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Corliss v RG [2009] QChC 1 (27 November 2009) [100%]
(From Childrens Court of Queensland; 27 November 2009; 24 KB)
Criminal Offence Victims Act 1995 [95%]
(From Queensland Repealed Acts; 2 KB)
Barnett, Eola --- "Criminal Offence Victims Act 1995 (Qld): Some Observations" [1996] QUTLawJl 7; (1996) 12 Queensland University of Technology Law Journal 88 [79%]
(From Queensland University of Technology Law Journal; 1 December 1996; 34 KB)
Currie, Susan; Kift, Sally --- "Women Surviving as Victims in the Criminal Justice System in Queensland: Is Re victimisation Inevitable?" [1999] QUTLawJl 5; (1999) 15 Queensland University of Technology Law Journal 57 [54%]
(From Queensland University of Technology Law Journal; 1 December 1999; 66 KB)
McCann and Queensland Police Service [1997] QICmr 10; (1997) 4 QAR 30 (10 July 1997) [33%]
(From Queensland Information Commissioner; 10 July 1997; 142 KB)
Williamson and Queensland Police Service [2005] QICmr 4 (20 April 2005) [29%]
(From Queensland Information Commissioner; 20 April 2005; 61 KB)
Jefferis and Repatriation Commission [2007] AATA 1932 (9 November 2007) [25%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 9 November 2007; 15 KB)
Godwin and Queensland Police Service [1997] QICmr 11; (1997) 4 QAR 70 (11 July 1997) [20%]
(From Queensland Information Commissioner; 11 July 1997; 104 KB)
Garkawe, Sam --- "Restorative Justice From The Perspective Of Crime Victims" [1999] QUTLawJl 4; (1999) 15 Queensland University of Technology Law Journal 40 [20%]
(From Queensland University of Technology Law Journal; 1 December 1999; 68 KB)
[2006] ALRC 103 --- "Same Crime, Same Time: Sentencing of Federal Offenders" [2006] ALRC 1; Final Report [20%]
(From Australian Law Reform Commission Reports; 1 April 2006; 3577 KB)
Conway v State of Qld & Anor [2007] QADT 32 (10 December 2007) [16%]
(From Anti-Discrimination Tribunal Queensland; 10 December 2007; 59 KB)
Mackenzie, Geraldine --- "A question of balance: a study of judicial methodology, perceptions and attitudes in sentencing" [2001] UNSWLawTD 2 [12%]
(From University of New South Wales Law Theses and Dissertations; 3 October 2001; 1497 KB)
MLP, Re [2005] QGAAT 65 (28 October 2005) [12%]
(From Queensland Guardianship and Administration Tribunal; 28 October 2005; 19 KB)
Deacon and Secretary, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs [2009] AATA 88 (11 February 2009) [8%]
(From Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia; 11 February 2009; 24 KB)
Knibb and Department of Health [2006] QICmr 20 (29 June 2007) [8%]
(From Queensland Information Commissioner; 29 June 2007; 28 KB)
Johnson and Department of Health [2006] QICmr 19 (29 June 2007) [8%]
(From Queensland Information Commissioner; 29 June 2007; 35 KB)
Richardson and Department of Health [2006] QICmr 22 (29 June 2007) [8%]
(From Queensland Information Commissioner; 29 June 2007; 37 KB)
Mathews, Ben --- "Queensland Government Actions to Compensate Survivors of Institutional Abuse: A Critical and Comparative Evaluation" [2004] QUTLawJJl 2; (2004) 4(1) Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal 23 [8%]
(From Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal; 1 January 2004; 125 KB)
STH v. LJC [2010] QDC 303 (26 July 2010) [4%]
(From Queensland District Court Decisions; 26 July 2010; 63 KB)
Chang & Anor v. Laidley Shire Council [2005] QPEC 75 (18 August 2005) [4%]
(From Queensland Planning and Environment Court Decisions; 18 August 2005; 67 KB)
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