Syrota, George --- "Australia's Counter - Terrorism Offences: A Critical Study" [2008] UWALawRw 5; (2008) 34(1) University of Western Australia Law Review 103 [100%]
(From University of Western Australia Law Review; 1 December 2008; 131 KB)
McGarrity, Nicola --- "The Criminalisation of Terrorist Financing in Australia" [2012] MonashULawRw 23; (2012) 38(3) Monash University Law Review 55 [3%]
(From Monash University Law Review; 1 January 2012; 117 KB)
Roos, Oscar; Hayward, Benjamin; Morss, John --- "Beyond the Separation of Powers: Judicial Review and the Regulatory Proscription of Terrorist Organisations" [2010] UWALawRw 4; (2010) 35(1) University of Western Australia Law Review 81 [3%]
(From University of Western Australia Law Review; 1 September 2010; 149 KB)