Rizeq v The State of Western Australia [2017] HCATrans 12 (2 February 2017) [100%]
(From High Court of Australia Transcripts; 2 February 2017; 52 KB)
High Court of Australia Bulletin [2017] HCAB 1 (15 February 2017) [2%]
(From High Court of Australia Bulletins; 145 KB)
High Court of Australia Bulletin [2017] HCAB 3 (26 April 2017) [2%]
(From High Court of Australia Bulletins; 161 KB)
High Court of Australia Bulletin [2017] HCAB 2 (16 March 2017) [2%]
(From High Court of Australia Bulletins; 157 KB)
Loughland, Amelia --- "Female Judges, Interrupted: a Study of Interruption Behaviour During Oral Argument in the High Court of Australia" [2020] MelbULawRw 10; (2020) 43(2) Melbourne University Law Review 822 [2%]
(From Melbourne University Law Review; 1 January 2020; 104 KB)
High Court of Australia Bulletin [2017] HCAB 4 (17 May 2017) [2%]
(From High Court of Australia Bulletins; 161 KB)