Bartlett, Richard --- "The State's Duty to Negotiate in Good Faith: Wally v WA & WMC & NNTT; Taylor v WA & Ors; Collard v WA & Ors; Smith v WA & Ors" [1996] AboriginalLawB 48; (1996) 3(82) Aboriginal Law Bulletin 14 [100%]
(From Aboriginal Law Bulletin; 1 July 1996; 12 KB)
Editors --- "Walley v. State of Western Australia and Western Mining Corporation Ltd and National Native Title Tribunal; Smith on behalf of The Gunggari People v. Tenneco Energy Queensland Pty. Ltd and The State of Queensland and Goolburri Aboriginal Corporation Land Council - Case Summary" [1996] AUIndigLawRpr 99; (1996) 1(4) Australian Indigenous Law Reporter 568 [12%]
(From Australian Indigenous Law Reporter; 1 December 1996; 62 KB)