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  1. N96/10240 [1996] RRTA 1386 (4 June 1996) [100%]
    (From Refugee Review Tribunal of Australia; 4 June 1996; 4 KB)   View LawCite record  

  2. Review Applicant: Reza Biglarivisa Applicant: Amir Hoshank Biglari IRT Reference: N97/00910 #number 10240 [1997] IRTA 10240 (20 August 1997) [43%]
    (From Immigration Review Tribunal of Australia; 20 August 1997; 20 KB)   View LawCite record  

  3. Cronin v Choice Homes (Qld) Pty Ltd [2013] FWC 10240 (30 December 2013) [40%]
    (From Fair Work Commission; 30 December 2013; 88 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  4. Bao Down Limited - on-licence - Owairaka Rd - [2015] NZDLCAK 10240 (29 October 2015) [37%]
    (From New Zealand District Licensing Committee - Auckland; 29 October 2015; 8 KB)   View LawCite record  

  5. WorkSafe New Zealand v Champion Flour Milling Limited [2020] NZDC 10240 (19 August 2020) [33%]
    (From District Court of New Zealand; 19 August 2020; 49 KB)   View LawCite record  [*]

  6. Cronin v Choice Homes (Qld) Pty Ltd [2013] FWCSum 10240 (30 December 2013) [31%]
    (From Fair Work Commission - Decision Summaries; 30 December 2013; 7 KB)   View LawCite record  

  7. WorkSafe New Zealand v Champion Flour Milling Limited [2020] NZHSE 7; [2020] NZDC 10240 (19 August 2020) [28%]
    (From New Zealand Health and Safety in Employment Decisions; 19 August 2020; 49 KB)   View LawCite record  

  8. ARPANSA Agreement 2007 - 2010 [2016] FWCAgmt 10240 (5 May 2016) [27%]
    (From Fair Work Commission Agreements; 5 May 2016; 1 KB)   View LawCite record  

  9. Town and Country Planning (Westernport) Act 1985 [25%]
    (From Victorian Historical Acts; 1 January 1985; 5 KB)   

  10. The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union of Workers v Willisford Interiors Pty Ltd [2003] WAIRComm 10240 (8 December 2003) [22%]
    (From Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission; 8 December 2003; 4 KB)   View LawCite record  

  11. [PDF] Victorian Government Gazette, No 54, 25 May 1877, 991 - Page 1024 [17%]
    (From Victorian Government Gazettes; 25 May 1877; 8 KB)   View LawCite record  

  12. [PDF] Victorian Government Gazette, No 30, 17 March 1922, 813 - Page 817 [17%]
    (From Victorian Government Gazettes; 17 March 1922; 3 KB)   View LawCite record  

  13. Keller Ground Engineering Pty Ltd re Keller Ground Engineering Pty Ltd Wheatstone Project Agreement 2012 [2012] FWAA 10240 (5 December 2012) [17%]
    (From Fair Work Australia - Enterprise Agreement; 5 December 2012; 6 KB)   View LawCite record  

  14. Keller Ground Engineering Pty Ltd Wheatstone Project Agreement 2012 [2012] FWAAgmt 10240 (4 December 2012) [17%]
    (From Fair Work Australia Agreements; 4 December 2012; 1 KB)   View LawCite record  

  15. District Court (Fees) Amendment Regulation 1999 (1999-574) [GG No 124 of 29.10.1999, p 10240] [13%]
    (From New South Wales Regulations As Made; 1 January 1999; 5 KB)   

  16. [PDF] New Zealand Gazette, No 82, 1992 - Page 352 [13%]
    (From Other New Zealand Materials; 2 KB)   View LawCite record  

  17. Industrial Awards - Boot and Shoe Manufacturers (State) Award [1940] NSWIndGaz 441; (1940) 57 NSW Industrial Gazette 845; No 153 of 1940; No 10240 (17 May 1940) [10%]
    (From New South Wales Industrial Gazettes; 17 May 1940; 10 KB)   View LawCite record  

  18. [PDF] Victorian Government Gazette, No 159, 23 December 1893, 5121 - Page 5127 [8%]
    (From Victorian Government Gazettes; 23 December 1893; 3 KB)   View LawCite record  

  19. Inspector of Awards - interpretation - Northern, Taranaki, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago and Southland Boot Operatives' award - Court of Arbitration [1931] NZBkAwdDec 77; [1931] BA 465 (15 December 1931) [7%]
    (From New Zealand Book of Awards - Decisions; 15 December 1931; 3 KB)   View LawCite record  

  20. IM KOLLN v. SUTHERLAND SHIRE COUNCIL [1996] NSWLEC 188 (12 July 1996) [7%]
    (From Land and Environment Court of New South Wales; 12 July 1996; 14 KB)   View LawCite record  

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