Immigration Restriction Act 1901 (NO 17, 1901) [100%]
(From Commonwealth Numbered Acts; 23 December 1901; 1 KB)
McNeill, Henrietta; Marmo, Marinella --- "Past-Present Differential Inclusion: Australia's Targeted Deportation of Pacific Islanders, 1901 to 2021" [2023] IntJlCrimJustSocDem 5; (2023) 12(1) International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 42 [11%]
(From International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy; 1 January 2023; 86 KB)
Marmo, Marinella; Smith, Evan; Varnava, Andrekos --- "Historicising Australian Deportation of 'suspect' and 'undesirable' Migrant Communities" [2023] IntJlCrimJustSocDem 2; (2023) 12(1) International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 1 [11%]
(From International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy; 1 January 2023; 88 KB)