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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 6 for (aujllawsoc 1994 7 or 1994 aujllawsoc 7)
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  1. Jackson, Moana --- "Changing Realities : Unchanging Truths" [1994] AUJlLawSoc 7; (1994) 10 Australian Journal of Law & Society 115 [100%]
    (From Australian Journal of Law and Society; 1 January 1994; 31 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  2. He Poutama [2023] NZLCSP 24; He Poutama [2023] NZLCSP 24 [13%]
    (From New Zealand Law Commission - Study Papers; 21 September 2023; 3420 KB)   View LawCite record  

  3. Urlich, Mila --- "Whakaritea te pârekereke: engaging with legal pluralism in Aotearoa/New Zealand legislation to facilitate future constitutional transformation" [2023] UOtaLawTD 33 [7%]
    (From University of Otago Law Theses and Dissertations; 1 October 2023; 162 KB)   View LawCite record  

  4. Coates, Natalie --- "Me Mau Nga Ringa Maori I Nga Rakaua Te Pakeha? Should Maori Customary Law be Incorporated into Legislation?" [2009] UOtaLawTD 1 [5%]
    (From University of Otago Law Theses and Dissertations; 1 October 2009; 192 KB)   View LawCite record  

  5. Project 94 - Aboriginal Customary Laws [2006] WALRCIP 1 [2%]
    (From Western Australian Law Reform Commission - Issues Papers; 1 February 2006; 3063 KB)   View LawCite record  

  6. Ripley, Josephine Mâia Laloifi --- "Tangata Moana for tino rangatiratanga. Exploring the role of Pacific Peoples within constitutional transformation" [2023] UOtaLawTD 24 [2%]
    (From University of Otago Law Theses and Dissertations; 1 October 2023; 179 KB)   View LawCite record  

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