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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 2 for (deakinlawrw 2011 7 or 2011 deakinlawrw 7)

  1. Bartholomew, Terry; Graffam, Joe; Hardcastle, Lesley --- "Legislative and Community Support for Offender Reintegration in Victoria" [2011] DeakinLawRw 7; (2011) 16(1) Deakin Law Review 111 [100%]
    (From Deakin Law Review; 1 August 2011; 57 KB)   View LawCite record  

  2. Parole Questions Paper 4: ?Reintegration into the Community and Management on Parole [2013] NSWLRCQP 18 [5%]
    (From New South Wales Law Reform Commission - Question Papers; 1 September 2013; 188 KB)   View LawCite record  

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