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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 5 for (hcatran 2011 26 or 2011 hcatran 26)
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  1. American Express Wholesale Currency Services Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation; American Express International Inc v Commissioner of Taxation [2011] HCATrans 26 (11 February 2011) [100%]
    (From High Court of Australia Transcripts; 11 February 2011; 41 KB)   View LawCite record  

  2. High Court of Australia Bulletin [2011] HCAB 2 (18 March 2011) [4%]
    (From High Court of Australia Bulletins; 147 KB)   View LawCite record  

  3. High Court of Australia Bulletin [2011] HCAB 1 (24 February 2011) [4%]
    (From High Court of Australia Bulletins; 134 KB)   View LawCite record  

  4. Datt, Kalmen; Keating, Mark --- "Travelex and American Express: a Tale of Two Countries -the Australian and New Zealand Treatment of Identical Transactions Compared for GST" [2011] eJlTaxR 4; (2011) 9(1) eJournal of Tax Research 71 [4%]
    (From eJournal of Tax Research; 1 July 2011; 82 KB)   View LawCite record  

  5. High Court of Australia Bulletin [2011] HCAB 3 (18 April 2011) [4%]
    (From High Court of Australia Bulletins; 200 KB)   View LawCite record  

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