Barrett v The Coroner's Court of South Australia & Anor [2011] HCATrans 165 (10 June 2011) [100%]
(From High Court of Australia Transcripts; 10 June 2011; 27 KB)
IN THE MATTER OF LISA JANE BARRETT [2021] SASCFC 37 (3 September 2021) [4%]
(From Supreme Court of South Australia - Full Court; 3 September 2021; 15 KB)
Arnold, Bruce Baer --- "Is The Zombie My Neighbour? The Zombie Apocalypse As A Lens For Understanding Legal Personhood" [2016] CanLawRw 5; (2016) 14(1) Canberra Law Review 25 [4%]
(From Canberra Law Review; 1 January 2016; 115 KB)
High Court of Australia Bulletin [2011] HCAB 5 (28 June 2011) [2%]
(From High Court of Australia Bulletins; 247 KB)