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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 69 for (rpa1953177)
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  1. Royal Powers Act 1953 [100%]
    (From Queensland Repealed Acts; 6 June 2002; 6 KB)   

  2. ROYAL POWERS ACT 1953 - NOTES [96%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1953; 26 KB)   

  3. ROYAL POWERS ACT 1953 - NOTES [96%]
    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 1953; 3 KB)   

  4. ROYAL POWERS ACT 1953 - SECT 1 Short title [81%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1953; 1 KB)   

  5. ROYAL POWERS ACT 1953 - SECT 1 [78%]
    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 1953; 1 KB)   

  6. Royal Powers Act 1953 [78%]
    (From Queensland Repealed Acts; 2 KB)   

    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 1953; 1 KB)   

    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 1953; 1 KB)   

  9. ROYAL POWERS ACT 1953 - SECT 2 [68%]
    (From Western Australian Current Acts; 1 January 1953; 2 KB)   

  10. ROYAL POWERS ACT 1953 - SECT 2 Exercise of statutory powers by the Sovereign [62%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 January 1953; 3 KB)   

  11. An Act relating to the exercise by the Sovereign of Powers under Acts of the Parliament - LONG TITLE [59%]
    (From Commonwealth Consolidated Acts; 1 KB)   

  12. Hydatids Regulations 1970 [40%]
    (From New Zealand Regulations As Made; 1 January 1970; 15 KB)   

  13. Constitutional Provisions Bill 1982 (111-1) [37%]
    (From New Zealand Historical Bills; 1 January 1982; 17 KB)   

  14. Radio Regulations 1970 [28%]
    (From New Zealand Regulations As Made; 1 January 1970; 126 KB)   

  15. Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Order 1954 [21%]
    (From New Zealand Repealed Regulations; 1 January 1954; 1 KB)   

  16. Double Taxation Relief (Fiji) Order 1977 [21%]
    (From New Zealand Repealed Regulations; 1 January 1977; 53 KB)   

  17. Dentists Advertising Regulations 1970 [18%]
    (From New Zealand Regulations As Made; 1 January 1970; 14 KB)   

  18. Coinage Regulations 1967 Amendment No. 5 1974 [15%]
    (From New Zealand Regulations As Made; 1 January 1974; 2 KB)   

  19. Coinage Regulations 1967 Amendment No. 6 1977 [15%]
    (From New Zealand Regulations As Made; 1 January 1977; 2 KB)   

  20. Coinage Regulations 1967 Amendment No. 10 1981 [15%]
    (From New Zealand Regulations As Made; 1 January 1981; 2 KB)   

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