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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 3 for (melbjlintlaw 2009 27 or 2009 melbjlintlaw 27)
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  1. Bastos Lima, Mairon G --- "Biofuel Governance and International Legal Principles: Is It Equitable and Sustainable?" [2009] MelbJlIntLaw 27; (2009) 10(2) Melbourne Journal of International Law 470 [100%]
    (From Melbourne Journal of International Law; 1 October 2009; 96 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  2. Horn, Laura --- "Sustainable Development' - Mere Rhetoric or Realistic Objective?" [2011] UTasLawRw 5; (2011) 30(1) University of Tasmania Law Review 119 [4%]
    (From University of Tasmania Law Review; 1 January 2011; 143 KB)   View LawCite record  

  3. Horn, Laura; Freeland, Steven --- "More than Hot Air: Reflections on the Relationship between Climate Change and Human Rights" [2009] UWSLawRw 5; (2009) 13(1) University of Western Sydney Law Review 101 [4%]
    (From University of Western Sydney Law Review; 1 January 2009; 101 KB)   View LawCite record  

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