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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 3 for (auintlawjl 1999 15 or 1999 auintlawjl 15)
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  1. Peters, Sean --- "The Genocide Case - Nulyarimma v Thompson" [1999] AUIntLawJl 15; (1999) Australian International Law Journal 233 [100%]
    (From Australian International Law Journal; 1 January 1999; 26 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  2. Saul, Ben --- "The International Crime of Genocide in Australian Law" [2000] SydLawRw 24; (2000) 22(4) Sydney Law Review 527 [6%]
    (From Sydney Law Review; 1 December 2000; 194 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  3. Cassidy, Julie --- "Unhelpful and Inappropriate?: The Wuestion of Genocide and the Stolen Generations" [2009] AUIndigLawRw 7; (2009) 13(1) Australian Indigenous Law Review 114 [3%]
    (From Australian Indigenous Law Review; 1 January 2009; 174 KB)   View LawCite record  

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