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N96/11441 [1996] RRTA 2919 (15 October 1996) [100%]
(From Refugee Review Tribunal of Australia; 15 October 1996; 56 KB)
Robinson v Guyco Construction Limited [2016] NZDC 11441 (8 July 2016) [46%]
(From District Court of New Zealand; 8 July 2016; 22 KB)
Review & Visa Applicant: Ok Heui Shim Kang, Jin Hyo Kang IRT Reference: N97/01180 #number 11441 [1998] IRTA 11441 (10 March 1998) [40%]
(From Immigration Review Tribunal of Australia; 10 March 1998; 15 KB)
Tamara Nicole BULL - Manager [2015] NZDLCAK 11441 (26 November 2015) [39%]
(From New Zealand District Licensing Committee - Auckland; 26 November 2015; 5 KB)
Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment v Guo [2020] NZDC 11441 (17 June 2020) [37%]
(From District Court of New Zealand; 17 June 2020; 14 KB)
Leisha Alexandra Jenkins v TNT Australia Pty Ltd [2004] WAIRComm 11441 (12 May 2004) [32%]
(From Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission; 12 May 2004; 3 KB)
[PDF] Victorian Government Gazette, No 180, 2 March 1949, 1441 [20%]
(From Victorian Government Gazettes; 2 March 1949; 10 KB)
[PDF] Victorian Government Gazette, No 211, 19 February 1951, 1441 [20%]
(From Victorian Government Gazettes; 19 February 1951; 18 KB)
Adept Contractors Pty Ltd Employee Collective Agreement [2016] FWCAgmt 11441 (5 May 2016) [20%]
(From Fair Work Commission Agreements; 5 May 2016; 1 KB)
[PDF] Victorian Government Gazette, No 211, 19 February 1951, 1441 - Page 1441 [17%]
(From Victorian Government Gazettes; 19 February 1951; 2 KB)
[PDF] Victorian Government Gazette, No 180, 2 March 1949, 1441 - Page 1441 [17%]
(From Victorian Government Gazettes; 2 March 1949; 4 KB)
Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Vehicle Standards) Regulation 1999 (1999-625) [GG No 133 of 26.11.1999, p 11441] [11%]
(From New South Wales Regulations As Made; 1 January 1999; 177 KB)
State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Amendment (St Catherine's Villa) Order 2003 (2003-969) [GG No 197 of 19.12.2003, p 11441] [10%]
(From New South Wales Regulations As Made; 1 January 2003; 3 KB)
Industrial Awards - Ironworkers' Assistants, &c (State) Award [1941] NSWIndGaz 255; (1941) 60 NSW Industrial Gazette 451; No W 211 of 1941; No 11441 (18 February 1941) [10%]
(From New South Wales Industrial Gazettes; 18 February 1941; 19 KB)
[PDF] Victorian Government Gazette, No 70, 23 August 1890, 3437 - Page 3449 [6%]
(From Victorian Government Gazettes; 23 August 1890; 4 KB)
Krslovic Homes Pty Ltd v Ku-ring-gai Council [2005] NSWLEC 192 (6 April 2005) [5%]
(From Land and Environment Court of New South Wales; 6 April 2005; 20 KB)
[PDF] South Australian Government Gazette, No 1.0005, 1 February 1934 - Page 233 [5%]
(From Australian Secondary Materials Databases - including Law Reform; 1 February 1934; 12 KB)
[PDF] South Australian Government Gazette, No 2.0045, 11 October 1934 - Page 727 [5%]
(From Australian Secondary Materials Databases - including Law Reform; 11 October 1934; 10 KB)
[PDF] South Australian Government Gazette, No 1.0009, 25 February 1937 - Page 458 [5%]
(From Australian Secondary Materials Databases - including Law Reform; 25 February 1937; 12 KB)
AG2005/2108, Transcript of Proceedings [2005] AIRCTrans 1116 (11 May 2005) [5%]
(From Australian Industrial Relations Commission Transcripts; 11 May 2005; 14 KB)
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