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[2015] AATA 3841
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1514347 (Refugee) [2015] AATA 3841 (3 December 2015)
Last Updated: 21 December 2015
1514347 (Refugee) [2015] AATA 3841 (3 December 2015)
DIVISION: Migration & Refugee Division
CASE NUMBER: 1514347
MEMBER: Rachel Westaway
DATE: 3 December 2015
DECISION: The Tribunal affirms the decision not to grant the applicant
a protection visa.
references appearing in square brackets indicate that information has been
omitted from this decision pursuant to section 431 of the Migration Act
1958 and replaced with generic information which does not allow the
identification of an applicant, or their relative or other dependant.
- This
is an application for review of a decision made by a delegate of the Minister
for Immigration on 24 September 2015 to refuse
to grant the applicant a
protection visa under s.65 of the Migration Act 1958 (the Act).
- The
applicant who claims to be a citizen of Malaysia, applied for the visa [in] May
2015. The delegate refused to grant the visa on
the basis that the
applicant’s claims of fear were not credible. His claims were considered
vague and contained very little
detail with no supporting material.
- The
applicant was invited to a hearing on Friday 27 November 2015 and did not attend
the hearing. The applicant did not respond to
the hearing invitation and did not
provide submissions to the Tribunal to support their review. The review
applicant was advised
that if he could not attend the hearing and a postponement
was not granted, the Tribunal may make a decision on the case without
notice. No response was received. The review applicant was sent all
correspondence through their nominated email address.
In these circumstances and
pursuant to s.426A of the Act, the Tribunal has decided to make its decision on
the review without taking any further action to enable the applicant
to appear
before it.
- The
criteria for a protection visa are set out in s.36 of the Act and Schedule 2 to
the Migration Regulations 1994 (the Regulations). An applicant for the visa must
meet one of the alternative criteria in s.36(2)(a), (aa), (b), or (c). That is,
he or she is either a person in respect of whom Australia has protection
obligations under the ‘refugee’ criterion, or
on other
‘complementary protection’ grounds, or is a member of the same
family unit as such a person and that person
holds a protection visa of the same
- Section
36(2)(a) provides that a criterion for a protection visa is that the applicant
for the visa is a non-citizen in Australia
in respect of whom the Minister is
satisfied Australia has protection obligations because the person is a refugee.
- A
person is a refugee if, in the case of a person who has a nationality, they are
outside the country of their nationality and, owing
to a well-founded fear of
persecution, are unable or unwilling to avail themself of the protection of that
country: s.5H(1)(a). In
the case of a person without a nationality, they are a
refugee if they are outside the country of their former habitual residence
owing to a well-founded fear of persecution, are unable or unwilling to return
to that country: s.5H(1)(b).
- Under
s.5J(1), a person has a well-founded fear of persecution if they fear being
persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality,
membership of a
particular social group or political opinion, there is a real chance they would
be persecuted for one or more of
those reasons, and the real chance of
persecution relates to all areas of the relevant country. Additional
requirements relating
to a ‘well-founded fear of persecution’ and
circumstances in which a person will be taken not to have such a fear are
out in ss.5J(2)-(6) and ss.5K-LA, which are extracted in the attachment to this
- If
a person is found not to meet the refugee criterion in s.36(2)(a), he or she may
nevertheless meet the criteria for the grant of
the visa if he or she is a
non-citizen in Australia in respect of whom the Minister is satisfied Australia
has protection obligations
because the Minister has substantial grounds for
believing that, as a necessary and foreseeable consequence of being removed from
Australia to a receiving country, there is a real risk that he or she will
suffer significant harm: s.36(2)(aa) (‘the complementary
criterion’). The meaning of significant harm, and the circumstances in
which a person will be taken not to face
a real risk of significant harm, are
set out in ss.36(2A) and (2B), which are extracted in the attachment to this
Mandatory considerations
- In
accordance with Ministerial Direction No.56, made under s.499 of the Act, the
Tribunal has taken account of policy guidelines prepared
by the Department of
Immigration – PAM3 Refugee and humanitarian - Complementary Protection
Guidelines and PAM3 Refugee and
humanitarian - Refugee Law Guidelines –
and relevant country information assessments prepared by the Department of
Affairs and Trade expressly for protection status determination
purposes, to the extent that they are relevant to the decision under
- The
applicant claims he is a traditional Buddhist which is not acceptable in
Malaysia. He claims that as the Prime Minister supports
racial preferences for
Malay citizens, Buddhism is not acceptable in Malaysia and he finds it
impossible to find a job and is constantly
being watched. He claims Islam
smashed his car, broke into his home and locked him up until his family paid a
security fee. He claims
police cannot help him.
- For
the following reasons, the Tribunal has concluded that the decision under review
should be affirmed.
- The
applicant provided the Tribunal with a copy of the Department decision
pertaining to his visa refusal the subject of this review.
He did not provide
any further submissions or claims.
- The
applicant’s claims are brief and provide only the bare outline. As the
applicant did not provided any further detail other
than the vague and limited
information listed above in his claims, and he did not attend the hearing, the
Tribunal was denied an
opportunity to test his claims.
- The
Tribunal has considered the independent country information available to it as
listed below against the applicant’s claims.
- The
applicant made the following claim in his initial visa application. The Prime
Minister supports racial preferences for Malay citizens,
Buddhism is not
acceptable in Malaysia and he finds it impossible to find a job and is
constantly being watched. He claims Islam
smashed his car, broke into his home
and locked him up until his family paid a security fee. He claims police cannot
help him.
- The
Tribunal has given consideration to the following independent country
information from the Department of Immigration and Border
Protection dated 30
September 2015. Malaysia’s ethnic demographic consists of 67.4% Malay,
24.6% ethnic Chinese, 7.3% ethnic
Indian and 0.7% other. The constitution
forbids discrimination against citizens on the basis of gender, race, and
religion however
there are special privileges offered to ethnic Malays which is
considered affirmative action. Further, Malaysian Chinese generally
have no
problems accessing public primary or high school education. DFAT assess that
ethnic Chinese generally do not experience discrimination
or violence on a day
to day level, but may face low levels of discrimination attempting to gain entry
into state tertiary system
of the civil service.
- The
Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) is considered a professional and effective police
force. As evidence of their approach to ensure
non-discriminatory behaviour in
2014 the Government commenced a campaign to increase the number of women, ethnic
Chinese and Indians
in RMP.
- The
Tribunal finds that the applicant is a citizen of Malaysia, and that Malaysia is
the applicant’s receiving country for the
purposes of the refugee and
complementary protection assessment.
- The
Tribunal has considered the country information before it which is not
consistent with the applicant’s claims. The applicant’s
claims are
very brief and given the applicants did not attend the hearing, the Tribunal was
denied the opportunity to test his claims.
I am unable to be satisfied on the
evidence before me that the applicant faces torture, mental and physical harm if
returned to
Malaysia because he is Buddhist and Muslims will target him. Nor can
the Tribunal accept that the applicant could not seek protection
from the Royal
Malaysian Police if required. Independent country information clearly indicates
that discrimination is forbidden on
the basis of religion and that the police
and other government bodies exist to protect citizens.
- The
Tribunal is aware of the importance of adopting a reasonable approach and the
decision maker is not required to make the applicant's
case for him or her. Nor
is Tribunal required to accept uncritically any and all the allegations made by
an applicant. Had the applicant
attended a hearing, the Tribunal would have
explored his relevant claims with him and sought further information from him on
a range
of details relevant to his claims.
- The
mere fact that a person claims to fear persecution for a particular reason does
not establish either the genuineness of the asserted
fear or that it is
'well-founded' for the reasons claimed. Similarly, that an applicant claims to
face a real risk of significant
harm does not establish that such a risk exists,
or that the harm feared amounts to 'significant harm'. It remains for that the
to satisfy the Tribunal that all the statutory elements are made out.
Although the concept of onus of proof is not appropriate to
inquiries and decision making, the relevant facts of the individual case will
have to be supplied by the applicant
himself or herself.
- For
the reasons set out above I am unable to be satisfied that there is real chance
that the review applicant has a real chance that
he will face torture or be
harmed physically or mentally by Muslims if he returns to Malaysia now or in the
reasonably foreseeable
- I
have also considered whether the applicants meet the complementary protection
criteria under s.36(2)(aa). For the reasons set out
above, the Tribunal does not
accept that there is a real chance that the applicant will face serious harm
from Muslims and be unable
to seek protection by Malaysian authorities if he
returns to Malaysia now or in the reasonably foreseeable future. In MIAC v
the full Federal Court held that the ‘real risk’ test imposes
the same standard as the ‘real chance’ test
applicable to the
assessment of well-founded fear’ in the Refugee Convention definition. It
follows that the Tribunal is not
satisfied that there are substantial grounds
for believing that, as a necessary and foreseeable consequence of the applicants
removed from Australia to Malaysia, there is a real risk they will suffer
significant harm as defined in subsection 36(2A) of the Migration
- For
the reasons given above, the Tribunal is not satisfied that the applicant is a
person in respect of whom Australia has protection
obligations under
- Having
concluded that the applicant does not meet the refugee criterion in s.36(2)(a),
the Tribunal has considered the alternative criterion in s.36(2)(aa). The
Tribunal is not satisfied that the applicant is a person in respect of whom
Australia has protection obligations under s.36(2)(aa).
- There
is no suggestion that the applicant satisfies s.36(2) on the basis of being a
member of the same family unit as a person who satisfies s.36(2)(a) or (aa) and
who holds a protection visa. Accordingly, the applicant does not satisfy the
criterion in s.36(2).
- The
Tribunal affirms the decision not to grant the applicant a protection
Rachel Westaway
ATTACHMENT - Extract from Migration Act 1958
5 (1) Interpretation
cruel or inhuman treatment or punishment means an act or
omission by which:
(a) severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally
inflicted on a person; or
(b) pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted
on a person so long as, in all the circumstances, the
act or omission could
reasonably be regarded as cruel or inhuman in nature;
but does not include an act or omission:
(c) that is not inconsistent with Article 7 of the Covenant; or
(d) arising only from, inherent in or incidental to, lawful sanctions that
are not inconsistent with the Articles of the
degrading treatment or punishment means an act
or omission that causes, and is intended to cause, extreme humiliation which is
unreasonable, but does not include an
act or omission:
(a) that is not inconsistent with Article 7 of the Covenant; or
(b) that causes, and is intended to cause, extreme humiliation arising only
from, inherent in or incidental to, lawful sanctions that
are not inconsistent
with the Articles of the Covenant.
torture means an act
or omission by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is
intentionally inflicted on a person:
(a) for the purpose of obtaining from the person or from a third person
information or a confession; or
(b) for the purpose of punishing the person for an act which that person or a
third person has committed or is suspected of having
committed; or
(c) for the purpose of intimidating or coercing the person or a third person;
(d) for a purpose related to a purpose mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or
(c); or
(e) for any reason based on discrimination that is inconsistent with the
Articles of the Covenant;
but does not include an act or omission arising only from, inherent in or
incidental to, lawful sanctions that are not inconsistent
with the Articles of
the Covenant.
receiving country, in relation to a
non-citizen, means:
(a) a country of which the non-citizen is a national, to be determined solely
by reference to the law of the relevant country; or
(b) if the non-citizen has no country of nationality—a country of his
or her former habitual residence, regardless of whether
it would be possible to
return the non-citizen to the country.
5J Meaning of well-founded fear of persecution
(1) For the purposes of the application of this Act and the regulations to a
particular person, the person has a well-founded fear
of persecution if:
(a) the person fears being persecuted for reasons of race, religion,
nationality, membership of a particular social group or political
(b) there is a real chance that, if the person returned to the receiving
country, the person would be persecuted for one or more of
the reasons mentioned
in paragraph (a); and
(c) the real chance of persecution relates to all areas of a receiving
Note: For membership of a particular social group, see sections 5K and
(2) A person does not have a well-founded fear of persecution if effective
protection measures are available to the person in a receiving
Note: For effective protection measures, see section 5LA.
(3) A person does not have a well-founded fear of persecution if the person
could take reasonable steps to modify his or her behaviour
so as to avoid a real
chance of persecution in a receiving country, other than a modification that
(a) conflict with a characteristic that is fundamental to the person’s
identity or conscience; or
(b) conceal an innate or immutable characteristic of the person; or
(c) without limiting paragraph (a) or (b), require the person to do any of
the following:
(i) alter his or her religious beliefs, including by renouncing a religious
conversion, or conceal his or her true religious beliefs,
or cease to be
involved in them practice of his or her faith;
(ii) conceal his or her true race, ethnicity, nationality or country of
(iii) alter his or her political beliefs or conceal his or her true political
(iv) conceal a physical, psychological or intellectual disability;
(v) enter into or remain in a marriage to which that person is opposed, or
accept the forced marriage of a child;
(vi) alter his or her sexual orientation or gender identity or conceal his or
her true sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex
(4) If a person fears persecution for one or more of the reasons mentioned in
paragraph (1)(a):
(a) that reason must be the essential and significant reason, or those
reasons must be the essential and significant reasons, for
the persecution;
(b) the persecution must involve serious harm to the person; and
(c) the persecution must involve systematic and discriminatory conduct.
(5) Without limiting what is serious harm for the purposes of
paragraph (4)(b), the following are instances of serious harm for the
purposes of that paragraph:
(a) a threat to the person’s life or liberty;
(b) significant physical harassment of the person;
(c) significant physical illtreatment of the person;
(d) significant economic hardship that threatens the person’s capacity
to subsist;
(e) denial of access to basic services, where the denial threatens the
person’s capacity to subsist;
(f) denial of capacity to earn a livelihood of any kind, where the denial
threatens the person’s capacity to subsist.
(6) In determining whether the person has a wellfounded fear of persecution
for one or more of the reasons mentioned in paragraph
(1)(a), any conduct
engaged in by the person in Australia is to be disregarded unless the person
satisfies the Minister that the
person engaged in the conduct otherwise than for
the purpose of strengthening the person’s claim to be a refugee.
5K Membership of a particular social group
consisting of family
For the purposes of the application of this Act and the regulations to a
particular person (the first person), in determining whether
the first person
has a wellfounded fear of persecution for the reason of membership of a
particular social group that consists of
the first person’s family:
(a) disregard any fear of persecution, or any persecution, that any other
member or former member (whether alive or dead) of the family
has ever
experienced, where the reason for the fear or persecution is not a reason
mentioned in paragraph 5J(1)(a); and
(b) disregard any fear of persecution, or any persecution, that:
(i) the first person has ever experienced; or
(ii) any other member or former member (whether alive or dead) of the family
has ever experienced;
where it is reasonable to conclude that the fear or persecution would not
exist if it were assumed that the fear or persecution mentioned
paragraph (a) had never existed.
Note: Section 5G may be relevant for determining family relationships
for the purposes of this section.
5L Membership of a particular social group
other than family
For the purposes of the application of this Act and the regulations to a
particular person, the person is to be treated as a member
of a particular
social group (other than the person’s family) if:
(a) a characteristic is shared by each member of the group; and
(b) the person shares, or is perceived as sharing, the characteristic;
(c) any of the following apply:
(i) the characteristic is an innate or immutable characteristic;
(ii) the characteristic is so fundamental to a member’s identity or
conscience, the member should not be forced to renounce
(iii) the characteristic distinguishes the group from society; and
(d) the characteristic is not a fear of persecution.
5LA Effective protection measures
(1) For the purposes of the application of this Act and the regulations to a
particular person, effective protection measures are
available to the person in
a receiving country if:
(a) protection against persecution could be provided to the person by:
(i) the relevant State; or
(ii) a party or organisation, including an international organisation, that
controls the relevant State or a substantial part of the
territory of the
relevant State; and
(b) the relevant State, party or organisation mentioned in paragraph (a)
is willing and able to offer such protection.
(2) A relevant State, party or organisation mentioned in
paragraph (1)(a) is taken to be able to offer protection against
to a person if:
(a) the person can access the protection; and
(b) the protection is durable; and
(c) in the case of protection provided by the relevant State—the
protection consists of an appropriate criminal law, a reasonably
police force and an impartial judicial system.
36 Protection visas – criteria provided for by this Act
(2A) A noncitizen will suffer significant harm if:
(a) the noncitizen will be arbitrarily deprived of his or her life; or
(b) the death penalty will be carried out on the noncitizen; or
(c) the noncitizen will be subjected to torture; or
(d) the noncitizen will be subjected to cruel or inhuman treatment or
punishment; or
(e) the noncitizen will be subjected to degrading treatment or
(2B) However, there is taken not to be a real risk that a noncitizen will
suffer significant harm in a country if the Minister is
satisfied that:
(a) it would be reasonable for the noncitizen to relocate to an area of the
country where there would not be a real risk that the
noncitizen will suffer
significant harm; or
(b) the noncitizen could obtain, from an authority of the country, protection
such that there would not be a real risk that the noncitizen
will suffer
significant harm; or
(c) the real risk is one faced by the population of the country generally and
is not faced by the noncitizen personally.
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