Land and Environment Court of New South Wales |
Last Updated: 18 October 2023
Land and Environment Court New South Wales
Case Name:
Bingara Development Pty Ltd v Wollondilly Shire Council
Medium Neutral Citation:
Hearing Date(s):
Conciliation Conference on 4 and 25 August 2023
Date of Orders:
13 September 2023
Decision Date:
13 September 2023
Class 1
Bradbury AC
The Court orders that:
(1) The appeal is upheld. (2) Modification Application 2015/283/2 is approved and development consent DA/2015/283/1 granted by the Court on 28 September 2016 in proceedings 2016/158921 is modified in the terms set out in Annexure A. (3) As a consequence of the modification, development consent DA/2015/283/1 is subject to the consolidated, modified conditions of consent set out in Annexure B. |
MODIFICATION APPLICATION – changes to condition requiring the
carrying out of intersection works – conciliation conference
agreement between the parties – orders
Legislation Cited:
Principal judgment
Bingara Development Pty Ltd (Applicant)
Wollondilly Shire Council (Respondent) |
H Kahagalle (Solicitor) (Applicant) J Hones (Solicitor) (Respondent) Solicitors: Addisons (Applicant) Hones Lawyers (Respondent) |
File Number(s):
Publication Restriction:
“10. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENTThese conditions have been imposed to ensure that development works within the Shire are carried out in a safe manner which is acceptable to Council and members of the public.
(1) Proposed changes to the existing built form of Fairway Drive (between Pembroke Parade and Stirling Drive) shall be in accordance with the Local Traffic Committee recommendations at its meeting of 7th February 2023 and Plans NA82013043-005-SK021; SK022; SK023; Revision 2, dated 9/02/2023 prepared by Cardno (Amended DA/2015/283/3).
(1A) A Section 138 Consent Certificate under the Roads Act 1993 is required for carrying out the works as per approved Plans NA82013043-005-SK021; SK022; SK023; Revision 2, dated 9/02/2023 prepared by Cardno (Amended DA/2015/283/3).
(2) The applicant shall upgrade the Picton Road intersections with both Pembroke Parade and Almond Street to signalised forms prior to release of the 1,166th Lot or at some other time agreed with the WSC and the RMS.
(i) The applicant must submit to TfNSW for approval:
(a) A road safety investigation into geometric and line marking deficiencies to the intersection of Picton Road and Almond Street;
(b) Concept plans for a proposed scope of works, including turning paths, to address identified deficiencies
(Picton Road and Almond Street Road Works).
(ii) The Applicant must carry out the approved Picton Road and Almond Street Road Works as soon as reasonably practicable and prior to the release of the 1,500th Lot or at some other time agreed with the Council and TfNSW. post the completion of the current intersection upgrade works at Picton Road and Pembroke Parade, and prior to the registration of the 1,800th residential allotment.
The applicant is required to enter into a Works Authorisation Deed (WAD) prior to constructing the Picton Road and Almond Street Road Works, noting fees for administration, plan checking, civil and/or project management/all costs, to be paid by the applicant prior to the commencement of works.
The applicant shall as part of the works approval obtain formal endorsement of the capacity / traffic lane improvements, signal phase arrangements and allocated minimum green time to cycle time ratio for the Pembroke Parade approach to the Picton Road junction generally in accordance with the SIDRA analysis reported in the Cardno Technical Memorandum dated 20 January, 2016
(3) The applicant shall ensure that the detailed design of the relevant road carriageways in future stages of development can safely accommodate the swept path of the 11m long Design Bus and includes bus bay design and locations that avoid driveways for the proposed bus route generally in accordance with the Cardno "Conceptual Bus Stop Plan", Drawing Reference No. NA82013043 Sk02, dated 29 April 2016.”
“10A. The Applicant is to construct the line marking and wayfinding signage at the intersection of Almond Street and Argyle Street generally in accordance with the plan reference 82022083-02-SK012 (rev 1) by Cardno (NSW/ACT) Pty Ltd, dated 27/07/2023, or as otherwise agreed in writing between the Applicant and Council.”
“10B. The Applicant is to apply to the Council for the refurbishment of the homestead cottage (located at 100 Fairway Drive, Wilton also known as Lot 50 in DP 270536), including (without limitation) all necessary works to make the Homestead cottage watertight and functional, including, without limitation; roof and guttering and downpipe works conveyed to suitable stormwater conveyance system, internal and external linings, internal fit out, wiring, plumbing; internal and external flooring; painting to all lined and architrave surfaces; with such works to be verified by appropriate certificates of completion by licensed contractors meeting relevant AS/NZ or BCA standards and to be carried out prior to the release of the subdivision certificate for the 1800th lot of the development.”
(1) The land the subject of the proposed roadworks at the intersection of Picton Road with Almond Street is a public road. It adjoins the land described as Lot 1 DP 1018965, Lots 32, 33, 36 and 37 DP 81420 and Lot 1 and Lot 2 DP 128865.(2) The land the subject of proposed new condition 10A is also a public road and adjoins the land described as Lot 1 DP 1018965, Lot 32 DP 814280, and Lot 13 DP 846009.
(3) The land the subject of proposed new condition 10B is described as Lot 50 DP 270536 known as 100 Fairway Drive, Wilton.
(1) The appeal was brought pursuant to s 8.9 and was made within the time required by s 8.10 of the EPA Act.(2) The Modification Application was made by the Applicant with the consent of the owners of the land to which the Modification Application relates in accordance with s 100(1)(i) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021.
(3) I am satisfied that the development to which the Consent as modified relates is substantially the same development as the development for which consent was originally granted and before that consent was modified, this being the test required by s 4.56(1)(a) of the EPA Act. As noted at [2] above, the originally approved development involves a large residential subdivision of land and I am satisfied that the changes to the road intersection works and the refurbishment of the homestead cottage proposed by the Modification Application will not result in the development to which the Consent as modified relates being substantially different to the development for which consent was originally granted. The modifications to the Consent will not result in a radical transformation of the approved development and the essence of the Approved Development will remain the same: Arrage v Inner West Council [2019] NSWLEC 85 at [27].
(4) The notification requirements of s 4.56(1)(b) of the EPA Act have been met. The modification application was notified in accordance with the Wollondilly Development Control Plan 2016 between 6 December 2022 and 15 February 2023. The respondent received a number of submissions and a number of local residents gave oral evidence to the Court on 4 August 2023. The issues raised in these submissions included:
(a) Traffic safety;(b) Traffic delays;
(c) Emergency Services access;
(d) Bushfire;
(e) Impacts on surrounding development; and
(f) Public interest.
(5) I am also satisfied that the notification requirements of s 4.56(1)(c) of the EPA Act have been met. That provision requires the consent authority to notify, or make reasonable attempts to notify, each person who made a submission in respect of the relevant development application the subject of the Consent of the proposed modification by sending written notice to the last address known to the consent authority of the objector or other person. The parties have informed the Court that the Modification Application was notified by the Council on 8 August 2023, to each person who had made a submission in respect of the original development application of the Modification Application in accordance with s 4.56(1)(c). That notification period expired on 22 August 2023 and the Court has been informed that 13 submissions were received during the notification period which raised similar issues to those in the submissions which had previously been received,
(6) Section 4.56(1)(d) of the EPA Act requires a consent authority to consider any submissions made concerning the proposed modification within any period prescribed by the regulations or provided by the development control plan. The parties have informed the Court that, in reaching agreement with the Applicant, the Council has considered the submissions received as the result of the public notification of the Modification Application.
(1) The Respondent as the relevant consent authority has agreed under s 113 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 to the applicant amending the modification application in accordance with the amended statement of environmental effects prepared by Noble Planning and dated 3 August 2023.(2) The Applicant agrees to pay the Respondent’s costs thrown away by the amendment of the modification application, as agreed, in the sum of $14,000.00 within 28 days.
(1) The appeal is upheld.(2) Modification Application 2015/283/2 is approved and development consent DA/2015/283/1 granted by the Court on 28 September 2016 in proceedings 2016/158921 is modified in the terms set out in Annexure A.
(3) As a consequence of the modification, development consent DA/2015/283/1 is subject to the consolidated, modified conditions of consent set out in Annexure B.
A Bradbury
Acting Commissioner of the Court
18 October 2023 - Pursuant to Rule 36.17 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 the judgment is amended by replacing the reference to “Pembroke Parade” in par [7] with “Almond Street”.
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