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[2013] NSWCCA 248
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Doe v Regina [2013] NSWCCA 248 (8 November 2013)
Last Updated: 12 November 2013
Case Title:
Doe v Regina
Medium Neutral Citation:
Hearing Date(s):
14 October 2013
Decision Date:
08 November 2013
Hoeben CJ at CL at [1] Johnson J at [2] Bellew J [3]
1.The application for extension of time is dismissed
CRIMINAL LAW - appeal - application to extend time in which to seek leave
to appeal against sentence - asserted error on the part
of the sentencing judge
as a result of the decision in Muldrock v The Queen - principles to be applied
in determining whether extension
of time should be granted - error established
CRIMINAL LAW - sentence - where applicant convicted of several counts of
having sexual intercourse without the consent of the victim
- where some counts
involved digital penetration - whether offending which involves digital
penetration should be regarded as being
less serious than other forms of similar
Legislation Cited:
Cases Cited:
Principal judgment
Aisson Doe - Applicant Regina - Respondent
- Counsel:
Counsel: Mr C Bruce SC - Applicant Ms T Smith - Respondent
- Solicitors:
Solicitors: Legal Aid NSW - Applicant S Kavanagh, Solicitor for
Public Prosecutions - Respondent
File Number(s):
2006 / 6790009
Decision Under Appeal
- Before:
Conlon DCJ
- Date of Decision:
13 April 2007
Publication Restriction:
CJ at CL: I agree with Bellew J and the orders which he proposes.
J: I agree with Bellew J.
J: Following a trial by jury the applicant was convicted of the following
offences, all of which occurred on 31 January 2004:
- (i) having
sexual intercourse with EH without her consent, knowing that she had not
consented (count 1);
- (ii) having
sexual intercourse with EH without her consent, knowing that she had not
consented (count 2);
- (iii) having
sexual intercourse with EH without her consent, knowing that she had not
consented (count 6);
- (iv) assaulting
EH and at the me of the assault committing an act of indecency on her (count 7);
- (v) having
sexual intercourse with EH without her consent, knowing that she had not
consented (count 8).
- The
offences in counts 1, 2, 6 and 8 were contrary to s. 61I of the Crimes Act
1900 (NSW) and carried a maximum penalty of 14 years imprisonment with a
standard non-parole period of 7 years imprisonment. The offence
in count 7 was
contrary to s. 61L of the same Act and carried a maximum penalty of 5 years
imprisonment. No standard non-parole period is prescribed for that offence.
- On
13 April 2007 the applicant was sentenced by his Honour Judge Conlon as
- (i) in respect
of each of counts 1, 6 and 8, a non-parole period of 7 years imprisonment
commencing 22 September 2006 and expiring
on 21 September 2013, with an
additional term of 3 years expiring on 21 September 2016;
- (ii) in respect
of count 2, a non-parole period of 8 years imprisonment commencing 22 September
2006 and expiring 21 September 2014,
with an additional period of imprisonment
of 3 years expiring on 21 September 2017;
- (iii) in
respect of count 7, a non-parole period of 2 years commencing on 22 September
2006 and expiring on 21 September 2008, with
an additional term of imprisonment
of 12 months expiring on 21 September 2009.
- The
overall sentence was one of 11 years imprisonment, made up of a non-parole
period of 8 years and an additional term of 3 years.
It is noted that the
entirety of the sentences which were imposed were ordered to be served
- The
applicant seeks an extension of time in which to seek leave to appeal against
the sentences imposed. The background to that application
is set out in an
affidavit of the applicant of 12 September 2013, along with an affidavit of Ruth
Chalmers, solicitor, of 13 September
2013. In short, the applicant lodged a
notice of intention to appeal against conviction and sentence in late April
2007. He was subsequently
informed that legal aid would be granted only in
respect of an appeal against conviction. That appeal proceeded and was dismissed
by this Court (see Doe v R [2008] NSWCCA 203; (2008) 187 A Crim R 328).
- On
28 November 2012 the applicant conferred with Ms Chalmers who informed him that
there was "likely merit" in an application for
leave to appeal against sentence
due to what Ms Chalmers described in her affidavit as a "Muldrock error"
(see Muldrock v R (2011) 244 CLR 120; [2011] HCA 39). Counsel
was then briefed and a notice of application for leave to appeal was filed on 18
July 2013. In Abdul v R [2013] NSWCCA 247 this Court explained in detail
the background to, and the general nature of, so-called "Muldrock errors".
It is therefore unnecessary for me to do so again.
- On
any view, the delay in the matter is substantial, and a significant extension of
time is sought. The Crown has opposed the granting
of an extension of time.
- The
following summary of the facts is taken from the remarks of the sentencing
- EH
("the victim") had been socialising with friends on the evening of 30 January
2004. In the course of walking to a friend's home
in the early hours of 31
January she went past a nightclub where she observed two males. One of them got
into a taxi, whilst the
other (the applicant) stayed on the kerb. As the victim
walked past the applicant she put her head down but said "Hi". The applicant
responded in similar terms and asked the victim where she was going. The victim
told him that she was going to a friend's home, at
which point she started to
walk faster. The applicant then caught up to her, put his hand on her back and
said "I'll walk you there".
- The
victim described herself as being anxious at this point because the applicant
persisted in walking with her, saying that he was
her "friend" and telling her
that he wanted to make sure that she reached her friend's place. The victim
described the applicant's
presence as "overpowering".
- When
the victim reached her friend's home, the applicant was still beside her with
his hand on her back. He asked her if she wanted
to go to a hotel, and the
victim responded that she wanted to go inside. The applicant repeated his
invitation to her to accompany
him to a hotel. Once again, the victim told him
that she simply wanted to go inside. The applicant then grabbed the victim
her waist with his arm, pulled her tightly towards him and kissed her on
the open mouth with his tongue. The victim described being
kissed "roughly" by
the applicant whilst being held so tightly that she could not pull away. She had
done nothing to indicate that
she wanted the applicant to kiss her. On the
contrary, she had told him on two occasions that she wished to go inside.
- The
offender then suggested that they go to an area across the road, at which time
the victim again protested, telling the applicant
for a third time that she
wanted to go inside. The applicant then took the victim in what she described as
an extremely forceful
grip. He dragged her down the driveway of the premises
which adjoined those of her friend to a chicken coop area where he again pulled
her towards him and kissed her.
- The
applicant then put his hand down the victim's pants and digitally penetrated her
vagina with more than one finger. The victim
described that this was done
roughly and said that she told the applicant that he was hurting her as he was
doing it. This formed
the basis of count 1.
- The
offender then pulled the victim's pants down before removing his own pants.
Whilst the victim was facing away from him, the applicant
penetrated her anus
with his penis. The victim told the applicant that he was hurting her and
repeatedly asked him to use a condom.
She described the applicant using extreme
force, and described the pain as excruciating. This continued for about 5
minutes and the
victim said that she did not think that the applicant
ejaculated. This formed the basis of count 2.
- The
applicant then laid the victim on the ground and engaged in penile/vaginal
intercourse which formed the basis of count 6. In the
course of doing so, the
applicant grabbed the victim's left nipple in a manner she described as "really
roughly". This formed the
basis of count 7.
- The
victim told the applicant that he was hurting her, at which time he ceased
having penile/vaginal intercourse with her. He then
placed what the victim
described as his "left hand" into her vagina, and digitally penetrated her with
more than one finger. This
formed the basis of count 8.
- During
the course of those acts which formed the basis of counts 6, 7 and 8 the victim
told the offender on more than one occasion
that what he was doing was hurting
her, and pleaded with him to use a condom.
- The
grabbing of the victim's nipple continued until she was able to get up. She ran
to her friend's house and knocked on the door.
The applicant followed her,
carrying her thongs, which he then gave to her before asking her for her
telephone number. The victim's
friend then came to the front door of the
premises and the victim went inside. The victim's friend described the victim as
uncontrollably, being short of breath and appearing distraught.
- The
police were then called. One of the police officers gave evidence that he
observed the victim's pants to be bloodstained around
the area of the crotch.
Arrangements were then made for the victim to attend Wollongong Hospital where
she was medically examined.
She was found to have two grazes/lacerations on her
left nipple, each of which was 3 mm long. Grazes were also found on the lining
of her vagina which left bloodstains on the vagina and vulva. There was also
evidence that the victim's right labia minora appeared
red and was swollen to
twice the size of her right. There was also swelling and redness to the vaginal
entrance, swelling of the
perineum and redness and grazing to the lower vaginal
- The
sentencing judge found (commencing at ROS 14) that the applicant had engaged in
a forceful and violent attack upon the victim.
Having made reference to her
injuries, his Honour said (commencing at ROS 17):
"Concerning count 1 (digital/vaginal penetration), count 6
(penile/vaginal) and count 8 (digital) I regard each of these offences
falling within the mid range of objective seriousness. In the circumstances as
they related to the present offences I do not consider
that the digital
penetration as (sic) less serious than the penile penetration".
- Having
cited the decision of Sully J in R v O [2005] NSWCCA 327 his Honour then
said (at ROS 17):
"The offender's act of anal intercourse (count 2) was a
particularly degrading act, carried out as it was with "extreme force" and
causing the victim "excruciating pain". I regard this offence as falling above
the mid range of objective seriousness".
- His
Honour then proceeded to consider the applicant's subjective case before
imposing the sentences previously outlined.
His Honour erred in his approach to the standard non-parole period
legislation in light of the principles identified in Muldrock v The Queen
[2011] HCA 39; (2011) 244 CLR 120.
The approach taken by the sentencing judge
- His
Honour said (at ROS 22):
"Section 54A(2) of the (Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act)
provides that the standard non-parole period represents the non-parole period
for an offence in the middle of the range of objective
seriousness for offences
included in the table.
Section 54B of the Act provides that the court is to set the standard
non-parole period fixed for the offence unless the court determines that
are reasons for setting a non-parole period that is either longer or shorter
than the standard non-parole period".
- His
Honour then made reference (at ROS 24) to the decision of this Court in R v
Way [2004] NSWCCA 131; (2004) 60 NSWLR 168:
accordance with the decision of the Court of Criminal (sic) in R v Way,
one must ask whether reasons exist for not imposing the standard non-parole
period. That question is answered by considering the
objective seriousness of
the offence in order to determine whether it falls within the mid range of
objective seriousness for offences
of the relevant kind".
- His
Honour found that the offending in counts 1, 6 and 8 fell in the mid range of
objective seriousness. In respect of count 2 his
Honour said (at ROS 27):
"... my assessment is that it falls above the mid range of
objective seriousness. ... Where the court is of the view that a matter
either below or above the mid range of objective seriousness the court is then
required to exercise its discretion in accordance
with established sentencing
practices and by reference to matters identified in s. 3A and s. 21A of the
Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act. In such an approach the standard
non-parole period is properly a reference point or a guide post along with other
relevant extrinsic
aids such as the authorities, statistics and the specified
maximum penalty".
Submissions of the parties
- By
reference to the passages set out at [25] and [26] above, it was submitted on
behalf of the applicant that his Honour had adopted
a two stage approach in
sentencing the applicant, contrary to the decision in Muldrock. The Crown
conceded that his Honour's approach in this regard reflected error.
- However,
the Crown's concession did not extend to his Honour's approach in respect of
count 2. The Crown submitted that having found
that the offending in count 2
fell above the mid range, the sentencing judge had proceeded to sentence the
applicant by taking all
relevant matters into account. The Crown submitted that
his Honour's remarks specifically indicated that he had not given the standard
non-parole period determinative significance in considering the appropriate
sentence in respect of count 2, but that he had (as he
expressly stated) used it
as a reference point or guide post. Accordingly, the Crown submitted that there
was no error in respect
of count 2.
- The
Crown further submitted that the conceded error in respect of counts 1, 6 and 8
was immaterial in any event because the sentences
imposed for those counts were
completely subsumed by the sentence imposed in respect of count 2, in respect of
which no error was
made out. In this regard, the Crown relied upon the decision
in Baxter v R [2007] NSWCCA 237; (2007) 173 A Crim R 284 at [83]. In
these circumstances, the Crown submitted that s. 6(3) of the Criminal Appeal
Act 1912 would not be enlivened even though error had been established.
Consideration and conclusion
- The
Crown's concession was, in my view, a proper one. Those passages of his Honour's
sentencing remarks at [25] and [26] above make
it clear that his Honour adopted
a two stage process of sentencing by identifying the standard non-parole period
and by then asking
whether there were any factors which justified a departure
from it. In light of the decision in Muldrock, that was an erroneous
- Equally
however, it is evident from that passage of his Honour's sentencing remarks set
out in [27] above that his Honour considered
count 2 separately from counts 1, 6
and 8. In doing so, he used the standard non-parole period applicable to count 2
as a reference
point and proceeded to sentence the applicant by reference to the
matters to which he referred. Using the standard non-parole period
as a
guideline, yardstick or reference point, as opposed to giving it primary or
determinative significance by using it as a starting
point, reflects an approach
which is entirely consistent with the decision in Muldrock (see Zreika
v R [2012] NSWCCA 44 at [43] per Johnson J).
- In
these circumstances I do not consider that his Honour erred in his approach to
sentencing for count 2. Moreover, in circumstances
where his Honour considered
count 2 quite separately from counts 1, 6 and 8, I do not consider that the
conceded error in respect
of those latter counts infected his Honour's approach
to sentencing in respect of count 2.
- However,
I do not accept the Crown's submission that the error in respect of counts 1, 6
and 8 is immaterial. An error will be material
if it has the capacity to infect
the exercise of the sentencing discretion. It is the question of that capacity,
rather than the
outcome, which is the primary consideration (see Baxter
(supra) at [83] per Latham J). In my view, the fundamental nature of the
identified error in the present case is a clear indication
that it had the
capacity to infect the overall sentence imposed.
- It
follows that a material error has been made out.
The application to extend time
- In
Abdul (supra) this Court said (at [53])
"Accordingly, when considering an application for extension of time
based on "Muldrock error", all relevant factors need to be considered -
the length of the delay, the reasons for the delay, the interests of the
the interests of the victim and whether, if an extension of time were
refused, substantial injustice would result. This last factor
will inevitably
require an assessment of the strength of the proposed appeal although as
Etchell made clear, that assessment can be carried out in a "more summary
fashion" than would be done in an application for leave to appeal
that was
brought within time".
- In
the present case the delay is substantial. It is sought to be explained on the
basis of a change in applicable sentencing principles
following the decision in
Muldrock. A Victim Impact Statement was before the sentencing judge
documenting the understandable emotional harm suffered by the victim as
consequence of the applicant's offending. It is reasonable to infer that the
granting of an extension of time may well give rise
to added trauma for her. It
would also offend the principle of finality. All of these matters tend against
granting an extension
of time.
- For
the reasons explained in Abdul, because a material error has been
established it is necessary to assess the prospects of success of the
application for leave to
appeal. In doing so, the Court must consider whether
any other sentence is warranted in law (Criminal Appeal Act 1912 (NSW) s.
Is a lesser sentence warranted in law?
Submissions of the parties
- Counsel
for the applicant did not take issue with the fact that the offending in an
overall sense was objectively serious. However
he submitted that when the counts
were assessed individually, it was evident that the objective seriousness of
each of them differed.
Whilst acknowledging that the offending in count 2
involved extreme force, caused the victim significant pain, and extended over
some minutes, counsel submitted that in comparison, the offending exhibited in
the remaining individual counts was of shorter duration,
entailed minimal
penetration and was, as a consequence, generally less serious. In these
circumstances, counsel pointed to the fact
that the non-parole periods for each
of those remaining counts were only separated by one year, a circumstance which,
it was submitted,
did not reflect the fact that they involved less serious
offending when compared to that in count 2.
- Counsel
for the applicant, both in writing and orally, also submitted that because the
form of sexual intercourse in counts 1 and
8 was digital penetration, the
offending in those counts should be viewed as being less serious than the other
forms of forced intercourse
which were the subject of counts 2 and 6. In this
regard, counsel relied on the decision in MH v R [2011] NSWCCA 230 which,
he submitted, had "clarified" the proposition for which he contended.
- Counsel
also relied on the fact that there were a series of mitigating factors in the
applicant's favour which, he submitted, had
not been given sufficient weight by
the sentencing judge. These included the fact that the offence was essentially
and not a part of any planned or organised criminal activity,
along with the fact that the applicant had no prior convictions. Counsel
pointed to the evidence which was before the sentencing judge concerning various
unfortunate aspects of the applicant's upbringing
in Liberia, along with the
fact that he was now exhibiting symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder. In
these general respects,
counsel also relied upon the affidavit of the applicant
of 12 September, in which he deposed to the difficulties he has experienced
custody as a consequence of his ethnicity, and the rehabilitative courses that
he has undertaken. Finally, counsel relied upon
statistics issued by the
Judicial Commission of New South Wales, along with what were said to be cases
involving comparable offending.
- The
Crown submitted that even if material error were found, no lesser sentence was
warranted. It was submitted that the sentencing
judge had accurately described
the overall incident as a forceful and violent attack, and one which involved a
particularly degrading
act of anal intercourse.
- Although
the Crown appeared to accept that as a general proposition digital penetration
should be viewed as less serious than penile
penetration, it was submitted that
the objective seriousness of any offending was to be determined having regard to
the entirety
of the circumstances. In the present case the Crown pointed, in
particular, to the victim's description of the offending in counts
1 and 8, and
to the medical evidence of the injuries she sustained. In these circumstances,
the Crown submitted that merely because
those counts involved digital
penetration they should not be viewed as less serious than those which did not.
That submission was
consistent with the findings of the sentencing judge, which
were not challenged.
- Finally,
the Crown submitted that the applicant had the benefit of the sentencing judge
having ordered that all of the sentences be
served concurrently, in
circumstances where some partial accumulation would have been appropriate. It
was submitted that the imposition
of totally concurrent sentences reflected an
approach which was generous to the applicant.
Consideration and conclusion
- In
determining whether some lesser sentence is warranted, it is necessary to have
regard to the entirety of the objective circumstances
of the offending. In the
present case those objective circumstances commenced some time prior to the
actual offending, at a time
when the victim was walking to the home of a friend.
She was intercepted by the applicant who was unknown to her and who persisted
accompanying her on the pretence that he wished to do nothing more than "walk
her home". He did so in circumstances where the
victim gave him no indication
that she required, much less wanted, him to accompany her.
- Upon
arrival at her friend's home, the victim twice refused the applicant's
invitation to accompany him to a hotel, telling him that
she simply wanted to go
inside. Far from respecting the victim's wishes, the applicant then forcibly
dragged her to the rear area
of a nearby residence where the offending took
place in the area of a chicken coop. The offending itself was obviously serious,
the description given to it by the sentencing judge was apt.
- As
I have previously noted, one of the primary submissions advanced by counsel for
the applicant concerned the relative seriousness
of those counts which involved
digital penetration when compared with those other counts which involved other
forms of forced sexual
intercourse. In light of that submission, it is necessary
to make a number of observations.
- This
Court has previously said that in cases of this kind the type of forced
intercourse is not determinative of the objective seriousness
of the offence,
and that the creation of some form of hierarchy in that regard is neither
possible nor appropriate (see for example
R v AJP [2004] NSWCCA 434;
(2004) 150 A Crim R 575, per Simpson J at [24]).
- In
R v King [2009] NSWCCA 117 McClellan CJ at CL said (at [35] - [36]):
"It is unnecessary to enter into a debate about the significance in
sentencing of different types of penetration that fall within
the concept of
sexual intercourse: see R v Hibberd [2009] NSWCCA 20. The simple fact is
that the respondent inserted his finger into the child's vagina for however
brief a period of time so as to cause
her a physical injury with pain at least
of a transient nature. He did so notwithstanding that the child awoke and told
him to stop.
The respondent argues that it was open for his Honour to find that digital
penetration was less serious than penile penetration and
this was a very
significant fact in the assessment of the degree of criminality. But it has been
made clear that it is not a case
of simply considering the nature of the
penetration in isolation as being ranked in some form of hierarchy: R v AJP
[2004] NSWCCA 434; (2004) 150 A Crim R 575. What is to be considered is the
type of penetration in all the circumstances surrounding the offending. The type
of penetration is
simply one factor and by itself does not indicate how serious
the particular offence is. The simple fact is that had the intercourse
in this
case been penile penetration it would have been an offence of very great
seriousness if for no other reason than because
of the age of the child. In such
a case the seriousness of the offence may have been above mid range. But the
fact that it was not
penile penetration does not mean that the offence is
reduced to low range".
- To
the extent that this Court has said that an act of digital penetration is less
serious than an act of penile penetration, it has
been consistently stressed
that such a proposition is a general one, and that the entirety of the
circumstances of particular offending
must be taken into account. For example,
in R v O [2005] NSWCCA 327 (which was a decision expressly referred to by
the sentencing judge in the present case) Sully J (with whom Hidden and Hall JJ
said (at [32]-[33]):
"I would accept that as a general proposition an act of digital
penetration, as such, is less serious than an act of penile penetration
as such.
I do not agree, however, that such a general proposition is more or less as of
course a proposition of universal applicability
in cases of digital penetration.
One has only to read the victim impact statements of KW and of JS to see at once
how damaging to
a particular victim an act of digital penetration, let alone
more than a single such act, can be to a very young child.
I would at once agree that the acts of digital penetration are not properly
to be regarded as the worst types of sexual intercourse
on a scale of statutory
penalties that peaks at a sentence of imprisonment for 20 years. That said,
however, I do not agree that
the offences here relevant are to be treated as
though they were more or less trifling offences. They were, in my opinion,
of the kind. They were, for the reasons earlier herein explained, in my
opinion offences of significant objective criminality".
- In
R v Hibberd [2009] NSWCCA 20; (2009) 194 A Crim R 1 (to which McClellan
CJ at CL referred to in King (supra)) Tobias JA (at [21]) expressed the
view that this Court should give consideration to departing from the general
that digital sexual intercourse was to be regarded as generally less
serious than penile sexual intercourse. James J (at [27]) reserved
his position
on the issue raised by Tobias JA. However, Price J said (at [56]):
"Relevant considerations in determining where on the scale of
seriousness an offence contrary to s. 61I of the Crimes Act lies include "the
degree of violence, the physical hurt inflicted, the form of forced intercourse
and the circumstances of humiliation
... see R v Gebrail (Court of
Criminal Appeal, 18 November 1994, unreported) per Mahoney JA at 10-11. To those
matters I would add the duration of the
offence. Non-consensual sexual
intercourse by digital penetration has generally been considered to be less
serious than an offence
of penile penetration: see, for example, R v Santos
Da Silva (Court of Criminal Appeal, 30 November 1995, unreported) per Grove
J at 3, but each case will depend on its own facts. There is no
canon of law
which mandates a finding that digital penetration must be considered less
serious than other non-consensual acts of
sexual intercourse. Whilst the form of
the forced sexual intercourse is an important factor it is not to be regarded as
the sole
- In
MH (the decision cited by counsel for the applicant) R S Hulme J (in
reference to the observations of Tobias JA in Hibberd) said (at [37] -
"The matter was not argued. Nor was the Court provided with
anything like a comprehensive review of prior authorities, and there are
number. Accordingly, this is not the occasion to attempt a detailed review of
the topic. However, as a judgment on a matter of
fact, my view is that digital
sexual intercourse is generally less serious than penile, particularly penile
vaginal, intercourse.
Inherently, penile vaginal intercourse carries risks or
greater risks of venereal disease and pregnancy compared with digital vaginal
intercourse. To my mind, and I venture to say in the view of most of the
community, penile vaginal intercourse is also a greater
affront both physically
and mentally to an unwilling victim in consequence of the greater subjugation of
her body and intrusion of
privacy that such intercourse generally involves.
Other forms of forced penile intercourse have their own attributes and
incidents, often closely associated with other circumstances
of the assault and
the relativity might not be so clear. Nevertheless, in these cases also I would
generally regard penile intercourse
as more serious than digital".
- Importantly,
his Honour went on to say (at [39]):
"In saying what I have in the two immediately preceding paragraphs,
I do not, of course, purport to lay down any proposition of law.
Nor do I mean
to suggest that all cases of penile intercourse are worse than all cases of
digital intercourse. Merely do I wish to
ensure that Tobias JA's remarks do not
pass without dissent and to indicate my views on a topic that does arise in this
case ..."
- To
the extent that the submissions of counsel for the applicant suggested
otherwise, it should be emphasised that there is no decision
of this Court which
supports the proposition that digital sexual intercourse is, of itself, less
serious than some other form of
forced sexual intercourse. Reference to the
above authorities demonstrates that it has been emphasised, on more than one
that the objective seriousness of offending is to be determined
according to the entirety of the facts and circumstances of the case
question. Concentrating upon, or giving primary significance to, the form of the
forced sexual intercourse in determining its
objective seriousness reflects an
erroneous approach. It is equally erroneous to attempt to rank forms of forced
sexual intercourse
in some hierarchy so as to determine their objective
- The
circumstances of the present case serve as a good example of both the rationale
behind, and the correctness of, the approach consistently
stated by this Court.
The applicant's offending involved two separate instances of digital penetration
of the victim. Both of those
instances, on the victim's evidence, involved the
insertion of more than one finger into the victim's vagina. In respect of the
the victim gave evidence that the applicant had "shoved his hand up my
vagina and moved his hand around roughly". There was evidence that the
victim suffered significant injuries, including grazing of the vaginal wall and
significant swelling to
the left labia minora.
- In
these circumstances, to concentrate upon the fact that the offending involved
digital penetration as opposed to some other form
of forced sexual intercourse
would be to ignore the rough manner in which it was carried out, and the
injuries which resulted from
it, both matters being directly relevant to an
assessment of the objective seriousness of the offending. It is evident that
matters led the sentencing judge to conclude (at ROS 17) that the
applicant's acts of digital penetration were not to be viewed as
less serious
than the penile penetration. That was a conclusion which was clearly supported
by the evidence. It was also one which
reflected an approach which was entirely
consistent with the authorities to which I have referred.
- His
Honour (commencing at ROS 18) undertook an assessment of the applicant's
subjective case. It is clear that he took into account
the applicant's traumatic
upbringing in Liberia, which included his mother, two brothers and a sister all
being killed in a political
uprising when the applicant was in his twenties. His
Honour also had regard (commencing at ROS 19) to the contents of a report of
Allnutt, psychiatrist, who diagnosed the applicant as suffering from an anxiety
disorder with depressive symptoms. In addition,
his Honour made specific
reference (commencing at ROS 21) to evidence given by a volunteer who had
assisted the applicant and his
family to settle into the local community, and
who told the court (inter alia) that the applicant's wife suffered from
ill health resulting in the applicant's children being placed in the
care of the Department of Community Services.
- The
sentencing judge balanced those various matters against the objective
seriousness of the offending and concluded (at ROS 26) that
they did not justify
a reduction in sentence. In my view, that conclusion was well open to him. The
applicant's offending was serious
and degrading, and justified the imposition of
the sentences which his Honour imposed. Indeed in my view, some partial
of the sentences would have been justified so as to properly
reflect the applicant's overall culpability. The applicant has derived
a not
insignificant benefit from the fact that all sentences were ordered to be served
- Finally,
the statistical and comparative material upon which the applicant relied does
not persuade me that some lesser sentence is
warranted. There have been numerous
statements, both by the High Court and by this Court, concerning the limited use
to which statistical
material can be put (see Hili v R; Jones v R [2010]
HCA 45; 242 CLR 520 at [54]; Han v R [2009] NSWCCA 300 at [2] (per
Campbell JA) and at [34] per Rothman J). Whilst I have had regard to those
authorities to which the Court was referred, the
process of comparing one
sentence with another is inherently problematic (see Vandeventer v R
[2013] NSWCCA 33 at [45] - [46] per Adamson J (with whom McClellan CJ at CL and
Rothman J agreed).
- In
my view, none of the matters advanced on behalf of the applicant support a
conclusion that there has been substantial injustice
arising out of the sentence
imposed, or that some other sentence is warranted in law. This is particularly
so in circumstances where,
in the course of the hearing of the appeal, counsel
for the applicant expressly conceded that the overall sentence imposed was one
which was within the range of proper sentencing discretion.
- For
the reasons I have expressed I propose the following order:
(i) The application for extension of time is dismissed.
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