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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 107 for (hca 2008 9 or 2008 hca 9)
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  1. SM Floreani Pty Ltd v C Tina Pty Ltd [2018] VSC 654 (1 November 2018) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria; 1 November 2018; 52 KB)   View LawCite record  

  2. PHHH Investments No 2 Pty Ltd v United Commercial Projects Pty Ltd [2018] VSC 15 (31 January 2018) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria; 31 January 2018; 66 KB)   View LawCite record  

  3. In the matter of DG Haulage Pty Ltd [2017] VSC 780 (21 December 2017) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria; 21 December 2017; 76 KB)   View LawCite record  

  4. Douglas, The Honourable Justice James S --- "Statutory Demands and Other Payment Problems - A View From the Bench (Paper delivered at Worrells Queensland State Conference, 29 March 2008)" (QSC) [2008] QldJSchol 35 [2%]
    (From Queensland Judicial Scholarship; 29 March 2008; 43 KB)   View LawCite record  

  5. Mintoo Property Developers Pty Ltd v Multiboard Australia Pty Ltd [2012] VSC 61 (29 February 2012) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria; 29 February 2012; 42 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  6. Tony Long & Co Pty Ltd v Jadeja [2011] VSC 582 (15 November 2011) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria; 15 November 2011; 10 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  7. Re O'Connell Street Premises Pty Ltd [2010] VSC 669 (15 September 2010) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria; 15 September 2010; 26 KB)   View LawCite record  

  8. Stillwater [2024] QBCCMCmr 305 (22 August 2024) [2%]
    (From Queensland Body Corporate and Community Management Commissioner - Adjudicators Orders; 22 August 2024; 21 KB)   View LawCite record  

  9. Maxwell, Justice Chris --- "Speech - The Role of Courts Under Asset Confiscation Legislation" (VSC) [2011] VicJSchol 22 [2%]
    (From Victorian Judicial Scholarship; 6 October 2011; 31 KB)   View LawCite record  

  10. Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia - Electrical, Energy and Services Division - Victorian Divisional Branch [2014] FWCD 2102 (1 April 2014) [2%]
    (From Fair Work Commission - General Manager and Delegates; 1 April 2014; 131 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  11. In the matters of Shaolin Temple Foundation (Australia) Ltd [2016] NSWSC 1232 (6 September 2016) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 6 September 2016; 83 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  12. Esso Australia Pty Ltd v The Australian Workers' Union; The Australian Workers' Union v Esso Australia Pty Ltd [2017] HCA 54 (6 December 2017) [2%]
    (From High Court of Australia; 6 December 2017; 186 KB)   View LawCite record  [*][*][*]

  13. Palmer Petroleum Pty Ltd v BGP Geoexplorer Pty Ltd [2016] QCA 149 (8 June 2016) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal; 8 June 2016; 15 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  14. Bodycorp Repairers Pty Ltd v Oakley Thompson & Co Pty Ltd [2018] VSCA 33 (22 February 2018) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 22 February 2018; 92 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  15. Warren, I, Warren, F & Warren, A v Body Corporate for Buon Vista CTS 14325 [2008] QCCTBCCM 3 (1 April 2008) [2%]
    (From Queensland Commercial and Consumer Tribunal - Body Corporate and Community Management List; 1 April 2008; 21 KB)   View LawCite record  

  16. Imagebuild Group Pty Ltd v Fokust Pty Ltd [2017] VSCA 131 (31 May 2017) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 31 May 2017; 27 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  17. M A C v The Queen [2012] VSCA 19 (16 February 2012) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 16 February 2012; 60 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  18. VFS Group Pty Ltd v BM2008 Pty Ltd (in liq); Perth Freight Lines Pty Ltd v BM2008 Pty Ltd (in liq) [2010] VSCA 277 (22 October 2010) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 22 October 2010; 28 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  19. Byrne v Marles & Anor [2008] VSCA 78 (16 May 2008) [2%]
    (From Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal; 16 May 2008; 123 KB)   View LawCite record  [*][*]

  20. Rosebank South [2009] QBCCMCmr 300 (17 August 2009) [2%]
    (From Queensland Body Corporate and Community Management Commissioner - Adjudicators Orders; 17 August 2009; 20 KB)   View LawCite record  

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