Bara v Blackwell [2022] NTCCA 17 (14 December 2022) [100%]
(From Supreme Court of the Northern Territory - Court of Criminal Appeal; 14 December 2022; 212 KB)
Jaragba v Siebert [2024] NTSC 80 (25 September 2024) [7%]
(From Supreme Court of the Northern Territory; 25 September 2024; 56 KB)
Fisher v Commonwealth of Australia [2023] FCAFC 106 (12 July 2023) [3%]
(From Federal Court of Australia - Full Court; 12 July 2023; 229 KB)
High Court of Australia Bulletin [2023] HCAB 6 (ugust 2023) [1%]
(From High Court of Australia Bulletins; 163 KB)