Goldacre, Lisa --- "The Contract for the Supply of Educational Services and Unfair Contract Terms: Advancing Students' Rights as Consumers" [2013] UWALawRw 10; (2013) 37(1) University of Western Australia Law Review 176 [100%]
(From University of Western Australia Law Review; 1 December 2013; 178 KB)
Do, Christina; Smith, Leigh --- "Higher Education Providers Liability to Students for Failing Adequately to Embed Learning Outcomes in the Educational Experience" [2021] AdelLawRw 6; (2021) 42(1) Adelaide Law Review 173 [6%]
(From Adelaide Law Review; 1 January 2021; 85 KB)
Do, Christine --- "The Integration of Learning Outcomes and Graduate Attributes in the Australian Higher Education Sector: Measures for Higher Education Providers to Reduce Legal Liability (Part 2)" [2021] MonashULawRw 9; (2021) 47(2) Monash University Law Review 1 [6%]
(From Monash University Law Review; 1 January 2021; 39 KB)
Do, Christina; Smith, Leigh --- "The Integration of Learning Outcomes and Graduate Attributes in the Australian Higher Education Sector: Integration, Evidence and Legal Consequences (Part 1)" [2021] MonashULawRw 4; (2021) 47(1) Monash University Law Review 88 [6%]
(From Monash University Law Review; 1 January 2021; 119 KB)