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Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 36 Findings and determinations of an informal hearing [82%]
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Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 37 Change of informal hearing to formal hearing during course of hearing [82%]
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Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 11 Registration [82%]
(From Victorian Repealed Acts; 1 January 2001; 3 KB)
Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 43 Inquiry may continue even if person no longer registered [82%]
(From Victorian Repealed Acts; 1 January 2001; 1 KB)
Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 44 Procedure at formal and informal hearings [82%]
(From Victorian Repealed Acts; 1 January 2001; 2 KB)
Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 45 Powers of panel conducting a formal hearing [82%]
(From Victorian Repealed Acts; 1 January 2001; 1 KB)
Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 47 Notice of cancellations and determinations of panel [82%]
(From Victorian Repealed Acts; 1 January 2001; 1 KB)
Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 48 Notifications [82%]
(From Victorian Repealed Acts; 1 January 2001; 3 KB)
Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 49 Offence to disclose information identifying complainant, witness or teacher [82%]
(From Victorian Repealed Acts; 1 January 2001; 2 KB)
Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 66 Approved methods of communication for Council [82%]
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Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 38 Establishment and notification of formal hearing [82%]
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Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 88 Amendments to Teaching Service Act 1981 [82%]
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Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 93 Application of this Act to conduct occurring before the commencement of Part 4 [79%]
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Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 12 Provisional registration [79%]
(From Victorian Repealed Acts; 1 January 2001; 3 KB)
Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 62 Acting members [79%]
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Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 59 Elected members [79%]
(From Victorian Repealed Acts; 1 January 2001; 3 KB)
Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 9 Application for registration [79%]
(From Victorian Repealed Acts; 1 January 2001; 2 KB)
Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 65 Resolutions without meetings [75%]
(From Victorian Repealed Acts; 1 January 2001; 2 KB)
Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 41 Conduct of a formal hearing [75%]
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Victorian Institute of Teaching Act 2001 - SECT 85 Education Act 1958 [75%]
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