Editors --- "Book Reviews" [1982] AdelLawRw 13; (1982-1983) 8(2) Adelaide Law Review 210 [18%]
(From Adelaide Law Review; 1 September 1982; 81 KB)
Editors --- "Books Received" [1982] UNSWLawJl 23; (1982) 5(2) UNSW Law Journal 353 [18%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 December 1982; 7 KB)
Palmer, Dr Kenneth --- "Books received" [2005] NZJlEnvLaw 12; (2005) 9 NZJEL 377 [18%]
(From New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law; 1 December 2005; 4 KB)
Editors --- "Books Received" [1986] UNSWLawJl 19; (1986) 9(2) UNSW Law Journal 149 [18%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 December 1986; 8 KB)
White, Stephen --- "Animals and the Law: a New Legal Frontier?" [2005] MelbULawRw 9; (2005) 29(1) Melbourne University Law Review 298 [18%]
(From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 April 2005; 86 KB)
Hedley, Steve --- "The Empire Strikes Back? a Restatement of the Law of Unjust Enrichment" [2004] MelbULawRw 26; (2004) 28(3) Melbourne University Law Review 759 [18%]
(From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 December 2004; 106 KB)
Jones, David J --- "The Source" [1980] inCiteALIA 163; (1980) 1(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3 [18%]
(From inCite: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association; 18 July 1980; 14 KB)
Goldsmith, Andrew --- "We, the Redeemers' - Hubris and Humility in International Humanitarianism" [2005] MelbULawRw 19; (2005) 29(2) Melbourne University Law Review 598 [18%]
(From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 August 2005; 88 KB)
Editors --- "Book Reviews" [1982] AdelLawRw 5; (1982-1983) 8(1) Adelaide Law Review 103 [9%]
(From Adelaide Law Review; 1 February 1982; 55 KB)
Editors --- "Books Received" [1985] UNSWLawJl 30; (1985) 8(2) UNSW Law Journal 447 [9%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 December 1985; 12 KB)
Editors --- "Books Received" [1984] UNSWLawJl 23; (1984) 7(2) UNSW Law Journal 405 [9%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 December 1984; 9 KB)
South Australia House of Assembly Standing Committee on Environment, Resources and Development (51st Parliament) --- "Coastal Development - Report 61" [2007] SAHAStaCERD 1 (20 November 2007) [9%]
(From South Australian House of Assembly Standing Committee on Environment, Resources and Development; 20 November 2007; 427 KB)
Mathews, J A --- "Neil Gunningham: Safeguarding the Worker: Job Hazards and the Role of the Law and Adrian Merritt: Guidebook to Australian Occupational Health and Safety Laws" [1984] UNSWLawJl 19; (1984) 7(2) UNSW Law Journal 386 [9%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 December 1984; 17 KB)
Rayner, Moira; Margerson, Ann --- "Waters v Public Transport Corporation" [1991] MelbULawRw 31; (1991) 18(2) Melbourne University Law Review 482 [9%]
(From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 December 1991; 86 KB)
Editors --- "Books Received" [1999] UNSWLawJl 60; (1999) 22(1) UNSW Law Journal 323 [9%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 April 1999; 10 KB)
Jones, David J --- "The Source" [1980] inCiteALIA 250; (1980) 1(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3 [9%]
(From inCite: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association; 21 November 1980; 12 KB)
Editors --- "Books Received" [1993] UNSWLawJl 26; (1993) 16(2) UNSW Law Journal 611 [9%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 August 1993; 7 KB)
Lockhart, John --- "Cowen, Z and Zines, L: Federal Jurisdiction in Australia" [1979] UNSWLawJl 9; (1979) 3(2) UNSW Law Journal 219 [9%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 October 1979; 19 KB)
Editors --- "Books Received" [1992] UNSWLawJl 29; (1992) 15(2) UNSW Law Journal 567 [9%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 August 1992; 3 KB)
Editors --- "Books Received" [1991] UNSWLawJl 21; (1991) 14(2) UNSW Law Journal 380 [9%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 January 1991; 3 KB)