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Coombes v Ward [2004] VSCA 51 (7 April 2004) [7%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 7 April 2004; 50 KB)
ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE ACT 1958 - SECT 72 Registrar of probates may issue probate or administration if satisfied of certain matters [7%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1958; 4 KB)
ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE ACT 1958 - SECT 35 Court may assign bond and remove administrator [7%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1958; 5 KB)
Succession Laws: Small Estates [2012] VLRCCP 14 [7%]
(From Victorian Law Reform Commission - Consultation Papers; 13 December 2012; 145 KB)
ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE ACT 1958 - SECT 73 Registrar may require proof of identity [6%]
(From Victorian Current Acts; 1 January 1958; 3 KB)
Renwick, Samantha --- "'Responsibility' to Provide: Family Provision Claims in Victoria" [2013] DeakinLawRw 6; (2013) 18(1) Deakin Law Review 159 [6%]
(From Deakin Law Review; 1 August 2013; 116 KB)
Hewinson v Saul (No 2) [2007] VCC 1115 (8 August 2007) [6%]
(From County Court of Victoria; 8 August 2007; 28 KB)
Walters v Perton (No 2) [2023] VSC 335 (20 June 2023) [6%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 20 June 2023; 83 KB)
Greater Geelong City Council v Giurina & Anor [2023] VSC 59 (22 February 2023) [6%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 22 February 2023; 123 KB)
Harrison v Harrison [2013] VSCA 170 (27 June 2013) [6%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 27 June 2013; 223 KB)
Lee v Hearn [2005] VSCA 127 (20 May 2005) [6%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 20 May 2005; 72 KB)
Coombes v Ward (No 2) [2002] VSC 84 (27 March 2002) [6%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 27 March 2002; 29 KB)
Re Karanicopoulos; Nicholas v Karan [2018] VSC 537 (18 September 2018) [6%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 18 September 2018; 54 KB)
Uniform Succession Laws For Australian States And Territories: Issues Paper No 2--Family Provision [1995] QLRCWP 47 [6%]
(From Queensland Law Reform Commission - Working Papers; 1 June 1995; 229 KB)
Uniform Succession Laws: Family Provision - Issues Paper [1996] NSWLRCIP 11 [6%]
(From New South Wales Law Reform Commission - Issues Papers; 1 February 1996; 272 KB)
Re Ross; Ross v Vallance [2022] VSC 593 (5 October 2022) [6%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 5 October 2022; 66 KB)
Szarvas v Tizzano; Muller v Tizzano [2014] VSC 620 (11 December 2014) [6%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 11 December 2014; 70 KB)
Unger v Sanchez [2009] VSC 541 (1 December 2009) [6%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 1 December 2009; 106 KB)
Iwasivka v State Trustees Limited [2005] VSC 323 (18 August 2005) [6%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 18 August 2005; 75 KB)
Paola & Ors v State Trustees Limited [2012] VSC 158 (26 April 2012) [6%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 26 April 2012; 44 KB)
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