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CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SCHEDULE 2 - Statutes of Tasmania [100%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 53 KB)
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 858 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 12 Rules of Court [59%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 2 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 1 Short title [54%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 1 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 3 Repeals [54%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 2 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 4 Construction of statutes [54%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 2 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 2 Establishment of the Criminal Code [52%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 1 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 4A Appointment of Crown Law officers [52%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 2 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 5 Trial by magistrate in certain cases [52%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 3 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 7 Proceedings to be initiated by indictment [52%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 1 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 8 Saving of common law defences [52%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 1 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 6 Prosecutions at common law abolished [52%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 1 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 11 Outlawry, attaint, and forfeiture abolished [52%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 1 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 12A Business and sittings of court [52%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 2 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 13 Saving of prerogative of mercy [52%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 1 KB)
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 1 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 9 No remedy in tort for act declared lawful: Civil remedies for crime not suspended [45%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 2 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - SECT 10 Saving of summary procedure at common law for contempt of court [45%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 1 KB)
CRIMINAL CODE ACT 1924 - LONG TITLE - An Act to declare, consolidate, and amend the criminal law, and to establish a code of criminal law [40%]
(From Tasmanian Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1924; 2 KB)
Overview - [1999] HotTopics 4 [2%]
(From LIAC - HotTopics; 1 October 1999; 34 KB)
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