Land and Environment Court of New South Wales |
Last Updated: 16 April 2024
Land and Environment Court New South Wales
Case Name:
JFPG004 Pty Ltd ATF JFPG004 Unit Trust v Bega Valley Shire Council
Medium Neutral Citation:
Hearing Date(s):
Conciliation conference held on 28 September, 23 October, 8 November, 12
December 2023, 19 February, 19 and 27 March 2024
Date of Orders:
16 April 2024
Decision Date:
16 April 2024
Class 1
Pullinger AC
The Court orders that:
(1) Leave is granted to the Applicant to amend Development Application DA2022.335.01 and rely upon the amended plans and documents referred to in Condition 1 at Annexure A. (2) Pursuant to s 8.15(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the Applicant is to pay the Respondent’s costs thrown away as a result of amending the Development Application, as agreed or assessed. (3) The Applicant’s written request, pursuant to cl 4.6 of the Bega Valley Local Environmental Plan 2013 (BVLEP), seeking to vary the development standard for height of buildings as set out at cl 4.3 of the BVLEP, is upheld. (4) The appeal is upheld. (5) Development consent is granted to Development Application DA2022.335.01 (as amended) for a seniors living development and associated works at 83 Lakewood Drive, Merimbula, subject to the conditions of consent at Annexure A. |
DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION – seniors living – cl 4.6 written
request – height of buildings – agreement between
the parties
– orders
Legislation Cited:
Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, ss 4.16, 7.4, 8.7, 8.15 Land and Environment Court Act 1979, s 34 Bega Valley Local Environmental Plan 2013, cll 2.3, 4.3, 4.6, 5.10, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, ss 27, 38 State Environmental Planning Policy Amendment (Housing) 2023, cl 2.3 State Environmental Planning Policy (BASIX Sustainability Index: BASIX) 2004 State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021, Pt 5, Sch 4, Div 6, ss 79, 84, 85, 87, 88, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 108 State Environmental Planning Policy (Industry and Employment) 2021, Ch 3 State Environmental Planning Policy (Resilience and Hazards) 2021, Chs 2, 4, ss 2.10, 2.11, 4.6 State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021, s 2.48 |
Texts Cited:
NSW Department of Planning and Environment, Planning Circular PS 18-003,
February 2018
NSW Department of Planning and Environment, Seniors Living Policy: Urban Design Guidelines for Infill Development, March 2004 NSW Rural Fire Service, Planning for Bushfire Protection, December 2019 |
Principal judgment
JFPG004 Pty Ltd (ACN 649 585 035) ATF JFPG004 Unit Trust
Bega Valley Shire Council (Respondent) |
R White (Applicant) A Menyhart (Solicitor) (Respondent) Solicitors: Bick and Steele (Applicant) Bradley Allen Love Lawyers (Respondent) |
File Number(s):
Publication Restriction:
(1) The amended DA proposes a maximum building height of 16.86m in part of the site, exceeding the development standard of 13.8m by 3.06m and representing a maximum localised variation of approximately 22.2%.(2) The amended DA is agreed to be of a form and scale that is compatible with the existing streetscape and desired future character of the locality.
(3) The area of exceedance to the maximum building height standard generally arises as a result of responding to the site’s topography and is situated in a part of the site where it is isolated from lower-scaled neighbouring single detached dwellings.
(4) The DA has been amended during the conciliation conference to resolve the Respondent’s contentions, such that the non-compliant areas of building are set well back from the site boundary and are less likely to be perceived in the general presentation of the building to the streetscape. This siting mitigates against impacts that typically follow increased building height and is configured in a manner that is generally consistent with the scale of development appropriate to the locality.
(5) The proposed height exceedance does not give rise to additional adverse visual impacts, overshadowing, disruption to views or loss of privacy to neighbouring properties that are otherwise created by the remaining portion of the DA that complies with the height of building development standard.
(6) The siting, form and scale of the amended DA responds to bush fire affectation and APZs.
(7) The DA provides for seniors living, which is an identified social need within the local area.
(8) The objectives of the BVLEP Zone R3 Medium Density Residential land use zone include to provide for the housing needs of the community within a medium density residential environment and to provide a variety of housing types within a medium density residential environment. I am satisfied the amended DA meets these objectives.
(9) No objective for additional building height is specified at s 87 of SEPP Housing, however the parties agree, and I am satisfied, that the amended DA is consistent with the objectives of SEPP Housing more broadly.
(1) Pursuant to s 38 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, the Applicant has amended the DA with the approval of the Respondent.(2) The Applicant has lodged the amended DA with the Court on 28 March 2024.
(1) Leave is granted to the Applicant to amend Development Application DA2022.335.01 and rely upon the amended plans and documents referred to in Condition 1 at Annexure A.(2) Pursuant to s 8.15(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the Applicant is to pay the Respondent’s costs thrown away as a result of amending the Development Application, as agreed or assessed.
(3) The Applicant’s written request, pursuant to cl 4.6 of the Bega Valley Local Environmental Plan 2013 (BVLEP), seeking to vary the development standard for height of buildings as set out at cl 4.3 of the BVLEP, is upheld.
(4) The appeal is upheld.
(5) Development consent is granted to Development Application DA2022.335.01 (as amended) for a seniors living development and associated works at 83 Lakewood Drive, Merimbula, subject to the conditions of consent at Annexure A.
M Pullinger
Acting Commissioner of the Court
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