Hambrook, J P --- "The Obligation to Provide Offerees of Corporate Securities with Formal Disclosure Documents" [1975] AdelLawRw 3; (1975) 5(2) Adelaide Law Review 136 [100%]
(From Adelaide Law Review; 1 May 1975; 117 KB)
Hambrook, J P --- "Prospectuses and Offers of Securities for Purchase: A Reply to Professor Ford" [1978] AdelLawRw 8; (1977-1978) 6(2) Adelaide Law Review 318 [5%]
(From Adelaide Law Review; 1 June 1978; 36 KB)
Hambrook, J P --- "Corporate Capital Raising from Employees: The Need for a Prospectus" [1976] AdelLawRw 7; (1976) 5(4) Adelaide Law Review 459 [5%]
(From Adelaide Law Review; 1 November 1976; 30 KB)
Weiss, Gary H --- "The Concept of Public Offering Under the Securities Act 1978" [1982] VUWLawRw 6; (1982) 12 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 105 [5%]
(From Victoria University of Wellington Law Review; 1 May 1982; 50 KB)