Maxwell, Chris --- "Too Much Law? Risk, Reasonableness and the Judge as Regulator" [2009] DeakinLawRw 9; (2009) 14(2) Deakin Law Review 143 [100%]
(From Deakin Law Review; 12 January 2009; 49 KB)
Maxwell, Chris --- "Thinking Philosophically About Law: the Role of Moral and Political Reasoning in Shaping the Law" [2023] MelbULawRw 20; (2023) 47(1) Melbourne University Law Review 229 [9%]
(From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 January 2023; 84 KB)
Maxwell, Chris; Harding, Matthew --- "Private Law, Conscience and Moral Reasoning: the Role of the Judge" [2022] MelbULawRw 23; (2022) 46(1) Melbourne University Law Review 123 [9%]
(From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 January 2022; 137 KB)