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(From New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal - Appeal Panel; 14 May 2021; 74 KB)
Seven Network (Operations) Ltd v Dowling [2021] NSWSC 726 (21 June 2021) [3%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 21 June 2021; 159 KB)
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(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 9 August 2005; 99 KB)
Lunn v The Commissioner for Public Employment [2009] NSWSC 19 (6 February 2009) [2%]
(From Supreme Court of New South Wales; 6 February 2009; 33 KB)
Beecham Motors Pty Ltd v General Motors Holden NSC Australia Pty Ltd [2021] VSC 855 (17 December 2021) [2%]
(From Supreme Court of Victoria; 17 December 2021; 111 KB)
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(From Federal Judicial Scholarship; 9 March 2013; 75 KB)
Morabito, Vince --- "Class Actions Instituted Only for the Benefit of the Clients of the Class Representative's Solicitors" [2007] SydLawRw 1; (2007) 29(1) Sydney Law Review 5 [1%]
(From Sydney Law Review; 1 March 2007; 153 KB)
Cashman, Peter; Simpson, Amelia --- "Research Paper 4 and Annexure - The Problem of Delay in Class Actions" [2020] UNSWLRS 86 [1%]
(From University of New South Wales Faculty of Law Research Series; 11 December 2020; 432 KB)
Murphy, Justice Bernard --- "The First 25 Years: Has the Class Action Regime Hit the Mark on Access to Justice?" (FCA) [2017] FedJSchol 27 [1%]
(From Federal Judicial Scholarship; 3 March 2017; 167 KB)