satisfied.
- In
the present case the applicant was not aware that he may be suffering an injury
or disease caused by events at Leeuwin until after
his chance meeting with Ms
Nalder at the Trout Hotel in North Hobart. Ms Nalder worked for the
Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service.
It was following that meeting, which
probably occurred in December 2001, that the applicant first gained knowledge
that he may be
suffering an injury or disease as a result of his employment. He
said in correspondence (T13):
"It was only when I presented
myself to Commonwealth Rehab and Vietnam Vets Counselling Service psychologists
that I realised what
had happened to me. With support from these people I have
started to cope more with my symptoms and have recovered memories so far
suppressed. 16(4) seems to cover this claim as I filed for PTSD when diagnosed
with this by psychologist Peter Nelson and Dr M Welch
- The
applicant lodged his claim for compensation on or about 24 January 2002. This
was only a matter of weeks after he first became
aware that he may have a
compensable injury or disease. A claim is also notice. (See Comcare v Luck
[1999] FCA 100; (1999) 29 AAR 403).
- A
failure to understand or appreciate the symptoms of an injury or disease and
their cause has been recognised as a reasonable cause
for want of a notice or a
claim. (see the discussion by Kiefel J in Banks v Comcare [1996] FCA
1490 and also the decision of this Tribunal in Tralongo and MRCC [2004]
AATA 1242).
- The
reasons for the applicant's failure to promptly report the incidents of physical
and sexual abuse whilst at Leeuwin are explained
to the Tribunal's satisfaction
in the evidence before it. The prevailing culture at Leeuwin clearly
discouraged the reporting of
mistreatment of the kind the applicant was
subjected to. There are well recognised and complex reasons for a young person
not reporting
sexual abuse. (see Dr Sale's explanation at p.208 of the
- The
Tribunal concludes that there is present in this application a "reasonable
cause" within the meaning of that term in section 16(1)(i)
and (ii) of the 1930
- As
the delay in giving notice and making a claim was occasioned by a reasonable
cause it is not necessary to further consider the
question of prejudice.
- As
far as the "disease" claim is concerned we concludes on the facts that the
provisions in section 16(4)(a)(ii) and (b)(ii) are satisfied.
The notice was
given "as soon as practicable" and the claim made "within six months after the
employee first became aware that he
was suffering from the disease".
- The
applicant's claim for compensation was therefore properly before the original
decision-maker and can now be considered by this
Tribunal on its
- The
applicant alleges that in the first 12 twelve months of his service at Leeuwin,
but primarily in the initial 6 months, he was
assaulted, harassed and
intimidated on numerous occasions by other recruits. He alleges that he was
also subjected to sexual abuse
by a navy appointed "sponsor" who he stayed with
on approved weekend leave from Leeuwin.
- It
is claimed that as a result of these incidents the applicant has suffered a
mental injury or disease namely either post traumatic
stress disorder or a
personality disorder.
- The
applicant spent his childhood in England. The evidence indicates a relatively
happy childhood and normal upbringing. He attended
grammar school in Doncaster
England and was a reasonably good student. He had a number of friends and
enjoyed camping and other
outdoor activities. His father had served overseas in
the army and later became a policeman. He had also worked as a debt collector.
The applicant described him as a "disciplinarian" and said he was "pretty silent
and uncommunicative". The applicant had a good
relationship with his mother.
The family, including the applicant's sister, Ann, moved to Australia and
eventually settled in South
Australia. This was in 1966 or 1967. He was then
about 14 years of age. The applicant had always been keen on joining the navy.
He joined the Royal Australian Navy on 1 October 1968 at the age of 15 years and
6 months. Shortly afterwards he travelled to Leeuwin
in Western Australia to
undertake his recruit training.
- The
assaults, harassment and intimidation included the following:
- Punches to
the face and other parts of the Applicant's body (and that of other new
recruits) by more senior recruits and by recruits
at the Applicant's
- The paying of
"protection money" or handing over cigarettes to senior recruits under duress.
If the Applicant refused he was assaulted.
- After meals
the Applicant was grabbed on numerous occasions and told he was to carry out
tasks for senior recruits. Often he was
hit in the process. Tasks that he was
required to carry out were washing dishes, scrubbing floors, mopping and the
like. The Applicant
resisted this system, and was bashed as a
- Frequent
physical beating in his dormitory at night. As a result of these assaults the
Applicant suffered bruising.
- Being
compelled to run a gauntlet in the dormitory, whereby senior recruits bludgeoned
the Applicant with pillows filled with heavy
boots and books. As a result of
this incident the Applicant was injured and suffered bleeding from the nose, a
split lip and bruising
over his body generally and to his back in
- Sexual
assaults on 2 occasions, whereby the Applicant was stripped of his clothing and
had boot polish applied to his genitals on
one occasion and a muscle treatment
compound called Deep Heat applied on another occasion.
- Being pushed
to the back of meal queues. If the Applicant resisted he would be assaulted,
either on the spot or after meals, when
a group would wait for him and other
recruits and assault them. The Applicant was assaulted numerous times in this
- The Applicant
was frequently assaulted because he was different. He had a strong Yorkshire
accent and was of slim build.
- On at least 2
but possibly 4 occasions the Applicant was stripped naked, thrown into a cold
bath and scrubbed with steel wool and
hard scrubbing brushes.
- The
applicant states that he was never involved in assaulting or bullying anyone
else at Leeuwin except that on one occasion after
being whipped with a wet tea
towel by a recruit named Pratt he responded by stabbing Pratt in the arm. This
resulted in Pratt having
some stitches in the wound. That incident was never
reported. Kieth Pratt gave evidence at the hearing.
- There
is evidence before the Tribunal of a pervasive general culture at Leeuwin of
"bastardisation" of new recruits which included
assaults, bullying, intimidation
and victimisation of a kind which the applicant says he was subjected to.
- After
considering the applicant's evidence and all of the relevant material before us
we are satisfied that the applicant did suffer
the assaults, harassment and
intimidation whilst a recruit at Leeuwin as he alleges. The allegations made by
the applicant were
consistent with the general culture of bastardisation present
at Leeuwin. This unacceptable and wrongful conduct was obviously condoned
those responsible for the well-being of these very young recruits.
- The
navy arranged for sponsors to take young recruits from Leeuwin into their homes
for weekend leave.
- The
applicant states that he was sponsored by a single man who lived with his
mother. He cannot recall the name of this sponsor although
he has made
enquiries to try and find out the person's name. He said there was only one bed
available to him in the house. It happened
to also be the male sponsor's
- When
sleeping in the sponsor's bed the sponsor on at least two occasions fondled the
applicant's penis. It is possible the sponsor
administered a drug to the
applicant in a cup of hot chocolate prior to bedtime. The applicant believes
that on two occasions the
sponsor may have raped him whilst he slept in the
- When
he was a passenger in the sponsor's vehicle the sponsor frequently touched the
applicant on his leg and/or genital area. On
one occasion in the back of the
sponsor's panel van the sponsor placed the applicant's hand on the sponsor's
penis and fondled the
applicant's penis. The sponsor also attempted to rape the
applicant in the back of the panel van.
- The
applicant says that he did not report these crimes to anyone at Leeuwin as he
feared that he may be assaulted. Also the officer
he would have to report to
and the sponsor had mutual friends.
- Although
there is no corroborative evidence and there have been variations in the
accounts provided by the applicant to medical practitioners
and counsellors and
others about the details of the sexual assaults we are satisfied that the
applicant did suffer sexual abuse by
his navy approved sponsor as
- After
leaving Leeuwin the applicant was posted to HMAS Vampire. He said that he had
begun drinking at that time and frequently drank
in hotels in Sydney and
wherever the ship went. He said that he was drunk whenever he was on shore
leave. After three months or
so on Vampire he deserted with three other young
men in Brisbane. He was absent from 26 April 1970 till 21 July 1970. He and
other sailors involved obtained casual jobs. He gave himself up and on the
30 July 1971 he was sentenced to 48 days punishment.
He spent some time in the
- In
August 1970 the applicant was posted to HMAS Cerberus and remained at that base
until 18 January 1971. He underwent an engineering
course and then on 18
January 1971 was posted to HMAS Supply, an oil tanker. He served on HMAS Supply
for approximately five years.
- Whilst
serving on HMAS Supply the applicant was involved in a fight at the Wheatsheaf
Hotel in Hobart with a Lieutenant Thierderman.
The applicant was
court-martialled and on the 3 December 1974 was sentenced to 28 days
- He
was later posted to HMAS Nirimba from 12 January 1976 until 10 October 1977.
This was the navy apprentice school at Quakers Hill
in Sydney. He said he ran
the cafe at Nirimba for about 12 months. The applicant said he commonly used
drugs when he was at Nirimba
although he first used drugs when he was actually
serving on HMAS Supply.
- In
1977 he was posted to the aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne. He spent about a
year on that ship and was in charge of fuel and fresh
water handling.
- On
21 August 1978 he was posted to HMAS Kimbla which was an oceanographic vessel.
He then resigned from the navy in 1979.
- Before
leaving the navy the applicant had met Robyn Whittle. They initially lived
together in Sydney. After leaving the navy he
and Robyn moved to Dromedary in
Tasmania. They lived there together for some months. They later lived at Magra
and then at New
Norfolk. The applicant worked as a postman for five or six
years based at Glenorchy initially and then at New Norfolk.
- Both
the applicant's parents died in England on the same day in October 1980. His
mother died of a heart attack and the father committed
suicide later that day.
The parents had returned to England in 1970 soon after the applicant had
completed his period of training
at Leeuwin. He did not see his parents again
before they died.
- The
applicant married Robyn Whittle in 1981 in New Norfolk. There are two children
from the relationship.
- In
November 1984 the applicant and his wife purchased a rural property at Kellevie.
They moved there to live however in 1986 the marriage
failed and they then
commenced to live separately.
- Apart
from his work as a postman for some 6 years at Glenorchy and New Norfolk the
applicant had also obtained casual work through
the late 1980's and early 1990's
with his ex-wife's father, Tasman Whittle, at GT Tyres in Moonah. He personally
built the family
house in New Norfolk and also a house on the property at
Kellevie. He had also worked as a casual rigger for a period and on
sites and also had been engaged cutting fire wood. In the late
1990's the applicant worked as a youth worker with the Sorell Council.
This was
the last paid work the applicant was engaged in.
- In
or about December 2001 the applicant met Ms Anne Nalder, a Commonwealth
Rehabilitation Service case manager. They met by chance
at the Trout Hotel in
North Hobart. Ms Nalder asked the applicant what he did for a living and he
mentioned that he had served in
the navy and on HMAS Leeuwin. He was later
referred to Mr Peter Nelson, of the Vietnam Veterans' Counselling Service. He
this was either late 2001 or early 2002. Later Ms Nalder referred the
applicant to Dr Welch. Dr Welch saw the applicant on 13 February
2002 and
diagnosed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. On 11 June 2003 the applicant
obtained a disability support pension for PTSD.
- Section
9(1) of the 1930 Act provides as follows:
"If personal injury by
accident arising out of or in the course of his employment by the Commonwealth
is caused to an employee, the
Commonwealth shall, subject to this Act, be liable
to pay compensation in accordance with the First Schedule in this Act"
- Section
4(1) of that Act "injury" means:
"any physical or mental injury
and includes the aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of a pre-existing
- Section
10(1) of that Act provides that:
"Where -
(a) an employee is suffering from a disease and is thereby incapacitated
for work; or
(b) the death of an employee is caused by a disease, and the disease is
due to the nature of the employment in which the employee
was engaged by the
Commonwealth, the Commonwealth shall, subject to this Act, be liable to pay
compensation in accordance with this
Act as if the disease were a personal
injury by accident arising out of or in the course of his employment".
- Section
4(1) defines "disease" in the following terms:
"includes any
physical or mental ailment, disorder, defect or morbid condition, whether of
sudden or gradual development, and also
includes the aggravation, acceleration
or recurrence of a pre-existing disease".
- There
is no definition of "mental injury" in the 1930 Act. Some guidance is provided
by the decision in Re Hairis and Comcare (1991) 23 ALD 379 when the
Tribunal said "... a direct injury to the brain would be a physical injury,
whilst something occasioning harm to the mind
would be a mental injury". (Para
- Assaults
in the workplace may not be "accidental" events in the ordinary meaning of the
word but they have been held to be an "injury
by accident" for the purpose of
workers' compensation. (see Weston v Great Bolder Gold Mine Ltd [1964] HCA 59; (1964)
112 CLR 30 and also Frazer and Military Rehabilitation and Compensation
Commission [ 2004] AATA 1403. The circumstances in Frazer were markedly
similar to those in the present case).
- Mr
Morgan properly conceded that any mental injury caused by the sexual abuse by
the sponsor arose "out of or in the course of" the
applicant's employment. (See
Hatzimanolisis v ANI Corporation Ltd [1992] HCA 21; (1992) 173 CLR 473).
- The
disease provisions in the 1930 Act were much narrower than exist in the present
Act. As can be seen in paragraph 59 above the
disease must be due to the
"nature of the employment". It must be incidental to the nature or character of
the employment and not
a condition which arises out of the particular
experiences of the employee concerned. (see Commonwealth v Bourne [1960] HCA 26; (1960)
104 CLR 32, Commonwealth v Rutlege [1964] HCA 63; (1964) 111 CLR 1 and Connair Pty
Ltd v Frederiksen [1979] HCA 25; (1979) 142 CLR 485).
- Even
though there is persuasive evidence of a culture at Leeuwin condoning
"bastardisation" of the kind experienced by the applicant,
in the opinion of the
Tribunal any resultant disease cannot be said to be due to the "nature" of the
applicant's employment. Any
disease he may suffer is really due to the
particular treatment he received at the hands of fellow recruits. The sexual
abuse by
the sponsor is obviously not due to the nature of the applicant's
employment. Although we have concluded that the "disease" provisions
in the
1930 Act do not apply the Tribunal nevertheless will proceed to consider whether
the applicant is suffering from any compensable
mental condition whether it be a
mental injury and/or a disease.
- This
has been a very lengthy hearing. A vast amount of oral and written evidence is
now before us. Because of that quantity of evidence
and the nature of the
applicant's compensation claim we intend to now detail portions of the evidence
which we consider particularly
relevant to the central issue. That issue is
whether the applicant has suffered a mental injury and/or disease as a result of
mistreatment and abuse he was subjected to whilst a recruit at Leeuwin. As
the Tribunal has already found that Mr Farnaby was subjected
to sexual abuse by
his sponsor and also assaults, harassment and intimidation at Leeuwin as claimed
we do not consider it necessary
to detail the evidence of Messrs Frazer,
Purchase, Pratt and Harley. We have, of course, given consideration to all of
the evidence
provided by those witnesses.
- The
Tribunal will now consider the medical and other evidence to determine whether
we are satisfied to the standard required that
the applicant is suffering from a
compensable mental condition whether it be an injury or a disease.
- On
the issue of symptoms of PTSD Mr Farnaby in his statement of 23 February 2005
details the following:
- The first
symptoms of the conditions were in 1981. He then experienced flashbacks to some
incidents at HMAS Leeuwin. He tended to
be isolated from people. Since that
time, he notices that he tends to avoid crowds and, that through the years, he
has had ideas
of suicide and has felt depressed.
- He has had
problems sleeping, had nightmares and been prone to angry outbursts ever since
his first few weeks at HMAS Leeuwin. Further,
Mr Farnaby states that he has
felt anxious and has abused alcohol. Mr Farnaby also records that after HMAS
Leeuwin, he had flashbacks
to sexual abuse, running the gauntlet, a stabbing
incident, to bashings and to harassment. These events were without a time or
- He finds it very
difficult to talk to people about his experiences at HMAS Leeuwin and, in
particular, issues of sexual abuse. Mr
Farnaby concludes by stating that in
1981 he tried to tell his wife about these events but failed. After 2001 he had
talked very
little about the incidents, but prior to 2001 virtually not at
- In
a further statement dated 16 April 2007, Mr Farnaby gave further details of the
sexual abuse by the sponsor. He acknowledged that
he felt ashamed and
humiliated by these events, and was resigned to never communicating the
occurrence to any person. Mr Farnaby
records that he has never talked about
certain aspects of the sexual abuse prior to June 2006 and, on that occasion, it
was after
viewing records of a medical examination conducted by the Australian
Government Health Service.
- In
oral evidence, Mr Farnaby added the following:
- The episode in
the van was his first sexual experience, and was with a man he didn’t know
and didn’t particularly like.
As a consequence, Mr Farnaby said he felt
scared and was terrified.
- That he first
told Ms Nalder about the sponsor touching him on the groin and leg in the panel
van and the instances in bed in 2002.
- He found it very
hard to talk about such things as he felt both guilty and embarrassed but, as to
the detail of the assault in the
panel van, he was only able to talk about this
at the time of preparing his case, and more particularly in his second statement
16 April 2007.
- That he revealed
other happenings at HMAS Leeuwin slowly to Ms Nalder in 2002, then to Dr Welch
and to Mr Nelson, commencing with
the bullying. He had difficulty talking about
the stabbing incident.
- He and his wife
purchased some land at Kellevie in November 1984 while they were living at New
Norfolk. Shortly afterwards they moved
to live on the property in a caravan
while Mr Farnaby built a house.
- Further
in oral evidence, Mr Farnaby, when asked questions concerning his consultation
with Professor Pridmore on 13 September 2004
(Exh R2), stated:
- He refused to
co-operate in a request by Professor Pridmore to participate in a physical
examination. This was because of the manner
in which the request was made, the
physical openness of the consulting area and the presence of a female.
- He did not wish
to provide Professor Pridmore with precise details of his particular experiences
as he did not like him and considered
him aloof and rude.
- He did state
that he “dislikes knives, because he is afraid that he will stab
someone.” He said that when he is near
knives he has hallucinations and
“sees blood everywhere.”
- He did use the
word "flashbacks", as he could not find another word to describe the incidents.
Mr Farnaby denied detailing the content
of the flashbacks.
- He said insomnia
had existed since he left Leeuwin.
- That he
experiences panic attacks in social situations, together with palpitations,
shortness of breath, sweaty hands and a desire
to escape.
- He relives
events that occurred at Leeuwin, including the violence, the assault in the
panel van, the scrubbing and running the gauntlet.
This occurs just before he
goes to sleep.
- Mr
Farnaby, in response to questions asked by his counsel about Dr Sale’s
report of 3 April 2007 (Exh A7), said that his symptoms
- Flashbacks,
sleep difficulties, anxiety, depressed mood, irritability, poor concentration
and forgetfulness. Mr Farnaby also agreed
that there had been an improvement in
his complaint of lethargy. This improvement was a result of a domestic
relationship over the
last four or five years.
- That in
2001/2002 he would rarely leave his accommodation. He spent a lot of time
drinking alone in his room. At this time, and
prior to meeting Ms Nalder, he
did not socialise with anyone, although he used to attend a hotel each week. It
was after the meeting
with Ms Nalder that he realised that he needed to seek
treatment. Mr Farnaby believed that he had PTSD after seeing Dr Welch in
- In
response to questions raised in response to Ms Strickland’s evidence, Mr
Farnaby said that:
- He did visit his
parents in Adelaide during the 1968/69 Christmas period.
- He did attend a
technical school at Elizabeth prior to going to HMAS Leeuwin.
- Mr
Farnaby described the loss of a right front tooth while serving on HMAS Vampire
in 1969. This loss was said to have occurred when
Mr Pratt struck him with a
fist when he was halfway out of the hatch. Mr Farnaby believed he was knocked
out for a few seconds.
- When
answering questions asked in cross-examination, Mr Farnaby said:
- That
he rarely drank when on board ship, but when on shore leave he would drink to
excess. He had been drinking prior to the incident
in a Hobart hotel in 1974,
when he struck an officer. Mr Farnaby believed he started drinking to excess in
the mid nineties when
he was depressed and suicidal. He has continued to drink
heavily . In 1997 he believed his level of drinking was 12 stubbies a
plus a couple of litres of wine a day.
- He first sought
treatment for his anxiety and stress disorders from Dr Welch in 2002. Mr
Farnaby remembered seeking some treatment
for an inability to sleep while
serving at HMAS Cerebus in 1970. This is noted in the daily medical record of 12
November 1970 (Exh
R3). Mr Farnaby also stated that for most of the time he was
in the Navy, he was so exhausted that he could get to sleep. As a
result there
was no need for further treatment for his sleeplessness.
- He was unable to
remember filling out the claim for compensation form in 2002, when he claimed
that he was first aware of his injury
in 1968, and first sought treatment in
- He first smoked
marijuana at age 18 in Sydney, and thereafter on probably a monthly basis. He
tried amphetamines at about age 20,
and LSD a couple of times in his early
- That his
flashbacks had been occurring since 1968. They are in the form of very vivid
memories as though he was there (especially
the image of the sexual assault in
the back of the panel van). They have been occurring most nights since 1968,
although it was
worse after leaving the Navy, with the period around 2000 being
the worst (flashbacks more often and more vivid). Mr Farnaby also
experiencing nightmares (reliving experiences about violence against him,
including seeing blood and a knife) which became
worse in the late seventies.
Mr Farnaby also told of experiencing nightmares of no particular theme.
- He agreed he did
continue to be picked up by his sponsor, in spite of the sponsor’s
previous behaviour pattern. Mr Farnaby
admitted to an absence of previous
sexual experience or behaviour at that time, and stated that he did not much
like the behaviour
of the sponsor. Mr Farnaby believed he was a very submissive
person at that time.
- With respect to
the trip in the panel van to Geraldton, he did not know that it was going to be
overnight. In relation to the details
of the attempted rape in the panel van,
Mr Farnaby said he had been too scared and ashamed to detail it to his lawyers
when preparing
his statement in February 2005. Mr Farnaby also said he believed
reporting such behaviour to the Navy would result in him being
bashed and called
a "poofter".
- He last saw his
parents at Christmas 1968. He was unaware of the date of his mother's death.
He had been told that his father died
a few days later. His parents had never
mentioned receiving letters about the sponsorship to him. He had not discussed
issues with his parents. Mr Farnaby believes he may have told his
sister at a later time that his sponsor was a single man. He
had never
discussed with her the behaviour of the sponsor.
- That he had
threatened suicide with a shot gun and had thoughts about gassing himself a
couple of times and walking in front of a
car. This occurred while he was in
the Navy. It was towards the end of the seventies.
- He met his now
ex-wife in 1974, and lived with her from 1975 until they married in 1981. He
said that during the time of his marriage
he had trouble sleeping.
- After leaving
the navy he worked as a postman for five or six years while living in New
Norfolk. Mr Farnaby also stated that he had
built a house at New Norfolk.
- That he left his
job as a postman because he wanted to move into the bush at Kelllevie. He again
built a house for the family at
- After his
marriage break-up, he moved to various types of accommodation over the next
three to four years. He then moved to Commercial
Road where he remained for
three to four years.
- He was told of
his mother’s death by a woman at the international call centre
switchboard. This was after he received a telegram
to ring the call centre. Mr
Farnaby said he was shocked and saddened by the news, but he coped well. He
then rang his sister who
told him that both parents had died, and that his
father had committed suicide. Mr Farnaby did not feel it necessary to attend
funerals in 1980.
- That he had been
treated by Dr Roffe and at the Sorell Clinic after leaving the Navy. He had
never discussed with Dr Nylander, or
any other doctor at the Sorell Medical
Clinic, between 1986 and 2000 of his dreams, nightmares, flashbacks or mental
health, nor
did he seek any medication for sleep.
- He had worked
for his father-in-law at GT Tyres at Moonah as assistant manager for six to
eight years, after his separation from Ms
Kim and the sale of Kellevie property
in 1986. By 1997, he was drinking heavily and smoking marijuana very
occasionally. Mr Farnaby
stated that around 1997 he did some work as a
part-time rigger. Mr Farnaby also acknowledged that he had been an A grade
eight ball
player in the nineties. Mr Farnaby said that he also worked as a
leading hand in cabling operations, and that he had attended work
hung-over or
had not attended work for the same reason.
- He said his
relationship with his ex-wife (Ms Kim) is not particularly good. Mr Farnaby
disagreed with his ex-wife where, in her
statement, she stated that
“obviously he was devastated and I do not think Mark has ever really
gotten over this” (reference
to death of parents). Mr Farnaby noted that
as a normal adolescent boy he "missed", as opposed to "suffered", when his
parents returned
to live in England in 1970. Mr Farnaby applied to join the
Royal Navy in 1970, but said he withdrew his application when he found
out that
he would have to go through another Leeuwin-like experience.
- That his father
was a hard man but they did get on well. He was a disciplinarian, having served
in the army during the war, as a
policeman and a debt collector. Mr Farnaby
acknowledged that his ex-wife wrote most of the infrequent letters to his
mother, but
was unable to remember any content. Mr Farnaby agreed that he saw
his sister when she came to Tasmania in November 1983. She had
wound up the
parents’ estate. He received nothing from the estate but he didn’t
want anything, as he was living a very
simple life at that stage. Mr Farnaby
agreed that his ex-wife did move out for a period prior to his sister and her
child returning
to England in 1983. He did not often keep in contact with his
sister after she left.
- He said he never
told his ex-wife that he had been sexually abused while in the Navy, and that
the first person he told of such sexual
abuse was Ms Nalder. That occurred a
few months after he had first met her. Nevertheless, Mr Farnaby agreed that he
had told his
ex-wife that he had had a hard time after joining the Navy, and
that he cannot remember having mentioned to her circumstances about
events when
he was at HMAS Leeuwin, despite his ex-wife’s statement to the contrary.
Mr Farnaby said that he continued to
have waking dreams about the attempted rape
every night during his marriage.
- He did tell Dr
Walker in March 2002 (Exh R7) that:
- “always
felt depressed and suicidal since assault at naval recruitment camp 12 months.
Assaulted physically and sexually by
other recruits and more senior officers
recurrent over months. Was also sexually molested by his sponsor in the van
over several
- “Problems
with relationships, married once for about 10 years, divorced about 1994, grown
up kids, no real relationships since
then, doesn’t relate well to others,
always anticipates will die or not be around.”
- “Mood, I
get angry a lot, I feel like shit, sometimes mood okay, cries a
- He acknowledged
he had his difficulties at HMAS Leeuwin including doing physical things
(push-ups), and turning up unwashed, or in
unironed clothes or uncleaned shoes
for which the rest of his class (4 Alpha) were punished. Similarly, Mr Farnaby
agreed that his
class work may not have been up to scratch on occasions. Again
the class being punished.
- His memory of
the knife incident at HMAS Leeuwin is different in detail to that described by
Mr Pratt. Mr Farnaby confirmed that
he did tell Professor Pridmore that he
stabbed the person in the guts, as that is consistent with the violent
nightmares he has experienced.
- That he has no
memory of the name of his sponsor or the sponsor’s mother and the location
of the house in Perth.
- He was unable to
remember the names of the other three sailors who were with him when he was
absent without leave from HMAS Vampire
in 1970. They were accommodated in a
boarding house in Brisbane and undertook casual work making pallets.
- That the only
communications he has had with Mr Frazer have been by way of written statements.
Mr Farnaby admitted to having read
a summary of the Rapke Report in
- He completed a
diploma of community service at TAFE in 1999/2000 involving a number of subjects
over the two year time frame. He
later did voluntary and then paid work at
Dodges Ferry and Primrose Sands Community Services.
- He is unable to
remember having any time off work for mental problems while working as a
- That his night
flashbacks did not become evident until 1981. They then became worse, he also
had insomnia. At that time, he considered
himself anti-social and very
irritable, and was having vivid flashbacks and nightmares. (Exh
- In
response to a question from the Tribunal, Mr Farnaby described the panel van
incident in the following terms (Transcript p142-143):
And what
happened then?—“-Oh, we had a look around outside, you know, just
checking things out and whatever and a bit
of a chat and then sort of when it
was fully dark we got into the back and said goodnight or whatever and I was
trying to get to
sleep when he started touching me and I’m saying no, you
know, and then he tried to rape me. He jumped on top of me at first
and tried
to push my legs up and then sort of I was kicking and screaming and then turned
over – I remember being turned over
as well, so I was on my hands and
knees. I’m fighting and – so this seemed to go on for hours, but it
was probably just
a couple of minutes sort of things, yes. It was quite
intense. He was very aroused I suppose, yes”.
So what happened after that occurred? –“-Well, there was lots of
kicking and screaming and punching and I ended up down
near the doors of the
panel van with a blanket around me and he got in the front of the panel van, you
know, climbed over the seats”.
He got in the front? –“-He got in the front, yes. Saying to me
it’s all right, you know, sort of I didn’t
mean it, you know,
don’t tell anybody, blah, blah, blah, and that went on for an hour or so,
you know, he was trying to calm
me down and then I stayed in the back and he
stayed in the front and when it got light we drove back and he dropped me off at
- Ms
Strickland, the sister of Mr Farnaby in her written statement (Exh A10),
detailed the following:
- That she had
little contact with Mr Farnaby after he joined the Navy in 1968.
- That she and Mr
Farnaby had a happy childhood, although her father was a little on the strict
side. Ms Strickland said that she was
unaware of any dramatic or significant
event in Mr Farnaby’s life before he joined the Navy.
- That her parents
died suddenly in October 1980 and this was a major trauma for her personally.
She sent a telegram to Mr Farnaby
and he phoned back. Ms Strickland remembers
Mr Farnaby saying he felt “odd or strange”. Ms Strickland said
after that
time she and Mr Farnaby did not speak of the deaths.
- That she did
visit the Farnabys and stay with them for a period of six weeks in November
- In
oral evidence, Ms Strickland said:
- After the visit
in 1983, she may have spoken to Mr Farnaby in late 1987 to advise of the birth
of a daughter, but had no other contact.
- That she had
seen Mr Farnaby in Adelaide briefly for one or two days before she returned to
England in late 1970.
- Her parents had
planned to return to England but her brother was adamant about joining the Navy
and staying in Australia.
- That when she
visited Australia in 1983, she was not aware of any apparent difficulties in Mr
Farnaby’s life, although she observed
that his wife seemed the stronger
character of the pair.
- They did not
speak about their parents’ deaths during her visit.
- Mr Farnaby never
talked to her about his experiences at HMAS Leeuwin nor anything in relation to
a sponsor.
- When she stayed
with the Farnabys in Tasmania in 1983, she observed that her brother drank
socially and that they entertained and
went to parties.
- In
a statement dated 19 June 2006 (Exh R27), Ms Kim, the ex-wife of Mr Farnaby
- That she had
first met Mr Farnaby in 1974/1975, and then relocated to Sydney. Ms Kim said
she moved back to Tasmania in 1979, with
Mr Farnaby following after he left the
Navy towards the end of 1979. A child was born in 1981, they married in 1982,
had another
child in 1983 and divorced in 1997.
- Mr Farnaby was
an easy-going, tolerant, agreeable type of person, but was also very insecure,
soft and nervous. Ms Kim believed she
had the stronger personality, and when Mr
Farnaby was confronted he would shut off and refuse to communicate.
- Mr Farnaby got
on with people, although he was not a very social person. He was intelligent
and talkative about world events.
- She did not
observe Mr Farnaby being violent towards others, although he may have been
physical with their son on occasions.
- His reaction to
different things was not outside what was reasonably normal for a man of his
generation. He could be passionate
about some things, but was very indifferent
about a lot of things. He was not emotionally or mentally unstable.
- During their
time together he admitted he had some mental problems, with the outward sign
being that he would shut off. He could
not handle any kind of
- That his
parents’ death affected Mr Farnaby both mentally and emotionally.
- Mr Farnaby did
not have a good relationship with his father – that he suffered when the
family returned to England.
- Mr Farnaby did
not relate to his sister very well.
- She suspected
that something had happened to Mr Farnaby in the Navy in a sexual way.
- That Mr Farnaby
did not have time for their children, despite her encouragement.
- In the 1980s Mr
Farnaby was not coping; he would leave the house for a couple of days. In 1984
he got his shotgun and threatened
to shoot himself.
- That Mr Farnaby
loved alcohol. He drank beer most days but not to excess. Both she and Mr
Farnaby continued to smoke marijuana until
they separated. Ms Kim did not
believe that Mr Farnaby had an excessive number of days off work.
- In
oral evidence, Ms Kim stated:
- That on return
to Tasmania in 1979, she and Mr Farnaby lived together at Dromedary for a few
months before moving to New Norfolk,
where they built a house with the help of
- She believed the
reason that Mr Farnaby had psychiatric problems was associated with his
upbringing. He would hold emotional problems
to himself.
- That the
decision to move to Kellevie was mutual, as they both wanted to go bush to do
some farming (raise cattle), grow marijuana
and do some wood cutting.
- That Mr Farnaby
was employed in Sorell in a small solo outlet for her father’s tyre repair
business based in Moonah.
- In
oral evidence in response to questions asked in cross-examination, Ms Kim
- That she and Mr
Farnaby rented a house in a bush setting at Dromedary for six months in 1980.
They then rented a house in Magra, again in a bush setting for six
months. During both periods, Mr Farnaby worked as a postman at New Norfolk,
starting work around
6.00 am and finishing around 1.00 pm.
- They then
purchased five acres of land at New Norfolk. The land had a shed on it in which
they lived, while they constructed a house
over a period of a year or more.
They remained on the property between 1981 to 1984, with the first two years
living in the shed
with two young children. Ms Kim confirmed that Mr Farnaby
had two particular friends during this period. Mr Farnaby was a keen
cyclist, owning at least one machine and often enjoying solo rides, particularly
when times were difficult. Ms Kim affirmed
that she was the social one within
the marriage, with Mr Farnaby having two particular friends, who would attend at
barbecues held
on the property. There was plenty of alcohol consumed and
cannabis smoked.
- They then moved
to a 20 acre block at Kellevie, in November 1984. They initially lived in a
caravan and a tent. Ms Kim said that
she was keen to be a farmer with six
children. Ms Kim detailed the further construction of a house by Mr Farnaby for
next to nothing
in cost. Their activities included stock grazing, Mr Farnaby
undertook woodcutting trips, as well as attending the tyre repair activity
Sorell for her father. Ms Kim agreed that they were living on the breadline
during the period.
- That their very
basic house was built over a six month period on a site at the back of the
block, the nearest neighbours some 200
metres away. The property was sold in
1987 when they separated.
- Any impression
she had about Mr Farnaby’s father was the result of small pieces of
information told to her by Mr Farnaby. In
relation to Mr Farnaby’s
feelings about being away from the family, Ms Kim stated they were essentially
inferences and observations
made by her. Ms Kim believed Mr Farnaby’s
mother was more missed by the Mr Farnaby, as she was the main family member he
about. Ms Kim said that Mr Farnaby’s sister was shy and less
sociable than Mr Farnaby. She considered the pair to have little
in common.
She stated that Mr Farnaby did not relate well to his sister and that Ms Kim was
by the end less so and asked her to
- After he left
the Navy, he got more depressed. She having observed periods of depression
whilst Mr Farnaby was in the Navy. Ms Kim
defined for the Tribunal her meaning
of the word ‘depressed’ to include “wouldn’t
talk”, “he’d
be within himself”, “listen to
depressing music”, “didn’t communicate at all”.
- They were living
at Dromedary when Mr Farnaby heard about the death of his parents, and it was
after that that Ms Kim thought Mr Farnaby
should get help.
- She was
concerned that he had not dealt with his parents’ deaths (‘put in
the background’, “didn’t have
a time of mourning’).
- Sometimes he
wouldn’t get out of bed until two o'clock in the afternoon, which she
attributed to laziness. Ms Kim never observed
that Mr Farnaby suffered problems
of getting to sleep.
- Mr Farnaby found
it difficult to talk about his experiences at HMAS Leeuwin, although such topics
(initiation ceremonies and this
sort of thing) would come up in conversation
with different guys in the Navy.
- Mr Farnaby and
her father got on very well, with the latter being a benevolent employer towards
Mr Farnaby.
- In
answer to questions from the Tribunal, Ms Kim stated:
- It was a mutual
decision to move to Kellevie.
- That Mr Farnaby
was a sociable person, with card games every Friday night right up to September
- There was normal
social activities with the children, but Mr Farnaby would not get very involved
with the care of the children at
- In
a medical report dated 28 September 2004 (Exh A18) Dr Welch, a general
practitioner, stated that he saw Mr Farnaby on three occasions
in 2002, after
referral by a CRS rehabilitation provider. In a consultation dated 13 February
2002, Dr Welch records a relevant
history of Mr Farnaby experiencing sexual
abuse by an older male sponsor, as well as physical abuse by older school mates
student initiation at HMAS Leeuwin. Dr Welch describes Mr Farnaby as
feeling angry and upset since, with frequent symptoms of lowered
mood, anxiety
and panic, suicidal ideas, social withdrawal, insomnia, labile emotions and even
dissociative symptoms. Dr Welch records
Mr Farnaby as claiming he used alcohol
frequently to diminish these symptoms. Dr Welch considered Mr Farnaby to have
features of
a depressive disorder and a post traumatic stress disorder. Dr
Welch records prescribing Lovan (an anti-depressant) and referring
him to a
psychologist (Mr Nelson) for therapy.
- In
oral evidence, Dr Welch said that he had no recollection as to whether Mr
Farnaby gave details of the nature of his sexual abuse
and, as it was an initial
general fact finding consultation, he may not have explored that subject in
detail. Dr Welch said that
he understood the symptoms nominated in his written
report may, in part, be his medical interpretation of what he was told, but it
was his belief that such symptoms as anger and being upset had existed since Mr
Farnaby’s time at HMAS Leeuwin. As to the
other symptoms, he was unaware
as to when they commenced. Dr Welch recorded that Mr Farnaby said that he
suppressed the memories
until very recently.
- In
a statement dated 4 April 2008 (Exh A20), Dr Roffe, a general practitioner, said
that Mr Farnaby had been a patient of his since
1994. Dr Roffe noted that at
some time in 2002, he had been informed that Mr Farnaby had been diagnosed as
suffering PTSD. In oral
evidence, Dr Roffe confirmed that on 24 June 2002 Mr
Farnaby, during a consultation, informed him of a psychiatric diagnosis made
Dr Welch, as well as seeking treatment for an anal disorder.
- Dr
Sale conducted an assessment of Mr Farnaby on 28 May 2003. In his report dated
28 May 2003 (Exh A19), he detailed a general history
of Mr Farnaby’s life.
Dr Sale noted that Mr Farnaby had suffered from no significant general health
problems. In relation
to his psychological health, Dr Sale noted that Mr
Farnaby’s most prominent difficulty has been his excessive use of alcohol
which, although long standing, had yet to cause general health consequences. Dr
Sale noted that there was no particular pattern
to Mr Farnaby’s excessive
- Dr
Sale also noted that Mr Farnaby complained of chronic insomnia – both
initial and middle insomnia. Further, Dr Sale records
that sleep is interrupted
by nightmares of no particular theme.
- Dr
Sale records Mr Farnaby complaining of:
- periods of
depression and irritability;
- periods in which
he becomes markedly withdrawn and is reluctant to leave his dwelling –
this appearing to have been a factor
in his tendency to often live in remote
- suicidal
ideation and episodes of self-harm (eg an attempt to gas himself two years
- feelings of
tiredness and lack of energy.
- Dr
Sale said Mr Farnaby had told him of running the gauntlet during the initiation
ceremony at HMAS Leeuwin, and of the bashings and
scrubbings on about four
occasions. In addition, Dr Sale details Mr Farnaby as having experienced sexual
abuse by his sponsor in
his bed and car, although his recall of specific events
was extremely limited. Dr Sale records Mr Farnaby as stating that he finally
disclosed this matter to Peter Nelson at VVCS.
- Dr
Sale in comment made the following observations:
- Inevitably the
experience of sending a 15 year old boy to a far distant naval station would be
life changing as it occurred at a time
of considerable developmental
- Mr Farnaby shows
many of the features one associates with the long term effects of sexual abuse
eg. social isolation, substance abuse
and periods of depression.
- Such problems
could have arisen for other reasons, but this is such a commonly occurring
pattern that, on the information available,
one would see this probably linked
to those experiences at HMAS Leeuwin.
- He believed that
most professionals would probably consider Mr Farnaby to suffer symptoms best
described as a chronic post traumatic
stress disorder, complicated by alcohol
- In
a further report dated 6 August 2003 (Exh A20), Dr Sale concluded that Mr
Farnaby’s alcohol abuse was secondary to the abuse
he experienced at HMAS
Leeuwin, together with a non-specific contribution arising out of spending time
in the navy, where alcohol
consumption was sub-culturally the norm. Further, it
is probably a form of self-medication, in that it provides temporary relieve
tension and insomnia, symptoms commonly associated with PTSD.
- Dr
Sale confirmed his opinion in a further report dated 18 May 2005 (Exh A21),
following his review of Mr Farnaby’s statement
of 23 February 2005 and Dr
Welch’s report of 28 September 2004.
- In
a further report dated 12 August 2005 (Exh A22), Dr Sale notes that Mr
Farnaby’s failure to raise complaints until relatively
recently is far
from uncommon. Dr Sale considered that the relevant factors
- (a) Shame and
embarrassment associated with sexual abuse.
- (b) The culture
prevailing at HMAS Leeuwin that inhibited complaint.
- (c) A more
general social atmosphere that has only recently become conducive to individuals
revealing sexual abuse.
- In
another report dated 9 June 2006 (Exh A23), Dr Sale:
- Said that he had
previously expressed some equivocation about the specific diagnosis of PTSD, as
the relevant events occurred many
years ago, and the overall clinical picture
has been confounded by chronic alcohol abuse.
- Acknowledges the
diagnosis made by Professor Pridmore of personality disorder. He considers such
a diagnosis to be a reasonable conclusion,
although suggesting that they were
attaching different clinical labels to similarly described situations.
- Notes that a
personality disorder is a set of enduring maladaptive traits, with one needing a
more longitudinal view of Mr Farnaby’s
situation to be confident in making
such a diagnosis.
- That Mr Farnaby
meets the criteria nominated within DSM IV for the diagnosis of personality
disorder. Nevertheless, his preference
is to use the term post traumatic stress
disorder, with personality disorder as a reasonable alternative
- On
3 April 2007, Dr Sale provided another report (Exh A7), having again met with Mr
Farnaby, and having perused further documentation.
Dr Sale notes the
- Mr Farnaby has
been living with a partner for four years and that Mr Farnaby acknowledges that
he has improved.
- Mr
Farnaby’s use of health providers is modest, while his alcohol use remains
substantial but diminished – down to an
average of six stubbies a night,
with Mr Farnaby attributing his inability to stop drinking to his problems with
sleep disturbance.
- In
this report, Dr Sale noted Mr Farnaby’s complaints of symptoms
vivid, disturbing memories of a person he describes as a paedophile and an
attempted rape, generally occurring as he is about to fall
addressed by his use of alcohol and staying up late.
particularly in social situations or in crowds – expresses shortness
of breath, perspires excessively and has palpitations.
These symptoms have been
present since the time he left the Navy.
- Periods of
depressed mood -
much improved since 2003 – no longer feels guilty
has been poor, but improved.
not improving.
can be poor, but no longer as bad as four or five years ago.
- In
general comment, Dr Sale noted that Mr Farnaby’s situation appears to have
improved since the time of his original assessment.
He noted Mr Farnaby to be
in a stable relationship, some reduction in level of symptoms, using less
alcohol and had discontinued
taking an anti-depressant. Dr Sale continued to
believe that the events at HMAS Leeuwin caused the damage experienced by Mr
and that such has then been maintained and extended by substance and
alcohol abuse.
- In
a report dated 13 April 2007 (Exh A31), Dr Sale commented in the following terms
on the reports made by Dr Burges-Watson:
- Description of
his living circumstances were different.
- Dr
Burges-Watson’s assessment is particularly comprehensive.
- The former wife
was a poor historian.
- That Mr Farnaby
was less than co-operative at consultation by a second psychiatrist.
- Psychiatric
disorders are characterised by subjective as opposed to objective
- Not able to
provide an explanation as to why Mr Farnaby gave a different account of the
content of his nightmares.
- Mr
Farnaby’s complaints were of ‘flashbacks’, but he did not
consider the description he provided as being of that
nature, but more in the
form of an intrusive and unpleasant memory.
- Disagrees with
the remark that Mr Farnaby’s situation is not one that causes clinically
significant distress or impairment in
social, occupational or other important
areas of functioning.
- In
a report dated 14 March 2008 (Exh A24), Dr Sale observes that Mr Farnaby’s
current complaints were:
- Remains
avoidant, anxious when amongst others.
- Becomes anxious
readily (hair-trigger situations).
- Experiences
nightmares typically twice a week, the content of which reflects sexual
- Low energy and
- Concentration
and memory are reasonable.
- Dr
Sale concluded that there had been no particular change in Mr Farnaby’s
condition: he remains socially avoidant with a constricted
affect, who is likely
to be alcohol-dependent. Dr Sale believed Mr Farnaby had a limited work
capacity because of his alcohol use
and his problems with anxiety.
- In
a report dated 26 March 2008 (Exh A32), Dr Sale addressed Mr Farnaby’s
employment since leaving the Navy. Dr Sale made the
- Mr Farnaby left
his employment as a postman after five years because New Norfolk was growing too
large and he was going through a
bad patch.
- That after about
two years he was employed by his father-in-law at Moonah type outlet with a
non-continuous period of employment over
eight years.
- Two, two month
periods of employment at Boyer, one as a trainee rigger and the other as a
trade's assistant.
- Employment as a
youth worker 1998-2000.
- Dr
Sale considered that the record of employment suggests a very patchy involvement
in employment since 1986.
- In
oral evidence, Dr Sale detailed an extensive experience in psychiatry and, in
particular PTSD, and personality disorder and co-morbidities
which exist with
PTSD (alcohol abuse). Dr Sale remained reluctant about making a diagnosis of
personality disorder in the absence
of a longitudinal view of an individual. Dr
Sale repeated his earlier written opinion that the diagnostic psychiatric manual
1V) does not adequately cover the clinical sequelae arising from sexual
abuse in childhood. In such situations, Dr Sale contends
that a person may
present with the effects of a secondary substance abuse, insomnia, chronic pain
or depressive disorder –
such co-morbid conditions in effect masking in
part the symptomatology of an underlying PTSD, with a more common pattern being
constriction of affect.
- Dr
Sale believed Mr Farnaby to have a rather constricted affect, with little sense
of rapport on meeting. Dr Sale affirmed that Mr
Farnaby’s problems with
alcohol were reasonably likely to be secondary to the abuse at HMAS Leeuwin, as
there was nothing else
in his personal background that suggested he faced any
particular risk of developing problems with alcohol. Dr Sale also emphasised
that chronic abuse of alcohol will actually maintain insomnia, with alcohol
being used to induce sleep and relieve tension. The
induced sleep is not normal
sleep and they tend to wake in the middle of the night.
- Dr
Sale stated the reasons why children often fail to disclose sexual abuse are
complex and include:
- There may not
be, on the first occasion, someone suitable to disclose to.
- Then as it goes
on, they feel almost as an accomplice in something shameful, with secrecy being
the path of least resistance, with
the formulation of ‘the guilty
- In
relation to late disclosures of such ‘guilty secrets’, Dr Sale
considers that there is no general pattern, with, on
occasions, the disclosure
being tentative or testing the waters type of disclosure. Dr Sale considered
that there was a culture
at HMAS Leeuwin that inhibited making complaints
generally as well as specifically.
- Dr
Sale, in considering a diagnosis of personality disorder in Mr Farnaby,
addressed the issues of cognition (no problem), affectivity
(does have a
problem), interpersonal functioning (does have difficulties as evidenced by a
tendency to be somewhat isolative, and
problems with his personal
relationships). With such an appraisal, Dr Sale concluded that Mr Farnaby met
diagnostic Criteria A(2),
A(3) for a personality disorder. Further, Dr Sale
considered that the condition has been enduring for many years; that this
pattern of behaviour (fecklessness) has led to periods of depression
and repeated periods of suicidal ideation, which are outside
the bounds of
normal human behaviour. Dr Sale indicated that as regards a diagnosis of
personality disorder, generally this should
be evident during
childhood/adolescence, with oppositional and behavioural problems, which is not
apparent in Mr Farnaby’s
- Dr
Sale was of a view that physical examination of a person with a suggested sexual
abuse history should be undertaken with extreme
caution during a psychiatric
examination, for medico-legal purposes, as it might seem to be unnecessarily
- Dr
Sale was of the opinion that Mr Farnaby’s naval career was not a huge
success, his occupational life patchy, and his family
life has fallen apart. Dr
Sale drew his opinion about Mr Farnaby’s naval career from his naval
record and the lack of motivation
detailed in a naval psychologist’s
record of interview.
- In
addressing the criteria for the diagnosis of PTSD nominated in DSM – IV-
TR, Dr Sale considered that the attempted rape in
the panel van was a traumatic
event, in that it was an offence which involved a threat to his physical
integrity. In such circumstances,
Dr Sale concluded that Criteria A1 for a
diagnosis of PTSD was satisfied, as indeed was Criteria A2, by virtue of Mr
nominated response to the incident. Dr Sale considered that the
other experiences to which Mr Farnaby was exposed at HMAS Leeuwin
running, nuggetting and scrubbing), were harmful behaviours which would probably
cause intense fear and a sense of helplessness.
In relation to the patchy
recollections of Mr Farnaby about sexual activities in the sponsor’s bed,
Dr Sale believed that
such recollections were too vague to do much with.
- In
addressing the issue of flashbacks, Dr Sale stated that Mr Farnaby reported a
flashback type experience in his first interview
which related to a knifing.
(Such a comment is inconsistent with Dr Sale’s report of the first
interview in which he describes
nightmares of no particular theme, with no
mention of a stabbing and/or knifing incident in the report). Dr Sale stated
that at
the second interview, the flashbacks were said by Mr Farnaby to relate
to the sponsor and the attempted rape. Dr Sale was unsure
as to whether they
were flashbacks or intrusive memories. Dr Sale considered that Criteria B1 was
met for the diagnosis of PTSD
in that Mr Farnaby had recurrent and intrusive
recollections of the event and that possibly Criteria B2 was met (recurrent
Dr Sale considered that Mr Farnaby met Criteria C4, C5, C6 in that
he had diminished participation in significant activities, experienced
of detachment and estrangement from others and that he has a constricted affect,
with periods of depression and irritability.
Dr Sale considered that Mr Farnaby
satisfied Criteria D2, D3 in that he reports difficulty concentrating and
irritability as well
as Criteria E and F (distress in social, occupational or
other important areas of functioning, with the duration of such symptoms
occurring over many years).
- Dr
Sale stated that the symptoms of PTSD are far more intense in the first 12
months and then tend to settle down to a baseline level,
where such things as
nightmares tend to decrease in frequency as do some of the more obvious anxiety
symptoms. Dr Sale also noted
that there may be an adjustment in their life
style, which may lead them to live in isolated locations and keep contact with
to minimum.
- In
response to questions in cross-examination, Dr Sale stated:
- By Christmas Day
1969, Mr Farnaby, if he had been examined, would, in his belief, have been
suffering from a psychiatric condition
– but such a diagnosis cannot be
made without an examination by an appropriate medical practitioner.
- That neither a
Navy psychologist in 1970, nor Dr Nylander, an experienced general practitioner
who treated Mr Farnaby between 1986
and 2000, made any reference to Mr Farnaby
suffering from a mental condition. There had been at least 30 consultations
over that
period. Dr Sale was of an opinion that Dr Nylander would have
recognised such symptoms if they had been present.
- That arriving at
his opinion that Mr Farnaby was suffering from a psychiatric condition in May
2003, Dr Sale referred to:
- Flashbacks
relating to the stabbing of someone, which was an unusual and unpleasant
- That the most
significant stressor was the sexual abuse by the sponsor in his bed or car.
- His symptoms of
chronic alcoholism, periods of depression, capacity for maintaining
relationships, substance abuse, under attainment
are not inconsistent with a
product of child sex abuse. They are also not inconsistent with being caused by
other conditions or
events in his life.
- He did know that
Mr Farnaby built a house at Kellevie. He accepted that that was a significant
achievement for a person who was not
a builder and a person who had suffered
from alcohol abuse over 10 years.
- He was also not
aware that Mr Farnaby had built a previous house at New Norfolk, while doing his
postman’s job. Dr Sale accepted
that his data that he used to postulate
his thesis, that Mr Farnaby had a psychiatric condition at May 2003, was
- The fact that an
individual reports excessive use of alcohol does not lead to a conclusion that
the person suffers from a psychiatric
- That Mr Farnaby
was a chronic over-imbiber of alcohol ever since his Navy days, drinking most
days to excess, with a few dry spells.
- He was aware
that Mr Farnaby had been treated for depression in 2001/2002, but not at any
stage prior to that time, and that his complaint
of periods of depression went
back to the eighties.
- That since the
eighties he was asocial, intensely irritable and at times he would not leave the
- The only actual
history of Mr Farnaby living in an isolated place was at Kellevie, although
while living at New Norfolk he could be
somewhat isolated.
- There were
incidents of threatened self-harm (shotgun in 1982-83 and the gas incident some
two years before the first consultation)
– which are of importance.
- At the first
consultation no history was given of an attempted rape.
- He described
visual circumstances, termed by Mr Farnaby to be "hallucinations", as occurring
typically while falling asleep.
- People with
chronic alcohol abuse can develop delusional states (false beliefs).
- He does not know
how to reconcile different accounts of the stabbing given to Dr Pridmore and Dr
- That the point
of time at which psychiatric symptoms arose was in the early eighties.
- He was unaware
of the time when Mr Farnaby’s memories of stabbing someone or being
sexually abused reappeared.
- He suspects Mr
Farnaby probably had symptoms within six months of PTSD, and these were covered
up by his use of alcohol. The evidence
for that view is that Mr Farnaby was
treated for long standing insomnia in November 1970.
- The clinical
onset of PTSD was when he was in the Navy with his problems largely controlled
through the use of alcohol.
- To have a
diagnosis of clinical onset, it would be nice to have some history of his
symptoms at the time, but it is so long ago and
Mr Farnaby is not the most
articulate and easy man to interview. We do have some indications that there
were problems before the
early eighties. At that time it became a source of
distress for him and one that he had difficulty controlling.
- That making the
diagnosis of the clinical onset of PTSD, in this matter, is one of educated
speculation. The point of time that there
was symptomatology present which
permitted the diagnosis of PTSD was in the early eighties.
- Leaving a child
aged 15 to 16 on his own, with his parents returning to England, could have
caused profound psychological complications,
which cannot be excluded in this
matter. Further, never seeing his parents again and with both parents dying on
the same day, could
be significant in his mental history. Similarly, the
absence of any attempt to visit his parents in England, over their remaining
years of life, would point towards Mr Farnaby emotionally disowning his
- The flashback
that he was referring to in February 2005 was the knife incident. In his first
consultation with Dr Sale it was in
relation to blood and the knife, without
being able to put structure to it.
- The trigger for
Mr Farnaby’s symptoms occurring in 1981 could have been the deaths of his
- It was Mr
Farnaby’s desire not to be amongst others, as it caused him, at times, to
make him feel anxious. Further, in such
people who desire to isolate
themselves, parties and other avenues of social intercourse are not consistent
with such a desire.
- That Mr
Farnaby’s low grades when at HMAS Leeuwin are not necessarily indications
of a health problem.
- His awake dreams
did not occur until the early eighties.
- M Farnaby is a
poor historian and he has related significantly different clinical histories to
various specialists.
- In relation to
Ms Kim’s statement, Dr Sale considered for a person to say they were not
affected by the death of their parents’
in such circumstances, is
extremely unusual and unlikely, and that in Dr Sales’ opinion two
propositions arise – namely
they are not being truthful with you or they
are not being truthful with themselves.
- The fact that Mr
Farnaby’s father had nothing to do with him since he was sixteen years old
would have affected Mr Farnaby.
Similarly, the fact that Mr Farnaby elected not
to have anything more to do with his father would have had an emotional effect
him and some sort of impact upon his role as a parent..
- The description
of a person as a hard man can mean many things. That the relationship between
Mr Farnaby and his father was not great,
with the absence of any bequest from
his parents’ wills being hurtful to Mr Farnaby. Any comments that he did
not need anything
was a rationalisation on Mr Farnaby’s part.
- Leaving the home
for a few days when the marriage is not going well is in itself not necessarily
attributable to a psychiatric condition
– there is a need to know what he
did during those few days.
- When working as
a rigger or undertaking the TAFE course Mr Farnaby was functioning at a
reasonable emotional level.
- Mr Farnaby had
significant fluctuating levels of difficulties for a period of 20 years from
1980 onwards and, in Dr Sales’ opinion,
the failure to report such
psychological symptoms over that time is not unusual, particularly in men.
- Chronic
alcoholism and/or substance abuse can be a source of various symptoms including
anxiety, depression and other symptoms. Further,
such usage tends to cloud the
clinical picture by simulating a personality disorder.
- Mr Farnaby
working daily at the Tyre Repair business in Sorrell, and as it was Ms
Kim’s desire for them to move to Kellevie,
tends to counter the suggestion
of Mr Farnaby wishing to live in isolated circumstances. Further, that if Mr
Farnaby read a lot,
listened to music and smoked marijuana in a setting where
they ran a few stock and had access to a number of vehicles does not sound
consistent with Mr Farnaby suffering a psychiatric condition.
- That the memory
of the traumatic event in the majority of people is continuous and
unforgettable, but in others it lacks continuity.
- If the history
turns out to be inaccurate or unreliable, it affects the opinions that flow from
that history.
- In
response to questions in re-examination, Dr Sale stated:
- That Mr Farnaby
was describing a true flashback experience in that it was intensely vivid. It
has a reality about it, as though it's
happening again. The fact that there are
two versions of the knife incident is extremely difficult to understand.
- That Ms
Kim’s description of Mr Farnaby shutting off is consistent with a
diagnosis of PTSD, as were the difficulties of coping
with young
children’s behaviour, particularly crying, with the sufferer withdrawing,
or becoming agitated and irritable if
they are unable to
- In
a report dated 6 September 2006 (Exh R20) Dr Burges Watson stated that Mr
Farnaby described his current symptoms to include nightmares,
finding it hard to
get to sleep, images of sexual abuse and violence (“I don’t like
going out and being around people”),
panic attacks (sweaty, nervous and
short of breath and that he was aggressive), when he should not be.
- Dr
Burges-Watson reported Mr Farnaby as stating that he had not told anyone about
what was happening at HMAS Leeuwin until a few years
ago, although his sister
was suspicious of why a young man living with his mother would sponsor a
recruit. She asked questions about
it and “she knew something was
wrong”. Mr Farnaby also stated that he spent ten weekends "nearly
consecutively", with
the sponsor.
- Dr
Burges Watson records Mr Farnaby as telling him that his nightmares (at worst)
were nearly every night, and they were enough to
drive him to thoughts of
suicide. Dr Burges Watson further details Mr Farnaby as stating that he was
currently drinking enough each
night to get to sleep, but not as much as he had
drunk in the past. It is further noted that some days he does not drink,
two days at a time in the last two years and prior to that he would go
without for weeks. Mr Farnaby is recorded as stating he never
drank at sea but
he used to drink a huge amount when he came into port.
- Dr
Burges Watson reported Mr Farnaby as stating that nightmares and
“flashbacks of stabbing somebody” and being sexually
abused had
emerged in 1981, at which time he stopped liking being around people, moved
himself to the bush and wouldn’t talk
to his wife.
- Dr
Burges Watson notes that Mr Farnaby stopped going to see the sponsor when
“he tried to mount me in the panel van”,
that “he fought him
off and that he thought the sponsor was drugging him at night time when he
stayed at his home” –
that he “only vaguely remembers
things” and that he woke up with “a sore arse”.
- Dr
Burges Watson records Mr Farnaby stating that both his memory and concentration
were poor and that he prefers his own company.
- Prior
to his second consultation with Mr Farnaby, Dr Burges Watson stated that he
spoke with Ms Kim who he considered not to be a
good witness as she was very
vague in many of her responses. He notes Ms Kim as saying that she became aware
of problems when Mr
Farnaby got out of the Navy, which she described as
“climbed inside himself” and “didn’t communicate”.
Ms Kim is also reported as stating that he was not particularly affectionate,
“probably” did not always sleep well, and
that he did not like
responsibility as either a father or a husband. Ms Kim also recounted the
incident when Mr Farnaby sat in a
chair with a gun to his head which was
probably in 1983.
- During
his second consultation, Dr Burges Watson recorded that Mr Farnaby described his
current problems to include depression (sleeplessness),
anxiety and did not like
meeting and talking to people, and that his drinking was enough to get him to
- Dr
Burges Watson considered there was limited, objective evidence of Mr
Farnaby’s mental health over the relevant periods of
time. He did not
consider that either Mr Farnaby or Ms Kim were good witnesses. They were
essentially the only witnesses to his
behaviour and well being. He considered
Mr Farnaby’s responses to be vague and lacking detail and, at best, his
was half-hearted. Dr Burges Watson did not think that there was
enough solid fact to make a final diagnosis.
- In
his report of 6 September 2006, Dr Burges Watson also provided the
- Mr Farnaby
reports difficulty sleeping and nightmares, of being anally abused, avoiding
people, being depressed and anxious with panic
attacks, being irritable and
aggressive and drinking excessively. Such symptoms are said to vary
considerably from time to time,
and currently are not sufficient for him to seek
help or medication.
- There is no
objective evidence that Mr Farnaby suffers from any diagnosable psychiatric
illness at the present time.
- There is only
limited evidence concerning Mr Farnaby’s mental state, development and
behaviour before HMAS Leeuwin.
- That the
evidence of Mr Frazer suggests considerable bullying and bastardisation at HMAS
Leeuwin in 1968/69. As a fairly “scrawny”
ex-Pom, Mr Farnaby may
well have been a target in such circumstances and this could have contributed to
subsequent symptoms of anxiety,
depression, lack of self-confidence and heavy
drinking during service.
- That Mr
Farnaby’s focus of attention with him has been on nightmares almost
entirely related to the sexual abuse by the sponsor,
but it is considerably
different at different times. Dr Burges Watson did not think they were
sufficiently severe or threatening
to him to contribute to the development of
- That there is no
evidence to suggest his employment/unemployment since leaving the Navy had
contributed to his psychological problems.
- Mr Farnaby
appears quite settled in his current situation.
- That Mr Farnaby
does not or has not satisfied the diagnostic criteria for borderline personality
disorder as defined in DSM-1V.
- That Mr
Farnaby’s period of being absent without leave from HMAS Vampire had
nothing to do with his parents returning to England
– but more to do with
it being an unhappy ship.
- That there is no
convincing evidence that Mr Farnaby is totalling incapacitated for work. Dr
Burges Watson notes that, apart from
Mr Farnaby’s mother’s letter to
the authorities, there is no evidence about his potential before he went to HMAS
After his time at HMAS Leeuwin, Mr Farnaby does not appear to have met
the expectations of those around him, and to have behaved
rather irresponsibly
or been reluctant to accept responsibility. While it could be contended that
his experiences at HMAS Leeuwin
may have had a significant affect on his development, the inconsistent
complaints make this unlikely.
- He does not
present to me as currently having any conditions that “cause clinically
significant distress or impairment in social,
occupational or other important
area of functioning”.
- That the death
of his parents may have stirred up all sorts of unresolved issues in Mr Farnaby.
Some degree of bastardisation at HMAS
Leeuwin seems likely. The sexual abuse
is more questionable. Further, while it is evident that Mr Farnaby drank
heavily while
in the Navy, there is no evidence of him having got into serious
trouble as a result of drinking since leaving the Navy.
- In
a further report dated 4 December 2006 (Exh R21) Dr Burges Watson, in noting
that he had spoken with Mr Farnaby’s sister,
Ann, concluded that the
sister had not provided any information suggesting any major disturbance in the
family, other than the death
of her parents which was a very significant event.
This coincided with the time many of his symptoms first appeared. Dr Burges
Watson reports that the sister believed the period when he was absent without
leave from HMAS Vampire was because he was unhappy
on the ship. The parents
returning to England would have been upsetting for Mr Farnaby, with Dr Burges
Watson noting that it was
at that time that he was given diazepam for difficulty
in sleeping.
- In
oral evidence, Dr Burges Watson confirmed that a physical examination of a
patient by a psychiatrist has been recommended ever
since he had been involved
in psychiatry – although it does not always happen. Further, Dr Burges
Watson, while acknowledging
that a diagnosis could be made on the basis of
subjective symptoms described by a patient in ordinary consultations, stated
in legal matters, particularly matters of recovered memories, there must
be objective confirmatory evidence before you can either
make or disprove a
diagnosis. In Mr Farnaby’s case, the only objective evidence was a raised
pulse rate, which would indicate
that he was anxious at the time. This was not
unusual in a forensic examination. Dr Burges Watson confirmed that he was
to find any evidence of any debilitating psychiatric disorders.
- In
response to questions in cross-examination, Dr Burges Watson said:
- The
unwillingness to talk about a traumatic experience can be a symptom of PTSD, but
in this case it was not a question of being unable
or not wishing to talk about
it, but rather that he gave very different expressions of the problem on
different occasions.
- The application
of ‘Deep Heat’ to the genitals and boot polish to the genitals would
be a distressing event. Further,
that running the gauntlet, enduring gruelling
punishment runs at night, being regularly given a clip around the ear and being
to doing chores for senior recruits, could involve a threat to his
physical integrity. Further becoming more frightened and having
sleeping, as well as becoming hysterical on one occasion, may have invoked
intense fear or hopelessness. Dr Burges Watson
also confirmed that where there
were multiple experiences it can certainly be worse in terms of
- That the
description of the attempted rape in the panel van, as given by Mr Farnaby
during the hearing, could satisfy the criteria
for experiencing a stressor, and
satisfying Criteria A2.
- Mr Farnaby has
revealed thoughts to different people at different times after 2002, with the
process of revealing thoughts about sexual
abuse being difficult and, in Mr
Farnaby’s case, embarrassing.
- The thoughts
(flashbacks, nightmares) of sexual abuse and violence disclosed by Mr Farnaby
could satisfy re-experiencing a range of
traumatic events (Criteria B –
- He did not meet
any of the “C” criteria nominated in DSM IV – TR for the
diagnosis of PTSD in that:
- There was not a
restricted range of affect;
- Did not
demonstrate a feeling of detachment or estrangement from others;
- No marked
diminished interests or participation in significant activities;
- No evidence of a
foreshortened future;
- He did
eventually recall the traumas so he may have simply avoided it.
- In relation to
Criteria D ,that apart from difficulties in falling asleep, there was no
evidence of hyper-vigilance or an exaggerated
startle response, that he has
denied any difficulty in concentration and that there is no evidence to suggest
he was pervasively
irritable (persistent).
- A person with a
lengthy work history could not have a markedly diminished interest or
participation in significant activities.
- That he recalls
the face of the perpetrator of the sexual abuse which triggered off his
- A move to
Kellevie may indicate a desire to avoid activities, places or people that arouse
recollection or being a markedly diminished
interest or participation in
significant activities.
- It was difficult
to discuss with Mr Farnaby his long term sleeping problems.
- Depression and
alcohol abuse are both consistent with, and common in, people with PTSD, as is
insomnia and panic attacks, a history
of marital difficulties, with the
inability to show feelings causing, on occasions, a lot of problems.
- That if one were
to accept Mr Farnaby’s history of bastardisation and sexual abuse at HMAS
Leeuwin, it could have caused him
to have a personality disorder.
- It is very
common for people who suffer sexual abuse to delay reporting such and, in
particular, male on male sexual abuse. Further,
once a disclosure is made,
there is a desire to forget the issue and not make a further disclosure.
- That the
de-compensation as described by Dr Sale as occurring in the early 1980s, upon
hearing of the death of his parents, was more
likely a re-opening of issues
surrounding the parents’ return to England.
- That the
flashback related to the sexual abuse, while the nightmare related to the knife
- That all his
memories, recollections, dreams and nightmares relate to his experiences at HMAS
Leeuwin, but the difference in what
he cites as being the common nightmare or
common flashback is inconsistent, as evidenced by what he has said to Drs Sale,
and himself.
- In
a medical report dated 13 September 2004, Professor Pridmore noted
- Mr Farnaby was
not fully co-operative in the interview and when asked about the events of the
sexual abuse, he said:
“I’m not going to get into it
with you.”
- Mr Farnaby
failed to co-operate in a physical examination.
- He dislikes
knives because he is afraid that he will stab someone. He states that when he
is near knives he has “hallucinations”
and sees “blood
everywhere”. He relates this to an experience at HMAS Leeuwin, when he
stabbed someone with a 12”
kitchen knife with the recruit requiring 12
- He has
flashbacks about being sexually abused by a sponsor at HMAS Leeuwin who sexually
abused him each weekend for 6 months. The
choice was to stay at HMAS Leeuwin
each weekend and be bashed or go to stay with sponsor.
- He drinks every
night till 4.00 am to get to sleep. He stated that after HMAS Leeuwin he was
continuously drunk in the Navy for the
next decade.
- He has panic
attacks in social situations, describing palpitations, shortness of breath,
sweaty hands and a desire to escape.
- He does not
trust and does not like people, this causes him to be socially withdrawn.
However, he does have some friends.
- He is extremely
angry about the memory of having to run the gauntlet at HMAS Leeuwin, but does
not relive the event.
- Mr Farnaby has
been depressed and thought about suicide for many years. This has improved
since taking an anti-depressant over the
last two to three years, although he
still cries on occasions.
- He uses
excessive alcohol due to his negative experiences at HMAS Leeuwin and the
culture of alcohol use in the Navy.
- Professor
Pridmore outlined Mr Farnaby’s background. Mr Farnaby had described
himself as an exceptional student in his last
school in England, before coming
to Australia at age 13. Mr Farnaby is reported as stating that his mother died
of heart disease
and within 12 months his father committed suicide by carbon
monoxide poisoning.
- Professor
Pridmore records Mr Farnaby as stating he had a strong Yorkshire accent and was
picked on when he went to HMAS Leeuwin at
age 15. He was forced to run the
gauntlet, given cold baths, scrubbed until he bled and bashed most days, as well
as being sexually
abused by his sponsor every weekend for six months. Professor
Pridmore detailed a brief outline of the remainder of his naval service.
- Professor
Pridmore did not agree that Mr Farnaby satisfied the diagnostic criteria for
PTSD, namely A1 (did not experience, witness
or was confronted with an even or
events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury or threat to
the physical integrity
of the self or others) nor A2 (did not experience intense
fear, helplessness or horror). Further, Professor Pridmore noted that
while Mr
Farnaby was angry about his treatment, he fails to satisfy Criteria B in that he
does not persistently re-experience running
the gauntlet or the other treatment
he received at Leeuwin
- Professor
Pridmore agreed with Dr Sale that Mr Farnaby’s “recall of specific
events was extremely limited”. Further,
Professor Pridmore concluded that
Mr Farnaby takes excessive alcohol, is isolative, suffers panic attacks and
distress, and that
he is irritable and unable to co-operate with comprehensive
examinations – there being no direct link between these symptoms
and his
Navy service, with Mr Farnaby not being totally incapacitated for work.
- Following
a further assessment on 4 April 2005, Professor Pridmore provided a report dated
4 April 2005 in which he detailed the following:
- in relation to
flashbacks Mr Farnaby claimed two:
- Of a knife in my
hand and blood everywhere.
- “Bits of
being in bed with a guy” used to worry me.
- In relation to
the knife flashback, Professor Pridmore notes that in his earlier assessment,
the knife wound was described as being
to the abdomen, while at this assessment,
it was to the arm. Professor Pridmore noted that the flashback could be
triggered by being
near knives, but would come on other occasions. Professor
Pridmore concluded that stabbing another person does not satisfy Criteria
A for
- In relation to
the second type of flashback, Professor Pridmore records Mr Farnaby as saying
the flashback was triggered by shapes
of some guy’s face. He noted that
Mr Farnaby does not have a clear memory, and that it is not as if the event is
Professor Pridmore again concluded that this flashback does not
satisfy Criteria A for PTSD.
- That Mr Farnaby
was drinking an average between eight and fourteen standard drinks per
- That Mr Farnaby
reports problems of memory.
- That Mr
Farnaby’s drinking habit could lead to anxious and depressed mood,
irritable/hostile personality and unemployment.
- In
a third report dated 28 April 2005 (Exh R26) Professor Pridmore detailed an
analysis in the context of DMS IV TR:
- Mr Farnaby
admits to taking excessive alcohol from the time he was in the Navy until the
present. He denies all symptoms of alcohol
dependence (DSM IV-TR, 303.90). He
denies the symptoms of alcohol abuse (DSM IV-TR, 305.00).
- To make a
diagnosis of a mental disorder, there must be symptoms of sufficient severity
present in sufficient number. Mr Farnaby
describes feeling anxious and panicky
at times, feeling at unease when near knives, low mood and insomnia. While
there is excessive
alcohol use and features suggestive of distress, there were
not symptoms present in sufficient severity or number to substantiate
an Axis 1
- With respect to
personality, Mr Farnaby states that he does not like or trust people. However,
he married, had children and worked
for five years as a postman. It is noted
that although he claims to be socially isolated, he was able to borrow a motor
to attend an interview on 13 September 2004. It is noted that Mr
Farnaby last saw his parents when he was sixteen years of age and
did not see
them again before their deaths, thirteen years later. At interview, he was
unco-operative, evasive and unpleasant in
manner (strong eye contact,
identifying the interviewer as an “apologist for the Federal
Government”, and stating that
the interviewer would indicate that
“being bashed and fucked wouldn’t do anything to you” and
speaking of “blood
and shit”.
- With respect to
the presence or absence of personality disorder, one refers to the DSM IV-TR
definition, and then make a judgment.
As onset of personality disorder occurs
in adolescence or early childhood, one would expect that if true personality
disorder were
present, Mr Farnaby would have presented before fifty-three years
of age. He appears to have manifested maladaptive traits and has
not had a
stable relationship or been in work over the last twenty years. On this basis,
it may be that a personality disorder is
- On the other
hand, as Puri et al (2003) state, “with persistent heavy drinking a
deterioration in personality takes place which
may simulate a personality
disorder”. Thus, it is impossible to properly assess Mr Farnaby’s
personality until he has
been totally free of alcohol for six months.
- In oral
evidence, Professor Pridmore confirmed the importance of a physical examination
in every psychiatric examination to exclude
particular physical conditions,
particularly in circumstances of excessive alcohol intake. Professor Pridmore
said the circumstances
in which Mr Farnaby was to be examined was neither
intimidating nor inappropriate.
- In
response to questions asked in cross-examination, Professor Pridmore
- It would be
difficult for a male to talk about sexual abuse by another male thirty years ago
when they were fifteen years old, with
the reason being one of embarrassment,
shame and guilt.
- That when Mr
Farnaby attended HMAS Leeuwin he had a strong Yorkshire accent, was described as
lanky and effeminate, was subject to
‘Deep Heat’ and boot polish
applied to his genitals, that after one attack he was naked, hysterical and
crying, that
he ran the gauntlet, that he went on gruelling punishment runs at
night, that he became more and more frightened and had trouble
sleeping, that he
was regularly given a clip around the ear and that he was coerced into doing
chores for senior recruits. Professor
Pridmore considers that the criteria in
DSM IV relates to one event and not to the accumulation of events. Professor
Pridmore was
clearly of a view that to diagnose PTSD, the single event
characteristics must satisfy the criteria. Further, for the necessary
experience to satisfy the criteria, there must be a threat to Mr Farnaby’s
physical integrity and that none of the events nominated
meet that Criteria A1.
Professor Pridmore considered it important to apply discipline to the analysis
of such events.
- The other
criteria important in the analysis, is the reliving, which provides the ring of
truth about the whole case.
- Mr
Farnaby’s description of the attempted rape in the van by the sponsor,
could be construed as a threat to the physical integrity
of Mr Farnaby, and as
such satisfy Criteria A1 of DSM-IV for a diagnosis of PTSD.
- In his opinion
Mr Farnaby’s response to the circumstances in the van was not one of
intense fear, helplessness or horror, in
that he was able to reject the advances
and even though distressed, that Criteria 1B was not satisfied.
- That all of Mr
Farnaby's symptoms and difficulties could be accounted for by his excessive
alcohol consumption. Such symptoms included
insomnia and panic attacks.
- That the sexual
abuse events, if they occurred, would probably have very little impact on the
development of Mr Farnaby. They could
impact on academic performance, but not
his insomnia, nor the issues leading to his court martial in 1974. His need for
a valium
prescription in 1970 for two weeks for sleeping difficulties for years,
does not make sense.
- That the so
called “recovered memories” by Mr Farnaby was probably a product of
his counselling. The problem with horrific
events is that you cannot
forget them, not that you cannot
remember them. Nevertheless, Professor Pridmore agreed that people who have
been traumatised are
capable of putting memories out of their mind.
- Mr Farnaby's
inability to remember the identity of the perpetrator does not satisfy the
inability to recall an important aspect of
the trauma (Criteria C
- In
response to questions from the Tribunal, Professor Pridmore concluded that Mr
Farnaby did not satisfy the criteria necessary for
either a diagnosis of either
alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence; that he has a difficult personality that
has been influenced by
his drinking, and his life of unemployment and the way he
has spent his time over the years. If there is psychiatric diagnosis,
Pridmore would consider alcohol dependence first. He said he did not think he
had a gross personality disorder.
- We
are mindful that a clinical specialist, and in particular a specialist
psychiatrist, when making a clinical assessment of an individual
is dependent on
the individual providing an accurate and reliable history of their
circumstances. We note Dr Sale's cautionary reflection
- "that if the history
turns out to be inaccurate or unreliable, it affects the opinions that flow from
that history".
- In
assessing the accuracy and/or reliability of the history provided over time by
Mr Farnaby, we note the following:
- A gradually
evolving story of the incidents at HMAS Leeuwin in 1968/1969, with the story
commencing to be told in 2001 to Ms Nalder
and in succession to Dr Welch, Mr
Neilson, Dr Roffe and Dr Walker. This evolution, in both content and detail,
continued during
clinical assessments by Dr Sale, Dr Burges Watson and Professor
- There have been
significant variations in the description of the intrusive thoughts (flashback,
nightmare, hallucination), as well
as variation in content (knives and blood, no
particular theme, sexual abuse in van, various incidents at HMAS Leeuwin), with
as to content over time (knife to abdomen – to arm) and timing
of the onset (every night since HMAS Leeuwin to commenced in
1981) – such
variations being described to Dr Sale, Dr Burges Watson and Professor Pridmore,
and included in Mr Farnaby’s
statements and oral evidence.
- The description
of the event underlying the content of the intrusive thought (knife wound to
abdomen as opposed to the arm), and eventually
a more detailed description of an
event (the sexual abuse episode), as well as variations in the circumstances,
including duration
of and activities undertaken in the relation to sexual abuse
other than in the panel van.
- There were
differing descriptions of his alcohol intake, with Mr Farnaby recording a much
more constant use of alcohol including periods
of excessive use after ending his
navy service in 1979. We note that Dr Burges Watson recorded Mr Farnaby as
saying that two years
prior to his first consultation in September 2006, he
could go for weeks without alcohol. In contrast Dr Sale records “no
particular pattern to his excessive alcohol drinking” in his report of 28
May 2003, and “substantial but diminished”
in his report of 3 April
2007. In his oral evidence Dr Sale stated that Mr Farnaby was a chronic
over-imbiber of alcohol ever since
his navy days, drinking most days to excess,
with a few dry spells. Finally, we observe that Professor Pridmore in his
report of
4 April 2005, concluded that Mr Farnaby was drinking between eight and
14 standard drinks per night, while further concluding in
oral evidence that Mr
Farnaby’s symptoms and difficulties (including insomnia and panic attacks)
could be accounted for by
his excessive alcohol consumption.
- The other
criteria important in the analysis of whether someone is suffering from PTSD, is
the reliving of the event, which provides
the ring of truth about the whole
issue. (Professor Pridmore – oral evidence).
- That Mr
Farnaby’s recall of specific events was extremely limited (Dr Sale –
report dated 28 May 2003).
- That Professor
Pridmore in his report of 13 September 2004 agrees with Dr Sale’s opinion
on the recall of specific events.
- That all his
memories, recollections, dreams and nightmares relate to his experiences at HMAS
Leeuwin, but there are inconsistencies,
as evidenced by what he had said to Dr
Sale, Professor Pridmore and also to Dr Burges Watson – oral evidence of
Dr Burges Watson.
- As
far as Mr Farnaby’s naval career is concerned, we find the
- His absence
without leave for four months from HMAS Vampire, from April 1970, was more to do
with Mr Farnaby being unhappy with his
circumstances on the ship.
- The
court-martial in 1974, while serving on HMAS Supply, for striking an officer was
provoked and occurred after significant alcohol
- That use of
illegal substances commenced while serving on HMAS Supply; such use increasing
while serving on HMAS Nirimba, with the
use of marijuana continuing through his
post-service years.
- We
have given particular attention to Mr Farnaby’s post-service years. We
find the following:
- He lived with
his future wife from 1975 onwards; and their various places of residence in
Tasmania from 1979 (Dromedary, Magra, New
Norfolk and Kellevie) until their
separation in 1987.
- The activities
undertaken at each place of residence including social and parental activities,
and also house building at both New
Norfolk and Kellevie.
- That the
decision to move to Kellevie was a mutual decision, with the range of social
activities being similar throughout.
- We
also note the death of Mr Farnaby’s parents in late 1980, as well as their
return to England in 1970, after which there had
been minimal contact. We note
Mr Farnaby’s apparent response to his parents’ deaths and, in
particular, to the circumstances
of his father’s death. We observe the
infrequent communication by Mr Farnaby with his sister.
- Mr
Farnaby’s employment post-naval service was as a postman until 1984,
working at various activities including a solo tyre
repair outlet for his
father-in-law in 1985-1986. For some eight years, until the mid nineties, he
worked for his father-in-law
at a tyre repair place at Moonah, after which he
had various short-term employment as a Learner Rigger and an electrical
at Boyer; woodcutting, a two year part-time TAFE course and work as a
youth worker in 2000/2001. Mr Farnaby was granted a disability
support pension
in 2003.
- Further,
we note the symptoms complained of by Mr Farnaby post 2001. Mr Farnaby has
detailed that such symptoms had existed since
his early navy period at HMAS
Leeuwin (difficulty with sleeping, outbursts of anger, frightened and
withdrawn), while heavy drinking
commenced while serving on HMAS Vampire. He
said the use of illegal substances commenced while serving on HMAS Sydney. We
that Mr Farnaby said that flashbacks commenced in 1981, as did his desire
to isolate from people, avoid crowds, with subsequent development
of suicidal
thoughts and attempts to self-harm.
- Mr
Farnaby detailed his sleeping problems, his nightmares, his angry outbursts,
being anxious, abusing alcohol, experiencing flashbacks
to sexual abuse, running
the gauntlet, the stabbing, the bashings and the harassment. Mr Farnaby stated
in oral evidence that his
flashbacks had been occurring since 1968, but were
worse after he left the navy, with the worst period being around 2000.
- After
considering all of that evidence, we conclude that Mr Farnaby is not a reliable
historian. He has provided a most inconsistent
history on important issues
critical to the diagnosis of any psychiatric disorder. It is in that uncertain
context that the specialists
psychiatrists have attempted to formulate an
- We
are also mindful that the alleged events at HMAS Leeuwin are essentially as
described by Mr Farnaby.
- In
his initial opinion Dr Sale concluded that Mr Farnaby was suffering from chronic
post traumatic stress disorder, complicated by
alcohol abuse. In a later report
of 9 June 2006, Dr Sale acknowledged that he had expressed some equivocation
about the diagnosis
of PTSD, as the relevant event occurred many years ago, and
the overall clinical picture has been confounded by chronic alcohol abuse.
this time (June 2006), Dr Sale acknowledged Professor Pridmore’s diagnosis
of personality disorder to be a reasonable conclusion.
Dr Sale said that Mr
Farnaby met the criteria for the diagnosis of personality disorder as in DSM-IV,
although he would still prefer
to use the term post traumatic stress
- In
oral evidence, Dr Sale addressed the criteria for the diagnosis of PTSD
nominated in DMS–IV-TR. Dr Sale considered all criteria
were met. Dr
Sale considered that Mr Farnaby had diminished participation in significant
activities, experienced feelings of detachment
and estrangement from others and
that he has a constricted affect with periods of depression and irritability.
Further, Dr Sale
said he reports difficulty concentrating and irritability, as
well as feeling distress in social, occupational and other important
areas of
functioning, with the duration of such symptoms occurring over many years.
- In
detailing this opinion, Dr Sale made a number of statements,
- That by
Christmas Day 1969 Mr Farnaby would have been suffering from PTSD. Later Dr
Sale admitted this to be educated speculation.
- He was unaware
as to why Mr Farnaby resigned from Australia Post.
- He was also
unaware that Mr Farnaby had built a house at both New Norfolk as well as at
Kellevie, the former construction undertaken
while still working as a postman.
He considered building a house to be a significant achievement for a person who
was not a builder,
and who had been suffering from alcohol abuse for over ten
- He acknowledged
that the data he had used to postulate his thesis, that Mr Farnaby had a
psychiatric condition in 2003, was incomplete.
- He also
recognised that the fact that an individual reports excessive use of alcohol
does not lead to a conclusion that the person
suffers from a psychiatric
- Mr Farnaby was
treated for depression in 2001/2002, with his complaints of periods of
depression going back to the eighties, although
he had not then received
treatment for that condition.
- That Mr Farnaby
had been asocial, intensely irritable and at times would not leave the house
since the eighties.
- The only actual
history of Mr Farnaby living in an isolated place was at Kellevie. The
significance of Mr Farnaby living in such
isolated circumstances is reduced in
part by Ms Kim’s evidence as to the reason for moving there, and the
activities undertaken
by Mr Farnaby while he was there.
- Further, if Mr
Farnaby read a lot, listened to music, smoked marijuana in a setting where they
ran a few stock and had access to a
number of vehicles, it would not be
consistent with Mr Farnaby suffering from a psychiatric condition.
- There were
incidents of threatened self-harm in the early eighties and again in
- That at the
first consultation no history was given of an attempted rape.
- He does not know
how to reconcile different accounts of the stabbing incident given to Professor
Pridmore or Dr Burges Watson.
- The point in
time at which psychiatric symptoms arose was in the early eighties.
- That leaving a
child, aged 15-16, to fend for himself when the parents returned to England in
1970 could have caused profound psychological
complications. These facts cannot
be excluded in this matter.
- The history of
not seeing his parents again, limited communication with them and the deaths of
the parents on the same day, some ten
years after they left Australia, could be
significant, with such material suggesting Mr Farnaby may have emotionally
disowned his
- That the trigger
for Mr Farnaby’s 1981 symptoms could have been the deaths of his
- That Ms
Kim’s statement when she said that Mr Farnaby was not very much affected
by the deaths of his parents, or the circumstances
of their deaths, would
suggest that Mr Farnaby was either not being truthful with himself or,
alternatively, with Ms Kim.
- That despite
having symptoms for over 26 years, the failure by Mr Farnaby to report them was
not unusual, particularly in men.
- Chronic
alcoholism/substance abuse can be a source of various symptoms including
anxiety, depression and other symptoms. Further,
the abuse tends to cloud the
clinical picture, and may simulate a personality disorder.
- For a majority
of people the memory of a traumatic event is continuous and unforgettable, but
in others it lacks continuity.
- Dr
Sale first assessed Mr Farnaby in 2003. The data he had at that time to
postulate that Mr Farnaby had a psychiatric condition
was incomplete. Dr Sale
considered Mr Farnaby to be a poor historian, was not the most articulate man to
interview and had given
different clinical histories to various specialists.
Apart from Mr Farnaby’s written statements and oral evidence, the only
navy record suggesting any symptomatology during his naval service is the record
of November 1970, in which it states that Mr Farnaby
then complained of having
had insomnia for years and was treated with valium for a two week period.
- Although
Dr Sale acknowledged that Professor Pridmore’s diagnosis of personality
disorder was a reasonable conclusion, he continued
to formulate a diagnosis of
PTSD. In considering the diagnostic criteria for PTSD in DSM-IV-TR, we note
that Dr Sale concludes that
Mr Farnaby satisfies all criteria. This is at odds
with the statements made by him in oral evidence which we have detailed. We
point to the issues of isolation, employment and social and building activities,
as well as the inconsistency and unreliability of
material provided by Mr
Farnaby about his intrusive thoughts
- Dr
Sale expressed the opinion that the onset of clinical symptomatology was in the
early eighties, and that it was probably triggered
by the deaths of his parents.
We observe that such an opinion is shared by other psychiatrists in this matter.
We also observe that
Dr Sale considers the clinical onset of the PTSD to be in
1969/1970, although he readily admits that such an opinion is one borne
educated speculation.
- We
acknowledge the difficulties confronting Dr Sale in obtaining an accurate and
detailed clinical history. We conclude that his
analysis reflects such
difficulties. We express concern that his preferred diagnosis of PTSD was
initially made in the absence of
necessary clinical data, while his confirmed
diagnosis was made in the context of a less than accurate clinical history.
- In
addressing the opinion of Dr Burges Watson in September 2006, we note the
history detailed included:
- Nightmares and
“flashbacks of stabbing somebody”, “and being sexually
abused” which had emerged in 1981.
- Prior
to his second consultation, Dr Burges Watson spoke with Ms Kim, who he
considered not to be a good witness, as she was very
vague in many of her
responses. Dr Burges Watson noted that Ms Kim detailed Mr Farnaby’s
problems of “climbing inside
himself” and “didn’t
communicate” as commencing after he left the navy in 1979.
- Following
his second consultation, Dr Burges Watson stated:
- There was
limited objective evidence of Mr Farnaby’s mental health over the relevant
periods of time.
- There was not
enough solid fact to make a firm diagnosis.
- That the onset
of symptoms was in 1981.
- There was no
objective evidence that Mr Farnaby suffers from any diagnosable psychiatric
illness at this time.
- There is no
convincing evidence that Mr Farnaby is incapacitated for work.
- That Mr Farnaby
does not present as currently having any condition that “causes clinically
significant distress or impairment
in social, occupational or other important
areas of functioning.
- The deaths of
his parents may have stirred up all sorts of unresolved issues in Mr
- In
a further report dated 4 December 2006, Dr Burges-Watson, having spoken with Mr
Farnaby’s sister, Ann, in England, noted
- The deaths of Mr
Farnaby’s parents in late 1980 coincided with the time when many of his
symptoms first appeared.
- That the return
of the parents to England in late 1970 would have been upsetting for Mr Farnaby.
Again he noted that this coincided
with the time at which he sought medical
attention for difficulties sleeping.
- In
oral evidence, Dr Burges-Watson confirmed that the only objective evidence in
this matter was a raised pulse rate, and that he
was unable to find any evidence
of any debilitating psychiatric disorder. Further, in response to questions
asked in cross-examination,
Dr Burges-Watson stated:
- That Mr Farnaby
had revealed different thoughts to different people at different times, with
revealing thoughts about sexual abuse
being difficult and embarrassing for Mr
- That the
clinical history at best could satisfy diagnostic criteria A1, A2, B for PTSD,
nominated in DSM-IV-TR, but that Mr Farnaby
did not meet criteria C, D and E.
He gave reasons for such findings.
- It was difficult
to discuss with Mr Farnaby his long-term sleeping pattern.
- If one were to
accept Mr Farnaby’s history of bastardisation and sexual abuse at HMAS
Leeuwin, it could have caused him to have
a personality disorder.
- That the
de-compensation, as described as occurring by Dr Sale in the early 1980s on
hearing of the deaths of his parents, was more
likely a re-opening of issues
surrounding the parents’ return to England and Mr Farnaby being left
- What he cites as
the common nightmare, or common flashback, is inconsistent with what he said to
Dr Sale, Professor Pridmore and himself.
- In
summary, we considered Dr Burges Watson’s clinical approach to be
disciplined and objective. He sought other evidence from
Ms Kim and Mr
Farnaby’s sister. That evidence allowed him to have a better
understanding of relevant matters bearing in mind
that Mr Farnaby was an
inconsistent and vague historian.
- We
would also observe that Dr Burges Watson concluded that the onset of symptoms
was in the early eighties, and associated with the
deaths of his parents. This
was a re-awakening of issues in Mr Farnaby associated with their departure for
England in 1970. This
is not, we note, a dissimilar thesis to that postulated
by Dr Sale, with Dr Sale postulating a de-compensation of PTSD with a clinical
onset in 1969/1970. We also note that Dr Burges-Watson has raised the
possibility of a personality disorder but, in the absence
of more detailed
material about his formative years, his time at HMAS Leeuwin and the early years
of his navy service, he believed
the matter could not be taken further.
- In
our opinion, Dr Burges Watson’s analysis of this matter was an unhurried,
thorough and objective analysis of the available
- In
considering the opinion of Professor Pridmore of 13 September 2004, we note the
difficulties experienced by Professor Pridmore
in gaining the co-operation of Mr
Farnaby. We also note that Professor Pridmore records Mr Farnaby as being
sexually abused each
weekend for six months while at HMAS Leeuwin. He described
Mr Farnaby’s current symptoms, and his history of alcohol usage.
- We
observe that Professor Pridmore did not consider that Mr Farnaby satisfied the
diagnostic criteria for PTSD, nominated in DSM-IV-TR,
namely A1, A2, B.
Professor Pridmore gave specific reasons for so finding. Professor Pridmore did
not think Mr Farnaby totally
incapacitated for work.
- In
a further report dated 4 April 2005, Professor Pridmore again concluded that the
flashbacks involving either the stabbing incident,
or being in bed with a guy,
did not satisfy criteria A for PTSD. Professor Pridmore undertook an analysis
in the context of DSM-IV-TR.
In relation to alcohol dependence/alcohol abuse,
Professor Pridmore noted that Mr Farnaby denied all symptoms of either
- Professor
Pridmore noted that to make a diagnosis of a mental disorder, there must be
symptoms of sufficient severity, present in
sufficient numbers. Professor
Pridmore, in noting Mr Farnaby’s symptoms, concluded that there were not
symptoms present in
sufficient number or severity to substantiate an Axis I
- In
relation to the issue of personality disorder, Professor Pridmore stated that
one would expect that if a true personality disorder
was present, it would have
presented much earlier. Professor Pridmore, in noting that Mr Farnaby appears
to have manifested maladaptive
traits and had not had a stable relationship or
been in work for many years, concluded that, on such a basis, a personality
may possibly exist. But Professor Pridmore cautioned that with
persistent heavy drinking, a deterioration in personality takes place,
which may
simulate personality disorder. In such circumstances, it would be necessary for
Mr Farnaby to be totally free of alcohol
for six months for his personality to
be properly assessed.
- In
answer to questions in cross-examination, Professor Pridmore confirmed his view
that to satisfy criteria A1, the assessment must
relate to a specific event, and
not to the cumulative effect of many events. Further, he accepted that the
incident of the attempted
rape in the van could be construed as satisfying
criteria A1 for the diagnosis of PTSD, but not criteria A2, as Mr
response was not one of intense fear, helplessness or
- Professor
Pridmore was of the opinion that all of Mr Farnaby’s symptoms and
difficulties could be accounted for by his excessive
alcohol consumption.
Professor Pridmore concluded that Mr Farnaby has a difficult personality that
has been influenced by his drinking,
unemployment and the way he has spent his
time over the years.
- We
found the opinions of Professor Pridmore helpful. We observe a careful approach
to the assessment of material necessary to satisfy
the criteria for a diagnosis
of PTSD, or indeed any psychiatric condition nominated in the
- We
have found that Mr Farnaby was subjected to assaults, harassment and
intimidation by fellow recruits at Leeuwin. He was also the
victim of criminal
sexual abuse by his sponsor.
- The
issue for determination by the Tribunal however is whether the applicant
suffered a mental injury or disease as a result of the
treatment he was
subjected to.
- Not
everyone who is assaulted or raped suffers PTSD or some other mental condition.
Dr Sale said in evidence that "in the order of"
50% of rape victims "stand a
risk" of a PTSD. (Transcript page 201).
When giving evidence Dr
Burges Watson was asked whether everybody who experiences a severe stressor such
as sexual assault goes on
to have a psychiatric illness. He answered as
"No, not at all. In fact with - there's a recent paper, admittedly it
refers to females and that's slightly different, but with childhood
sexual abuse
it is only with very serious sexual abuse which involves physical violence and
threat and full penetration that psychiatric
- subsequent psychiatric disorders
are common. People with lesser sexual abuse don't develop psychiatric illness.
Indeed a very
high percentage of both males and females have experienced
technically some form of sexual abuse in their childhood". (Transcript page
- It
was therefore necessary for us to carefully assess the evidence in order to
determine, on the balance of probabilities, whether
the applicant is suffering
from any mental injury or disease as a result of the events at Leeuwin and the
sexual abuse by his sponsor.
- The
Tribunal has carefully considered the opinions of the three very experienced
psychiatrists who gave evidence as well as all of
the other material before us.
From our examination of all of this material, we conclude that Mr
Farnaby’s clinical symptoms
commenced in the early 1980's, and have
continued with varying degrees of intensity since. We consider that these
symptoms arose
as a consequence of the deaths of his parents, and a re-opening
of issues resulting from the parents’ departure to England
in 1970. These
symptoms were superimposed on a person who has a difficult personality,
associated with an excessive alcohol intake
and substance abuse. We are unable
to conclude to the standard required that Mr Farnaby satisfies the criteria for
a diagnosis of
any condition including alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence,
personality disorder or PTSD, or indeed for any type of mental injury
- In
reaching these conclusions, we have relied upon the opinions of the three
psychiatrists but in particular, we find the opinion
of Dr Burges Watson to be
most persuasive. Dr Burges Watson summarised his opinion in the following
"Well, the summation of my opinion is that he doesn't have
a post-traumatic stress disorder. I can't say that he didn't experience
what he
experienced in Leeuwin, both the sexual and the physical abuse. But I don't
think a post-traumatic stress disorder developed
as a result of it. It may have
affected his subsequent life, but I don't think he has any definable
psychiatrist illness, disorder,
at the present time". (Transcript page
We are unable to accept Dr Sale’s opinion that there was a clinical
onset of PTSD in 1969 without corroborative symptomatology
at that time.
- Mr
Farnaby has had some symptoms since the early 1980's. He did not report them
until 2001/2002. At that time he was treated with
anti-depressants. He no
longer continues on that medication. We find that any continuing symptoms are
associated with his difficult
personality, coupled with excessive alcohol usage.
We are not satisfied on the evidence before us that the applicant's symptoms are
outside the bounds of normal mental functioning and behaviour. (See Comcare
v Mooi (1996) 69 FCR 439 at page 444).
- The
Tribunal finds that the applicant does not suffer from any mental injury arising
out of or in the course of the applicant's employment
in the Navy nor from any
disease due to the nature of his employment in the
- The
Tribunal affirms the decision under review.
I certify that the 177 preceding paragraphs are a true copy of the
reasons for the decision herein of The Hon R J Groom (Deputy President)
and Dr J
Campbell (Part-Time Member)
Signed: R Hunt (Administrative Assistant)
Date/s of Hearing 23 January 2006 and 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 14 April
Date of Decision 11 July 2008
Counsel for the Applicant Mr R Browne
Solicitor for the Applicant Ms C Gregg, Fitzgerald & Browne
Counsel for the Respondent Mr B Morgan
Solicitor for the Respondent Australian
Government Solicitor
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