Lavery, Daniel --- "A Greater Sense of Tradition: The Implications of The Normative System Principles in Yorta Yorta for Native Title Determination Applications" [2003] MurdochUeJlLaw 41; (2003) 10(4) Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law [100%]
(From eLaw Journal: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law; 1 December 2003; 124 KB)
Lavery, Daniel --- "A Greater Sense of Tradition: The Implications of The Normative System Principles in Yorta Yorta for Native Title Determination Applications" [2003] MurdochUeJlLaw 41; (2003) 10(4) Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law [100%]
(From eLaw Journal: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law; 1 December 2003; 131 KB)