Horvath, Michal --- "Damages for breaching s52 of the Trade Practices Australian Capital Territory 1974" [2009] PrecedentAULA 22; (2009) 91 Precedent 4 [100%]
(From Precedent (Australian Lawyers Alliance); 1 March 2009; 32 KB)
Reilly, Emma --- "The meaning of fault in personal injuries cases Thea Spandide as v Dominic Vellar [2008] VSC 198" [2009] PrecedentAULA 33; (2009) 91 Precedent 45 [5%]
(From Precedent (Australian Lawyers Alliance); 1 March 2009; 12 KB)
Alexander, Phillipa --- "Litigating towards settlement" [2009] PrecedentAULA 31; (2009) 91 Precedent 43 [5%]
(From Precedent (Australian Lawyers Alliance); 1 March 2009; 6 KB)
Rider, Andrew --- "Delayed diagnosis, peer professional opinion and causation: O'Gorman v Sydney South West Area Health Service [2008] New South WalesSC 1127" [2009] PrecedentAULA 34; (2009) 91 Precedent 46 [5%]
(From Precedent (Australian Lawyers Alliance); 1 March 2009; 14 KB)
Agiannitopoulos, Dimitra --- "Damages for breach of employment contracts: the need for modernisation" [2009] PrecedentAULA 29; (2009) 91 Precedent 37 [5%]
(From Precedent (Australian Lawyers Alliance); 1 March 2009; 37 KB)