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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 5 for (unswlawjl 2001 30 or 2001 unswlawjl 30)

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  1. Pila, Justine --- "Methods of Medical Treatment Within Australia and United Kingdom Patents Law" [2001] UNSWLawJl 30; (2001) 24(2) UNSW Law Journal 420 [100%]
    (From University of New South Wales Law Journal; 1 January 2001; 218 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  2. Brennan, David J --- "An Essay on the Eligibility of Business Methods for Australian Patent Protection" [2002] JlLawInfoSci 2; (2002) 13(1) Journal of Law, Information and Science 8 [6%]
    (From Journal of Law, Information and Science; 1 January 2002; 98 KB)   View LawCite record  

  3. Dent, Chris --- "Patents as Administrative Acts: Patent Decisions for Administrative Review?" [2008] SydLawRw 32; (2008) 30(4) Sydney Law Review 691 [3%]
    (From Sydney Law Review; 1 December 2008; 93 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  4. Pfizer Inc v Commissioner of Patents [2004] NZCA 104; [2005] 1 NZLR 362 (28 June 2004) [3%]
    (From Court of Appeal of New Zealand; 28 June 2004; 98 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  5. Dent, C --- "Patents as Administrative Acts: Patent Decisions for Administrative Review?" [2008] UMelbLRS 13 [3%]
    (From University of Melbourne Law School Research Series; 31 December 2008; 118 KB)   View LawCite record  

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